Great Britain - British offices in Tangier persons

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Edward VIII - ... syns. King Edward VIII, Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII)
Queen Elizabeth II 1926 Princess Elizabeth visit to Malta accession birth coronation - Coronation 1953 visit to Brazil visit to Tynwald syns. Princess Elizabeth, Elizabeth II, QEII, Queen Elisabeth II
St George
King George V accession - Silver Jubilee syns. George V, George, Prince of Wales, Prince George, Duke of York
King George VI coronation visit syns. George VI, KGVI, Prince Albert (later George VI), Duke of York
Queen Elizabeth 1900 2002 birth The Queen Mother death syns. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Queen Mother Elisabeth, Elizabeth Duchess of York, Lady Elizabeth, Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, Duchess of York
Queen Victoria 1819 1901 accession birth death syns. QV, Victoria

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