Postage stamps of Italy - Italian offices in the Turkish Empire

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1908 Turin issue ovpted on stamps of Italy p. 14 (5 stamps)
X 10pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
X 20pa on 10c cl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 30pa on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III, w. unwmk
- 40pa on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 80pa on 50c vio Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)

1908 Constantinople 1st printing issue ovpted on stamps of Italy (7 stamps)
- 10pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 20pa on 10c cl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 30pa on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III, w. unwmk
- 1pi on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 2pi on 50c vio Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 4pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 20pi on 5l bl & rose Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)

1908 Constantinople 2nd printing issue ovpted on stamps of Italy (7 stamps)
X 10pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 20pa on 10c cl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 30pa on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III, w. unwmk
- 1pi on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 2pi on 50c vio Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 4pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)
- 20pi on 5l bl & rose Victor Emmanuel III, w. crown (Italy)

1908 Constantinople 3rd printing issue ovpted on stamp of Italy unwmk
- 30pa on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III

1908 Constantinople 4th printing issue ovpted on stamps of Italy wmk. crown (Italy)
- 4pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
- 20pi on 5l bl & rose Victor Emmanuel III 10.–100 10.–100

1908 Constantinople 5th printing issue ovpted on stamps of Italy
- 4pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III
- 20pi on 5l bl & rose Victor Emmanuel III

1921 1921 issue ovpted on stamps of Italy (5 stamps)
- 1pi on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III
X 2pi on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III
- 4pi on 20c brnorg Victor Emmanuel III
- 5pi on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III
X 10pi on 60c car Victor Emmanuel III

1922 ovpted on stamp of Italy
X 3.75pi on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III

1922 1922a issue ovpted on stamps of Italy (8 stamps)
X 10pa on 1c brn Eagle & ornaments
X 20pa on 2c orgbrn Eagle & ornaments
X 30pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III
X 1pi20pa on 15c sl Victor Emmanuel III
- 3pi on 20c brnorg Victor Emmanuel III
X 3pi30pa on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III
X 7pi20pa on 60c car Victor Emmanuel III
- 15pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III

1922 1922b issue ovpted on stamps of Italy (11 stamps)
- 30pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III
X 30pa on 2c orgbrn Eagle & ornaments
- 1.50pi on 25c bl Victor Emmanuel III
- 1.50pi on 20c brnorg Victor Emmanuel III
- 3.75pi on 40c brn Victor Emmanuel III
- 4.50pi on 50c vio Victor Emmanuel III
- 7.50pi on 60c car Victor Emmanuel III
- 15pi on 85c redbrn Victor Emmanuel III
- 18.75pi on 1l brn & grn Victor Emmanuel III
- 45pi on 5l bl & rose Victor Emmanuel III
- 90pi on 10l graygrn & red Victor Emmanuel III

1922 1922c issue ovpted on stamp of Italy
- 30pa on 5c grn Victor Emmanuel III
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