Watermark "crown & GvR" (British offices in Morocco, British currency usage only)
Short desc: crown & GvR
In use 1912-1963
Users of this watermark: Bechuanaland Protectorate (10 stamps, 1912-1914), Great Britain (21 stamps, 1912-1924), British offices in Morocco, British currency (8 stamps, 1914-1918), British offices in Morocco, French currency (9 stamps, 1917-1924), British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency (8 stamps, 1914-1917), British offices in the Turkish Empire (21 stamps, 1913-1921), Ireland (40 stamps, 1922-1923), Jordan (112 stamps, 1920-1963), Nauru (11 stamps, 1916), Palestine (66 stamps, 1918-1942) Show with all usages
Used by 8 stamps of British offices in Morocco, British currency: (See all uses as list)
1914 1p scar d=King George V (1912 b) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-1p-scar-King George V
1914 1 1/2p redbrn d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-1 1/2p-King George V
1914 2p dporg d=King George V (1912 c) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-2p-King George V
1914 3d vio d=King George V (1912 c) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-3d-King George V
1914 4d slgrn d=King George V (1912 c) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-4d-King George V
1914 6p roselil d=King George V (1912 d) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-6p-King George V
1914 1sh bis d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-1sh-King George V
1918 1/2d grn d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-1/2d-grn-King George V
All are issue=1914 perf=15x14