Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
Urdu characters (1905)
Watermark "unwmk" (Republic of the Congo usage only)
(No images available)
Short desc: unwmk
Used by 1804 stamps of Republic of the Congo:
(See all uses as list)
11/28/1959 25fr d=allegory (1959)
airmail 1960 250fr d=anhingas oc=blk on=issuer=French Equatorial Africa-500fr
5/21/1960 50fr issue=CCTA
12/15/1960 85fr d=Youlou
12/15/1960 15fr d=Youlou
3/11/1961 5fr d=flag of Congo & map of Congo & UN emblem
3/11/1961 100fr d=flag of Congo & map of Congo & UN emblem
3/11/1961 20fr d=flag of Congo & map of Congo & UN emblem
airmail 9/28/1961 200fr dt=flowers (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Cogniauxia podolaena (1961)
airmail 9/28/1961 500fr dt=flowers (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Thesium tencio
airmail 9/28/1961 100fr dt=flowers (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Helicrysum mechowiam
airmail 11/25/1961 50fr issue=Air Afrique
11/28/1961 50c dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=rainbow runner
11/28/1961 5fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=hatchet fish
11/28/1961 1fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Sloan's viperfish
11/28/1961 2fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Sloan's viperfish
11/28/1961 3fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=rainbow runner
11/28/1961 10fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=long-tooth
postage due 12/4/1961 25fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
postage due 12/4/1961 25fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 2fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 5fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 10fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 1fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 50c issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
postage due 12/4/1961 2fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
postage due 12/4/1961 10fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
postage due 12/4/1961 5fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
postage due 12/4/1961 1fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
postage due 12/4/1961 50c issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
3/23/1962 20fr d=Brazzaville market
semipostal 4/7/1962 25fr+5fr bis issue=Anti-Malaria
airmail 6/8/1962 50fr issue=International Fair, Pointe Noire
7/21/1962 50fr issue=Abidjan Games d=running (1962)
7/21/1962 20fr issue=Abidjan Games d=boxing (1962 Republic of the Congo)
airmail 7/21/1962 100fr issue=Abidjan Games
9/8/1962 30fr issue=African & Malagasy Union
semipostal 3/21/1963 25fr+5fr viobl&blgrn&brn issue=Freedom from Hunger
airmail 7/31/1963 100fr
airmail 8/9/1963 100fr d=Costus spectabilis
airmail 9/8/1963 85fr issue=African and Malagasy Posts and Telecommunications Union
9/19/1963 100fr issue=space communications
9/19/1963 25fr issue=space communications
10/21/1963 15fr d=mask
10/21/1963 10fr d=King Makokus Collar
airmail 11/4/1963 250fr d=Acanthus montanus (1963)
airmail 11/19/1963 50fr issue=Inauguration of DC-8 Service at Air Afrique
airmail 11/28/1963 25fr d=Liberty Square, Brazzaville
airmail 11/30/1963 50fr issue=European-African Economic Convention
12/10/1963 25fr issue=human rights 15th
(plus 1754 more)
(See all uses as list)