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WNS catalog - Mexico

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
MX001.05 postage 4/29/2005 10.50p multi issue=A World without Polio wmk=MEX & eagle 1
MX002.05 5/15/2005 6.50p issue=Teacher's Day 2005 24
MX003.05 5/23/2005 10.50p issue=400th Anniversary of the First Edition of Don Quixote 1
MX004.05 5/23/2005 6.50p 1
MX005.05 5/23/2005 10.50p 1
MX006.05 5/26/2005 7.50p issue=International Year of Physics 1
MX007.05 6/6/2005 6.50p issue=National Human Rights Commission 1
MX008.05 6/8/2005 6.50p issue=Mexican Architects Society 100th 1
MX009.05 6/24/2005 10.50p issue=International Day against Drug Trafficking and Abuse 1
MX010.05 6/27/2005 7.50p issue=Baseball in Mexico 26
MX011.05 6/27/2005 6.50p issue=Transparency and Access to Information 25
MX012.05 6/28/2005 6.50p issue=The Art of Caricature in Mexico 1
MX013.05 6/28/2005 6.50p 1 0
MX014.05 6/28/2005 6.50p 1 0
MX015.05 6/28/2005 6.50p 1 0
MX016.05 6/28/2005 6.50p 1 0
MX017.05 6/29/2005 7.50p d=Juan O'Gorman, National Tribute
MX018.05 8/3/2005 6.50p dt=minerals of Mexico d=Native silver 1
MX019.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 2
MX020.05 8/3/2005 6.50p d=marcasite, quartz, galena 3
MX021.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 4
MX022.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 5
MX023.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 6
MX024.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 7
MX025.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 8
MX026.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 9
MX027.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 10
MX028.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 11
MX029.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 12
MX030.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 13
MX031.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 14
MX032.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 15
MX033.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 16
MX034.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 17
MX035.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 18
MX036.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 19
MX037.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 20
MX038.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 21
MX039.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 22
MX040.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 23
MX041.05 8/3/2005 6.50p 24
MX042.05 8/3/2005 6.50p d=actinolite on talc 25
MX043.05 8/23/2005 7.50p issue=Vallarta 175th d=Ignacio L. Vallarta 1
MX044.05 8/23/2005 6.50p issue=Supreme Court of.. 1825-2005 - Miguel Dominguez 1756-1830 23
MX045.05 8/23/2005 6.50p issue=Federal Judiciary Council - 1995-2005 19
MX046.05 8/23/2005 10.50p issue=Supreme Tribunal of Justice 1815-2005 20
MX047.05 9/15/2005 13.00p issue=Expo Aichi 1
MX048.05 10/6/2005 6.50p issue=150th Anniversar..e Supreme Court of the Federal District 1
MX049.05 10/6/2005 6.50p 1 0
MX050.05 10/6/2005 7.50p 1
MX051.05 10/10/2005 10.50p issue=World Post Day 2005 1
MX052.05 10/24/2005 10.50p issue=Mexico in the United Nations 1
MX053.05 10/27/2005 6.50p issue=100 Years of Philately in Jalisco 1
MX054.05 11/14/2005 10.50p issue=125th Anniversary of Lebanese Presence in Mexico 1
MX055.05 11/15/2005 7.50p issue=Usigli 100th d=Rodolfo Usigli 1
MX056.05 11/30/2005 $0.50 dt=handicrafts (2005) d=Cinnamon coloured Earthenware Jar
MX057.05 11/30/2005 1.00p d=Lacquered Wood chest
MX058.05 11/30/2005 1.50p d=Horn Comb
MX059.05 11/30/2005 2.00p d=Black Earthenware Jug
MX060.05 11/30/2005 2.50p d=Paper Bull
MX061.05 11/30/2005 5.00p d=Embroidered Tablecloth
MX062.05 11/30/2005 6.50p d=++ Ceramic Basin 1
MX063.05 11/30/2005 6.50p d=Decorate Vase 2
MX064.05 11/30/2005 6.50p d=wooden mask 3
MX065.05 11/30/2005 6.50p d=Tin cockerel 4
MX066.05 11/30/2005 6.50p d=Resin Model 5
MX067.05 11/30/2005 7.00p d=Silver doll
MX068.05 11/30/2005 7.50p d=Copper Vase (2005)
MX069.05 11/30/2005 9.00p d=++ Embroidered Tablecloth
MX070.05 11/30/2005 10.50p d=Seri basket
MX071.05 11/30/2005 13.00p d=Silver Gourd
MX072.05 11/30/2005 14.50p d=Amber Marimba
MX073.05 11/30/2005 30.50p d=Obsidian and Opal Turtle
MX074.05 12/2/2005 6.50p issue=100 Years of the..ers of the Christian Brothers in Mexico 1
MX075.05 12/6/2005 7.50p issue=100 Years of Judaism in Mexico 1
MX076.05 12/16/2005 6.50p issue=Promotion of Popular and Indigenous Culture 27
MX077.05 12/20/2005 6.50p issue=Christmas 2005 1
MX078.05 12/20/2005 7.50p 1
MX079.05 2/4/2005 6.50p issue=General Hospital of Mexico City 100th 1
MX080.05 3/8/2005 6.50p issue=International Women's Day 2005 1
MX081.05 4/18/2005 7.50p issue=National University Games 1
MX082.05 11/22/2005 7.50p d=San Juan de Ulua - The last Spanish Resistance
MX083.05 12/22/2005 10.50p issue=90 Years of Journalism in Mexico perf=13 1
MX001.06 2/27/2006 10.50p issue=Technique in the Service of the Country 1
MX002.06 3/31/2006 7.50p issue=Mozart 250th d=Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2006 Mexico) 1
MX003.06 4/5/2006 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary of UNAM Central Library 1
MX004.06 4/26/2006 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary of the Latin American Tower 1
MX005.06 4/26/2006 10.50p 1
MX006.06 5/15/2006 6.50p issue=Teacher's Day 2006 1
MX007.06 5/31/2006 6.50p issue=International Women's Day 2006 1
MX008.06 5/16/2006 6.50p issue=A Space for Culture - Vasconcelos Library 1
MX009.06 6/9/2006 13.00p issue=World Cup 2006 1
MX010.06 6/22/2006 13.00p issue=200th Juarez Garcia d=Benito Juarez Garcia 1
MX011.06 8/11/2006 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary..he Training Centre for the Mexican Navy 1
MX012.06 8/21/2006 6.50p issue=Mexican Television Personalities 1
MX013.06 8/21/2006 7.50p 1
MX014.06 8/21/2006 10.50p 1
MX015.06 8/21/2006 13.00p 1
MX016.06 8/21/2006 14.50p 1
MX017.06 9/20/2006 6.50p issue=International Year of Deserts and Desertification 1
MX018.06 9/29/2006 6.50p dt=dinosaurs of Mexico
MX019.06 9/29/2006 7.50p
MX020.06 9/29/2006 10.50p
MX021.06 10/9/2006 13.00p issue=World Post Day 2006 1
MX022.06 10/9/2006 6.50p issue=150th Anniversary of the First Mexican Postage Stamp 2
MX023.06 10/9/2006 7.50p 2
MX024.06 10/9/2006 9.00p perf=13.5 2
MX025.06 10/9/2006 10.50p 2
MX026.06 10/9/2006 13.00p 2
MX027.06 xlink Colnect 808136-Miguel_Hidalgo_y_Costill..-First_Mexican_Stamp_150th_Anniv-Mexico
MX028.06 postage 10/30/2006 6.50p multi issue=M..nalities - Xavier Lopez wmk=MEX & eagle 1
MX029.06 10/30/2006 10.50p 1
MX030.06 11/10/2006 6.50p issue=75th Anniversary of Postman's Day 1
MX031.06 11/17/2006 10.50p issue=50 Years since..he Autonomous University of the State o 1
MX032.06 11/22/2006 10.50p issue=Children, the Future of Mexico 1
MX033.06 11/23/2006 9.00p issue=Centenary of Andres Henestrosa d=Andrés Henestrosa 1
MX034.06 11/28/2006 10.50p issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Edmundo O'Gorman 1
MX035.06 11/30/2006 7.00p issue=100th Anniversa..e International Telecommunication Union 1
MX036.06 12/6/2006 7.50p issue=Christmas 2006 1
MX037.06 12/6/2006 10.50p 1
MX001.07 5/15/2007 7.50p issue=Teacher's Day 2007 1
MX002.07 6/13/2007 13.00p issue=Centenary of Birth of Frida Kahlo d=Frida Kahlo 1
MX003.07 6/30/2007 6.50p issue=Centenary of Scouting 1
MX004.07 6/30/2007 10.50p 1
MX005.07 7/13/2007 6.50p issue=Chichén Itzá, Mexico - Archeology perf=13.5 1
MX006.07 7/13/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX007.07 7/13/2007 13.00p 1
MX008.07 7/13/2007 13.00p 1 0
MX009.07 7/13/2007 10.50p 1
MX010.07 7/19/2007 10.50p issue=Colima - 150 Years 1
MX011.07 8/1/2007 5.50p issue=Centenary of the Postal Palace perf=13.5 1
MX012.07 8/1/2007 6.50p 1
MX013.07 8/1/2007 14.50p 1
MX014.07 8/1/2007 39.50p 1
MX015.07 8/1/2007 5.50p 1
MX016.07 8/1/2007 6.50p 1
MX017.07 8/1/2007 6.50p perf=13.5 1 0
MX018.07 8/1/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX019.07 8/1/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX020.07 8/1/2007 9.00p 1
MX021.07 8/1/2007 9.00p 1 0
MX022.07 8/1/2007 13.00p 1
MX023.07 8/1/2007 14.50p 1
MX024.07 8/1/2007 15.50p 1
MX025.07 8/1/2007 10.50p 1
MX026.07 8/1/2007 13.00p perf=13.5 1
MX027.07 9/5/2007 5.00p issue=100th d=Locomotive Torreón Station Museum 1
MX028.07 9/5/2007 6.50p d=Bridge church spires 1
MX029.07 9/5/2007 6.50p d=Isauro Martínez Theater 1 0
MX030.07 9/5/2007 14.50p d=Statue of Jesus Christ 1
MX031.07 9/5/2007 14.50p d=Bilbao Dunes Tower 1 0
MX032.07 9/20/2007 7.50p issue=Universal Forum of Cultures, Monterey 2007 d=Dove & hand 1 1
MX033.07 9/20/2007 7.50p d=child & books 1 3
MX034.07 9/20/2007 7.50p d=Windmill children picking orange 1 2
MX035.07 9/20/2007 13.00p 1
MX036.07 9/20/2007 13.00p 1 0
MX037.07 9/21/2007 6.50p issue=University Town,..ultural Heritage site d=Olympic stadium 1
MX038.07 9/21/2007 9.00p 1
MX039.07 9/21/2007 13.00p 1
MX040.07 10/4/2007 7.50p issue=50th Anniversary of the Autonomous University of Coahuila 1
MX041.07 10/1/2007 7.00p issue=Ozone Layer Protection in Mexico 1
MX042.07 10/1/2007 14.50p 1
MX043.07 10/3/2007 6.50p d=Virreinal Art
MX044.07 10/10/2007 7.50p issue=50th Anniversar..utonomous University of Baja California 1
MX045.07 10/9/2007 7.00p issue=World Post Day 2007 1
MX046.07 10/9/2007 10.50p 1
MX047.07 10/11/2007 6.50p issue=Rights of Persons with Disabilities 1
MX048.07 10/11/2007 6.50p issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Gabilondo Soler 2
MX049.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX050.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX051.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX052.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX053.07 10/11/2007 7.50p 2
MX054.07 10/11/2007 7.00p 2
MX055.07 10/11/2007 5.00p 2
MX056.07 10/11/2007 5.00p 2 0
MX057.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2
MX058.07 10/11/2007 7.00p 2
MX059.07 10/11/2007 7.00p 2 0
MX060.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2
MX061.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX062.07 10/11/2007 6.50p 2 0
MX063.07 10/19/2007 7.50p issue=50th Anniversary of Master\'s Degree in Administration 1
MX064.07 11/4/2007 7.50p d=The Cuauhtemoc Sail Training Vessel
MX065.07 11/11/2007 10.50p issue=Postman's Day 2007 1
MX066.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1
MX067.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX068.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX069.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX070.07 11/12/2007 10.50p 1
MX071.07 11/12/2007 7.00p 1
MX072.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1
MX073.07 11/12/2007 10.50p 1
MX074.07 11/12/2007 7.00p 1
MX075.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1
MX076.07 11/12/2007 10.50p 1
MX077.07 11/12/2007 7.00p 1
MX078.07 11/12/2007 6.50p 1
MX079.07 11/26/2007 7.00p issue=International D..e Elimination of Violence against Women 1
MX080.07 11/27/2007 10.50p issue=Amparo Law - C..Proceeding to Protect Citizen\'s Rights 1
MX081.07 12/11/2007 6.50p issue=Monte Albàn Mexico perf=13 1
MX082.07 12/11/2007 6.50p 1 0
MX083.07 12/11/2007 13.00p 1
MX084.07 12/11/2007 13.00p 1 0
MX085.07 12/11/2007 10.50p 1
MX086.07 12/12/2007 6.50p issue=Christmas 2007 1
MX087.07 12/12/2007 7.50p 1
MX088.07 12/12/2007 10.50p 1
MX089.07 12/12/2007 13.50p 1
MX090.07 12/12/2007 14.50p 1
MX091.07 12/11/2007 10.50p issue=Breeds of Dogs dt=dogs (2007 Mexico) d=English Bulldog 2
MX092.07 12/11/2007 10.50p d=Rottweiler (2007) 2 0
MX093.07 12/11/2007 10.50p d=boxer (dog) (2007) 2 0
MX094.07 12/11/2007 10.50p d=beagle (2007) 2 0
MX095.07 12/11/2007 7.00p d=English Bulldog 2 1
MX096.07 12/11/2007 7.00p d=Rottweiler (2007) 2 2
MX097.07 12/11/2007 7.00p d=boxer (dog) (2007) 2 3
MX098.07 12/11/2007 7.00p d=beagle (2007) 2 4
MX099.07 12/11/2007 6.50p d=English Bulldog 2 1
MX100.07 12/11/2007 6.50p d=Rottweiler (2007) 2 2
MX101.07 12/11/2007 6.50p d=boxer (dog) (2007) 2 3
MX102.07 12/11/2007 6.50p d=beagle (2007) 2 4
MX103.07 12/17/2007 10.50p issue=Centenary of the death of Jesus Garcia Corona 1
MX104.07 12/19/2007 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary of the Towers of Satelite City 1
MX105.07 12/28/2007 7.00p issue=Big Constructions - Presa El Cajon 1
MX106.07 12/28/2007 13.00p 1
MX001.08 1/29/2008 6.50p d=letters
MX002.08 5/2/2008 6.50p issue=Mother's Day 2008 1
MX003.08 5/14/2008 6.50p d=Miguel Aleman Valdes
MX004.08 5/15/2008 6.50p issue=Teacher's Day 2008 1
MX005.08 6/19/2008 6.50p issue=Icons of Wrestling - El Santo perf=13 1
MX006.08 6/19/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX007.08 6/19/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX008.08 6/19/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX009.08 6/19/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX010.08 6/19/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX011.08 8/8/2008 6.50p issue=Olympics 2008 1
MX012.08 8/8/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX013.08 8/8/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX014.08 8/19/2008 6.50p issue=Electoral Justice in Mexico 1
MX015.08 9/8/2008 6.50p issue=Correos de Mexico 1
MX016.08 9/15/2008 6.50p issue=Beginning of the..centenary of the Independence of Mexico 1
MX017.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX018.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX019.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX020.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX021.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX022.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX023.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX024.08 9/15/2008 10.50p 1
MX025.08 9/15/2008 $10.50 1 0
MX026.08 9/15/2008 6.50p issue=75th Anniversary..onomous University Nuevo Leon perf=13.5 2
MX027.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 2 0
MX028.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 2 0
MX029.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 2 0
MX030.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 2 0
MX031.08 9/15/2008 $6.50 2 0
MX032.08 10/9/2008 10.50p issue=World Post Day 2008 1
MX033.08 10/9/2008 6.50p dt=flora (2008) d=Hylocereus undatus (2008 Mexico) perf=13
MX034.08 10/9/2008 6.50p d=Curcurbita pepo 0
MX035.08 11/3/2008 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary of the Autonomous University of Tabasco 1
MX036.08 11/12/2008 6.50p issue=Postman Day 2008 perf=13 1
MX037.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX038.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX039.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX040.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX041.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX042.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX043.08 11/12/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX044.08 11/19/2008 6.50p issue=National Employment Service 1
MX045.08 11/20/2008 6.50p issue=Centenary of the Mexican Revolution 1
MX046.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX047.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX048.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX049.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX050.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX051.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX052.08 11/20/2008 $6.50 1 0
MX053.08 11/20/2008 10.50p imperf 1
MX054.08 11/20/2008 $10.50 1 0
MX055.08 12/4/2008 6.50p d=Museum Parque la Venta in Tabasco
MX056.08 12/10/2008 6.50p issue=Christmas 2008 1
MX057.08 12/10/2008 10.50p 1
MX058.08 12/16/2008 6.50p issue=Birth Centenary of Gonzalo Aguirre Beltran 1
MX059.08 12/19/2008 6.50p issue=Archeology in Mexico - Palenque 1
MX060.08 12/19/2008 $6.50 issue=Archaeology in Mexico - Palenque 2
MX061.08 12/19/2008 13.00p issue=Archeology in Mexico - Palenque perf=13 1
MX062.08 12/19/2008 $13.00 issue=Archaeology in Mexico - Palenque 2
MX063.08 12/19/2008 10.50p issue=Archeology in Mexico - Palenque 1
MX064.08 12/24/2008 6.50p issue=50th Anniversary of the Mexican Film Academy Ariel 1
MX001.09 2/11/2009 $6.50 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2009 1
MX002.09 2/18/2009 $6.50 issue=Carnivals of Mexico 1
MX003.09 3/21/2009 $6.50 issue=Archaeology Mexico Tajin 1
MX004.09 3/21/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX005.09 3/21/2009 $13.00 perf=13 1
MX006.09 3/21/2009 $13.00 1 0
MX007.09 3/21/2009 $10.50 1
MX008.09 3/27/2009 $6.50 issue=50th Anniversary of Canal ONCE 1
MX009.09 5/3/2009 $6.50 issue=Teacher Day 2009 1
MX010.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 issue=125th Anniversary of the Bank of Mexico perf=13 1
MX011.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX012.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX013.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX014.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX015.09 6/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX016.09 6/5/2009 $10.50 issue=World Day of the Environment 1
MX017.09 6/19/2009 $10.50 d=University of Aquascalientes
MX018.09 7/27/2009 $10.50 d=Condor de California Gymnogyps californianus
MX019.09 8/11/2009 $6.50 issue=International Day of Indigenous People 1
MX020.09 8/20/2009 $6.50 issue=50th Anniversary.. the National Commission for Text Books 1
MX021.09 9/14/2009 $10.50 issue=Preservation of..ztaccíhuatl y El Popocatépetl perf=13 1
MX022.09 9/14/2009 $13.00 d=Citlaltépetl Pico de Orizaba 1
MX023.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 issue=Beginning of the..xico 2009 d=Execution of Miguel Hidalgo 1
MX024.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 d=Capture of Hidalgo & the early leaders 1 0
MX025.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 d=Establishment of the Supreme Governing Board 1 0
MX026.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 d=Congress of Chilpancingo 1 0
MX027.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 d=Execution of Morelos 1 0
MX028.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX029.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX030.09 9/16/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX031.09 9/16/2009 $10.50 imperf 1
MX032.09 9/16/2009 $10.50 1 0
MX033.09 9/30/2009 $6.50 issue=Postal and Logistic meeting Uni Americas 1
MX034.09 10/5/2009 $6.50 issue=150th Anniversar..f the Literacy and Scientific Institute 1
MX035.09 10/9/2009 $10.50 issue=World Post Day 2009 1
MX036.09 10/12/2009 $6.50 issue=300th Anniversary of the Foundation Chihuahua 1
MX037.09 11/2/2009 $6.50 issue=Day of the Dead 2009 perf=13 1
MX038.09 11/2/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX039.09 11/4/2009 $10.50 issue=Centenary of bi.. & National Palace (Dominican Republic) 1
MX040.09 11/6/2009 $6.50 issue=Wild Lands of Mexico perf=13 1
MX041.09 11/6/2009 $10.50 1
MX042.09 11/6/2009 $10.50 1 0
MX043.09 11/6/2009 $13.00 1
MX044.09 11/6/2009 $14.50 1
MX045.09 11/12/2009 $6.50 issue=Day of the Postman 2009 1
MX046.09 11/12/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX047.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 issue=Beginning of th..ry of the Independence of Mexico 2009 b 1
MX048.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX049.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX050.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX051.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX052.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX053.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX054.09 11/20/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX055.09 11/20/2009 $10.50 imperf 1
MX056.09 11/20/2009 $10.50 1 0
MX057.09 11/23/2009 $6.50 issue=Road Safety 1
MX058.09 11/27/2009 $6.50 issue=10th Anniversary of the Death of Jaime Sabines 1
MX059.09 11/30/2009 $6.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the Federal Tax Audit 1
MX060.09 12/1/2009 $6.50 issue=Christmas 2009 perf=13 1
MX061.09 12/1/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX062.09 12/1/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX063.09 12/1/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX064.09 12/15/2009 $6.50 issue=Program of Human Development Opportunities 1
MX065.09 12/16/2009 $6.50 issue=Saving Energy at Home 1
MX066.09 12/16/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX067.09 12/16/2009 $6.50 1 0
MX068.09 12/18/2009 $6.50 issue=Programme Paisano perf=13 1
MX069.09 12/21/2009 $6.50 issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Venustiano Carranza 1
MX001.10 1/8/2010 7.00p issue=100th Anniversary..ion in Mexico d=Alberfto Braniff Ricard 1
MX002.10 1/19/2010 7.00p issue=50th Anniversary of ISSSTE 1
MX003.10 2/3/2010 7.00p issue=Valentine's Day 2010 1
MX004.10 2/11/2010 7.00p issue=Year of the Tiger 2010 1
MX005.10 2/21/2010 10.50p issue=100th Anniversa.. Cross d=Luz González Cosío de López 1
MX006.10 3/19/2010 11.50p issue=BID CII Board of Governors Cancun 1
MX007.10 4/11/2010 7.00p dt=Baseball in Mexico d=José Luis Sandoval
MX008.10 4/11/2010 7.00p d=Miguel Ojeda 0
MX009.10 4/11/2010 7.00p d=Roberto Saucedo 0
MX010.10 4/23/2010 7.00p issue=Mother's Day 2010 1
MX011.10 5/15/2010 7.00p issue=Teacher's Day 2010 2
MX012.10 5/15/2010 7.00p issue=World Cup 2010 d=Mexico National Soccer Team 1
MX013.10 5/15/2010 7.00p d=Gerardo Torrado and Giovani Dos Santos 1 0
MX014.10 5/15/2010 11.50p d=Andrés Guardado and Guillermo Ochoa 1
MX015.10 5/21/2010 11.50p issue=International Mother Language Day 1
MX016.10 5/26/2010 7.00p issue=100th Anniversar..lfo Lopez Mateos d=Adolfo López Mateos 1
MX017.10 6/7/2010 7.00p issue=Human Rights Commission 1
MX018.10 7/17/2010 7.00p issue=Scouts Mexico perf=13 1
MX019.10 8/16/2010 7.00p issue=Grandparent's Day 2010 1
MX020.10 8/23/2010 7.00p issue=Mexican Petroleum Institute 1
MX021.10 9/16/2010 7.00p issue=200th Anniversar..e Independence of Mexico d=Pedro Moreno 1
MX022.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Ignacio Lopez Rayón 1 0
MX024.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Francisco Xavier Mina 1 0
MX025.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Manuel de Mier y Terán & Nicolas Bravo 1 0
MX026.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Guadalupe Victoria 1 0
MX027.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Vicente Guerrero 1 0
MX028.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Fray Servando Teresa de Mier 1 0
MX029.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Interview ODonoju 1 0
MX030.10 9/16/2010 7.00p d=Trigarante Army Flag 1 0
MX031.10 9/16/2010 11.50p imperf 1
MX032.10 9/16/2010 11.50p 1 0
MX033.10 9/21/2010 7.00p issue=100th Anniversar..d=National University of Mexico perf=13 1 1
MX034.10 9/21/2010 7.00p 1 2
MX035.10 9/21/2010 7.00p 1 3
MX036.10 9/21/2010 7.00p 1 4
MX037.10 9/21/2010 7.00p 1 5
MX038.10 9/21/2010 7.00p 1 6
MX039.10 9/25/2010 7.00p issue=Mexico Guides 1
MX040.10 10/4/2010 7.00p issue=Conference of the Plenipotentaries - ITU 1
MX041.10 10/9/2010 11.50p issue=World Post Day 2010 1
MX042.10 10/12/2010 7.00p issue=Joint Issue Mexico - Azerbaijan 1
MX043.10 10/12/2010 7.00p 1 0
MX044.10 10/13/2010 7.00p issue=20th Anniversar..the National Disaster Prevention Centre 1
MX045.10 10/25/2010 7.00p issue=Day of the Dead 2010 1
MX046.10 11/4/2010 7.00p issue=Christmas 2010 perf=13 1
MX047.10 11/4/2010 7.00p 1 0
MX048.10 11/4/2010 7.00p 1 0
MX049.10 11/4/2010 7.00p 1 0
MX050.10 11/11/2010 7.00p issue=Postman's Day 2010 1
MX051.10 11/11/2010 11.50p 1
MX052.10 11/16/2010 7.00p issue=25th Anniversary of the First Mexican in Space 1
MX053.10 11/16/2010 7.00p 1 0
MX054.10 11/19/2010 7.00p d=Palacio de Bellas Artes
MX055.10 11/20/2010 7.00p issue=100th Anniversa.. Revolution d=Presidentes Provisionales 1
MX056.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Womens participation in the revolution 1 0
MX057.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Ley Agraria - Luis Cabrera 1 0
MX058.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Battle of Celaya 1 0
MX059.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Convention of Aguascalientes 1 0
MX060.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Venustiano Carranza Constitutional President of Mexico 1 0
MX061.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=Constitutional Convention 1 0
MX062.10 11/20/2010 7.00p d=1917 Constitution 1 0
MX063.10 xlink WNS MX063.10
MX064.10 xlink WNS MX064.10
MX065.10 postage 11/25/2010 7.00p multi issue=1..achuca, Hidalgo wmk=MEX & eagle perf=13 1
MX066.10 12/1/2010 11.50p issue=International D..e Elimination of Violence against Women 1
MX067.10 12/6/2010 7.00p issue=Climate Change Conferences - COP16 & CMP6 1
MX068.10 12/9/2010 7.00p issue=40th Anniversary of the CONACYT 1
MX069.10 12/10/2010 7.00p issue=20th Anniversar..bel Prize for Literature to Octavio Paz 1
MX070.10 12/13/2010 7.00p issue=National Week for Small and Medium Enterprises 1
MX071.10 12/15/2010 11.50p issue=Discovering Mexico d=Ardea herodias (2010 Mexico) 1
MX072.10 xlink WNS MX072.10
MX073.10 xlink WNS MX073.10
MX074.10 postage 12/16/2010 7.00p multi issue=o..edium irapeanum wmk=MEX & eagle perf=13 1
MX075.10 12/16/2010 7.00p d=Sobralia macrantha (2010) 1 0
MX076.10 12/16/2010 7.00p d=Prosthechea ionophlebia 1 0
MX077.10 12/16/2010 7.00p d=Laelia anceps subsp. dawsonii f. chilapensis 1 0
MX078.10 12/16/2010 7.00p d=Trichocentrum oerstedii 1 0
MX079.10 12/16/2010 7.00p d=Laelia rubescens (2010) 1 0
MX080.10 12/16/2010 7.00p issue=Archaeology - Teotihuacan, Mexico 2
MX081.10 12/16/2010 7.00p 2 0
MX082.10 xlink WNS MX082.10
MX083.10 xlink WNS MX083.10
MX084.10 xlink WNS MX084.10
MX085.10 postage 12/20/2010 7.00p multi issue=2..versary of FIDE wmk=MEX & eagle perf=13 1
MX001.11 1/31/2011 7p issue=Day of Love & Friendship 2011 d=bouquet of flowers unwmk 1
MX002.11 1/31/2011 7p d=heart & flowers 1 0
MX003.11 3/23/2011 13.50p issue=PUASP 100th d=globes 1
MX004.11 4/13/2011 7p issue=Mothers Day 2011 d=mother playing with two children 1
MX005.11 4/29/2011 7p issue=National Seed Inspe..n Service 50th d=flowers and vegetables 1
MX006.11 4/29/2011 7p 1 2
MX007.11 4/29/2011 7p 1 3
MX008.11 5/4/2011 7p d=Postal Palace
MX009.11 5/11/2011 7p dt=wrestling icons - Mil Mascaras 1
MX010.11 5/11/2011 7p 2
MX011.11 5/11/2011 7p 3
MX012.11 5/15/2011 7p issue=Teacher Day 2011 d=The Rural Teacher, by Diego Rivera unwmk 1
MX013.11 5/17/2011 7p issue=Armillita 100th d=Armillita 1
MX014.11 6/15/2011 7p issue=Under-17 World Cup 2011 1
MX015.11 6/15/2011 11.50p 1
MX016.11 6/15/2011 13.50p 1
MX017.11 8/3/2011 7.00p issue=Grandparents Day 1
MX018.11 8/5/2011 11.50p issue=International Year of Forests 1
MX019.11 8/8/2011 7.00p issue=Promotion of Philately 1
MX020.11 8/12/2011 7.00p issue=National Defence College 30th 1
MX021.11 8/12/2011 7.00p issue=Mario Moreno Cantinflas 100th 2
MX022.11 8/12/2011 11.50p 2
MX023.11 8/18/2011 7.00p issue=National Institute for Adult Education 30th 1
MX024.11 8/22/2011 7.00p issue=Mexican Postal Service 25th 1
MX025.11 8/24/2011 7.00p issue=Enactment of the Law of Fair Taxation 57th 1
MX026.11 8/24/2011 11.50p issue=2011 Year of Tourism in Mexico 2
MX027.11 9/13/2011 7.00p issue=Cardiology Hospital 50th 1
MX028.11 9/19/2011 11.50p issue=National System of Civil Protection 25th 1
MX029.11 9/26/2011 7.00p issue=Large Roads Infrastructure 1
MX030.11 9/26/2011 11.50p 1
MX031.11 9/26/2011 13.50p 1
MX032.11 10/7/2011 11.50p issue=World Post Day 2011 1
MX033.11 10/12/2011 7.00p issue=Public Education Secretary 90th 1
MX034.11 10/12/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX035.11 10/12/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX036.11 10/12/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX037.11 10/12/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX038.11 10/12/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX039.11 10/14/2011 7.00p issue=Pan American Games 2011 unwmk 1
MX040.11 10/14/2011 11.50p 1
MX041.11 10/14/2011 13.50p 1
MX042.11 10/17/2011 7.00p issue=Cinvestav 50th 1
MX043.11 10/18/2011 7.00p issue=Health & Safety in Mexico 1
MX044.11 10/18/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX045.11 10/18/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX046.11 10/18/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX047.11 10/18/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX048.11 10/18/2011 7.00p 1 0
MX049.11 10/25/2011 7.00p issue=Day of the Dead 2011 unwmk 1
MX050.11 10/27/2011 7.00p issue=ISSSTE in Bangalore 25th 1
MX051.11 10/27/2011 7.00p issue=CONAFE 40th 2
MX052.11 11/11/2011 7.00p issue=Postman Day 2011 1
MX053.11 11/17/2011 7.00p dt=dogs (2011 Mexico) d=German shepherd (2011 Mexico)
MX054.11 11/17/2011 13.50p d=Cocker Spaniel (2011)
MX055.11 11/18/2011 7.00p issue=Christmas 2011 1
MX056.11 11/18/2011 11.50p 1
MX057.11 11/18/2011 11.50p 1 0
MX058.11 11/18/2011 11.50p 1 0
MX059.11 11/28/2011 7.00p issue=50th Anniversar.. the Delegation of the IMSS in Veracruz 15
MX060.11 11/28/2011 11.50p issue=International ..e Elimination of Violence against Women 1
MX061.11 12/7/2011 11.50p issue=National Award for Voluntary Action and Solidairty 1
MX062.11 12/8/2011 11.50p d=Mexican Cities on World Heritage List
MX063.11 12/16/2011 7.00p issue=National Medical Centre 50th 1
MX001.12 1/26/2012 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversar..xico Diplomatic Relations dt=gray whale 1
MX002.12 1/26/2012 $13.50 1 0
MX003.12 2/2/2012 $7.00 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2012 1
MX004.12 3/8/2012 $11.50 issue=International Women's Day 2012 1
MX005.12 3/21/2012 $13.50 issue=World Down's Syndrome Day 2012 1
MX006.12 3/27/2012 $7.00 issue=20th Anniversary of the National Bioethics Commission 1
MX007.12 3/29/2012 $7.00 issue=United Against Human Trafficking 1
MX008.12 4/10/2012 $7.00 issue=300th Anniversary of the City of Linares Nuevo Leon 1
MX009.12 4/26/2012 $7.00 issue=Mother's Day 2012 1
MX010.12 4/26/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX011.12 5/4/2012 $7.00 d=Postal Palace
MX012.12 5/5/2012 $7.00 issue=150th Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla 1
MX013.12 5/5/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX014.12 5/5/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX015.12 5/15/2012 $7.00 issue=Teacher's Day 2012 unwmk 1
MX016.12 6/1/2012 $13.50 issue=Joint issue with Brazil dt=Traditional Cooking 1
MX017.12 6/1/2012 $13.50 1 0
MX018.12 10/12/2012 $11.50 d=Mexican Wolf
MX019.12 7/5/2012 $11.50 issue=World No Tobacco Day unwmk 1
MX020.12 7/24/2012 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Free School of Law 1
MX021.12 8/13/2012 $7.00 issue=Grandparents Day 2012 1
MX022.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 issue=75th Anniversary of the Federal Electricity Commission 1
MX023.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX024.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX025.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX026.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX027.12 8/14/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX028.12 xlink Colnect 506753-Mexican_Oil_Congress_2012-Mexican_Oil_Congress_2012-Mexico
MX029.12 xlink Colnect 506754-Mexican_Oil_Congress_2012-Mexican_Oil_Congress_2012-Mexico
MX030.12 postage 9/25/2012 $13.50 multi issue=40th Cervantes Festival unwmk 1
MX031.12 10/2/2012 $7.00 issue=25th Anniversary of the Cinvestav Unidad Saltillo 1
MX032.12 10/2/2012 $7.00 issue=70th Anniversary of the University of Sonora 2
MX033.12 10/2/2012 $7.00 2 0
MX034.12 10/2/2012 $7.00 2 0
MX035.12 10/9/2012 $11.50 issue=World Post Day 2012 1
MX036.12 10/11/2012 $11.50 issue=Greatness of Tijuana Mexico 1
MX037.12 10/15/2012 $7.00 issue=20th Anniversary of Schools Councils 1
MX038.12 10/25/2012 $7.00 dt=Crowned Nuns
MX039.12 10/25/2012 $7.00 0
MX040.12 10/29/2012 $7.00 issue=Day of the Dead 2012 1
MX041.12 10/30/2012 $7.00 issue=Archaeology in Tulum perf=13 1
MX042.12 10/30/2012 $7.00 1 0
MX043.12 10/30/2012 $13.50 1
MX044.12 10/30/2012 $11.50 unwmk 1
MX045.12 10/30/2012 $13.50 perf=13 1
MX046.12 11/12/2012 $7.00 issue=Postman Day 2012 unwmk 1
MX047.12 11/13/2012 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the Lebanese Centre 1
MX048.12 11/28/2012 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversary of Fovissste 1
MX049.12 12/3/2012 $7.00 issue=280th Anniversary of the University of Guanajuato 1
MX050.12 12/7/2012 $7.00 issue=Centenary of Death of Lusto Sierra 1
MX051.12 12/21/2012 $7.00 issue=Maya Sacred Crossing 1
MX052.12 12/21/2012 $11.50 1
MX053.12 12/21/2012 $13.50 1
MX054.12 xlink Colnect 461748-Mexican_Christmas_-_Santas_helpers-Christmas_2012-Mexico
MX055.12 xlink Colnect 461747-Mexican_Christmas_-_Posada-Christmas_2012-Mexico
MX056.12 xlink Colnect 461746-Mexican_Christmas_-_Magi-Christmas_2012-Mexico
MX001.13 postage 2/8/2013 7.00p multi issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2013 unwmk 1
MX002.13 2/18/2013 7.00p issue=Day of the Presidential Staff 1
MX003.13 3/7/2013 7.00p issue=70th Anniversary of the Iberoamericana University 1
MX004.13 3/7/2013 7.00p 1 0
MX005.13 3/7/2013 7.00p 1 0
MX006.13 3/13/2013 7.00p issue=30th Anniversary..ermarkets and Department Stores perf=13 13
MX007.13 3/13/2013 11.50p issue=International Day of the Mother Tongue 14
MX008.13 3/17/2013 7.00p issue=75th Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation 1
MX009.13 3/21/2013 7.00p issue=Centenary of the Birth of Guillermo Haro Barraza 1
MX010.13 3/26/2013 7.00p issue=Centenary of the promulgation of the plan of Guadalupe 1
MX011.13 4/6/2013 $15.00 issue=60th Anniversary.. Relations between Mexico and Indonesia 1
MX012.13 4/6/2013 $15.00 1 0
MX013.13 4/17/2013 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Mexican Army 1
MX014.13 4/30/2013 $7.00 d=70th Anniversary of ..drens Hospital of Mexico Federico Gomez
MX015.13 4/30/2013 $7.00 d=Day of the Children 2013 0
MX016.13 5/10/2013 $11.50 issue=Mothers Day 2013 1
MX017.13 5/15/2013 $7.00 issue=Day of the Teacher 2013 1
MX018.13 8/13/2013 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Mexican Army 1
MX019.13 8/16/2013 $7.00 issue=160 Years of Veterinary Education in Mexico and America 1
MX020.13 8/27/2013 $7.00 issue=140th Anniversary of Manuel Acuna 1
MX021.13 8/28/2013 $7.00 issue=Day of the Grandfathers 2013 1
MX022.13 9/5/2013 $7.00 issue=Bicentennial of the First Congress of Anahuac 1
MX023.13 9/11/2013 $7.00 issue=Bicentenary of t..e Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City 1
MX024.13 9/20/2013 $7.00 issue=95th Anniversary..e Industry Chambers of the United State 1
MX025.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 issue=80th Anniversary of the University of Nuevo Leon 1 1
MX026.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 1 2
MX027.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 1 3
MX028.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 1 4
MX029.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 1 5
MX030.13 9/25/2013 $7.00 1 6
MX031.13 10/9/2013 $13.50 issue=World Post Day 2013 unwmk 1
MX032.13 10/14/2013 $7.00 issue=60 Years of Women's Suffrage in Mexico 1
MX033.13 10/18/2013 $7.00 issue=70 Years of the Secretary for Health 1
MX034.13 10/22/2013 $15.00 issue=Day of the Dead 2013 imperf 1
MX035.13 10/23/2013 $7.00 issue=205 Years of th.. of the Gran Cafe de la Parroquia unwmk 1
MX036.13 10/24/2013 $15.00 issue=20th Anniversa..eral Relationship Mexico - South Africa 1
MX037.13 11/5/2013 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversary..lopment of Agricultural Capacity (INCA) 1
MX038.13 11/8/2013 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary.. Court for Conciliation and Arbitration 1
MX039.13 11/12/2013 $7.00 issue=Day of the Postman 2013 1
MX040.13 11/14/2013 $13.50 issue=150th Anniversary of the Spanish Casino 1
MX041.13 11/15/2013 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Mexican Army 1
MX042.13 11/19/2013 $7.00 d=Postal Palace
MX043.13 11/21/2013 $15.00 d=Oaxaca
MX044.13 11/27/2013 $7.00 issue=Programmes for Migrant Protection 1
MX045.13 11/28/2013 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2013 1
MX046.13 11/28/2013 $7.00 1 0
MX047.13 11/28/2013 $11.50 1
MX048.13 11/28/2013 $13.50 1
MX049.13 12/6/2013 $7.00 issue=60th Anniversary..mous University of the State of Morelos 1
MX050.13 12/7/2013 $7.00 issue=70th Anniversary..Union of Educational Works (SNTE) unwmk 1
MX051.13 12/12/2013 $7.00 issue=20th Anniversar..nstitute for Industrial Property (IMPI) 1
MX052.13 12/13/2013 $7.00 issue=Philatelic Promotion 2013 1
MX053.13 12/13/2013 $7.00 1 0
MX054.13 12/13/2013 $11.50 1
MX055.13 12/13/2013 $13.50 1
MX056.13 12/13/2013 $15.00 1
MX057.13 12/13/2013 $7.00 issue=25 Years of the..mission for Physical Culture and Sports 2
MX058.13 12/17/2013 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversar..f Training Centres for Industrial works 1
MX059.13 12/19/2013 $7.00 issue=70th Anniversary of Federal Police 1
MX060.13 12/20/2013 $7.00 issue=Musical Instrum..dt=musical instruments of Mexico (2013) 1
MX061.13 12/20/2013 $7.00 1 0
MX062.13 12/20/2013 $11.50 1 2
MX063.13 12/20/2013 $11.50 1 1
MX064.13 12/20/2013 $13.50 1
MX065.13 12/20/2013 $13.50 1 0
MX001.14 1/16/2014 $7.00 issue=25th Anniversary of CONAGUA perf=13 1
MX002.14 1/16/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX003.14 1/16/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX004.14 1/16/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX005.14 1/16/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX006.14 1/31/2014 $7.00 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2014 1
MX007.14 2/28/2014 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary.. Chamber of Mexican Publishing Industry 1
MX008.14 3/20/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of Birth of Octavio Paz 1
MX009.14 4/1/2014 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversary ..onal Trust Fund for Tourism Development 1
MX010.14 4/3/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Storming of Torreón, Coahuila 1
MX011.14 4/11/2014 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversar..h President Charles de Gaulle to Mexico 1
MX012.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the 1914 heroic deeds of Veracruz 1
MX013.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX014.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX015.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX016.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX017.14 4/21/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX018.14 4/25/2014 $7.00 issue=410th Anniversar..Municipality, Nuevo León unwmk perf=13 1
MX019.14 4/28/2014 $15.00 d=World Day of Intellectual Property 2014
MX020.14 4/28/2014 $7.00 d=Children's Day 2014
MX021.14 5/3/2014 $7.00 issue=450th Anniversary of Misantla, Veracruz 1
MX022.14 5/8/2014 $11.50 issue=Mothers Day 2014 1
MX023.14 5/14/2014 $7.00 d=70th Anniversary of the autonomy of the ICLA-UAEM
MX024.14 5/14/2014 $7.00 d=40th Anniversary of FONACOT Institute 0
MX025.14 5/15/2014 $7.00 issue=Teacher's Day 2014 1
MX026.14 5/27/2014 $7.00 d=Mexico National Football Team
MX027.14 6/6/2014 $13.50 issue=Joint Issue with..elebration of Mexico-Portugal Relations 1
MX028.14 6/6/2014 $13.50 1 0
MX029.14 8/13/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the..g of the Treaties of Teoloyucan perf=13 1
MX030.14 8/22/2014 $7.00 issue=Firefighter Day 2014 2
MX031.14 8/22/2014 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary..of Faculties and Schools of Engineering 1
MX032.14 9/4/2014 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary ..chnological Institute of Ciudad Juárez 1
MX033.14 9/5/2014 $7.00 issue=Congratulations 2014 unwmk 1
MX034.14 9/5/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX035.14 9/5/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX036.14 9/5/2014 $11.50 1
MX037.14 9/5/2014 $11.50 1 0
MX038.14 9/9/2014 $11.50 issue=130th Anniversary of Mexico National Bank perf=13 1
MX039.14 9/10/2014 $7.50 issue=70th Anniversary of the University of Veracruz 1
MX040.14 9/11/2014 $7.00 d=Post Palace
MX041.14 9/18/2014 $7.00 issue=30th Anniversary of the Newspaper La Jornada 1
MX042.14 9/28/2014 $7.00 d=80th Anniversary of the Fine Arts Palace
MX043.14 9/28/2014 $11.50 d=50th Anniversary of the symbolic restitution of the Chamizal
MX044.14 10/1/2014 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversary..ree and Sovereign State of Quintana Roo 1
MX045.14 10/8/2014 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversary.. the Metropolitan Autonomous University 1
MX046.14 10/9/2014 $13.50 issue=World Post Day 2014 1
MX047.14 10/10/2014 $13.50 issue=Expo ALADI 2014 1
MX048.14 10/17/2014 $11.50 d=Centenary of the the Storming of Zacatecas perf=13
MX049.14 10/17/2014 $7.00 d=40th Anniversary of..Epidemiological diagnosis and reference
MX050.14 10/20/2014 $7.00 issue=Air Traffic Controllers' Day 2014 1
MX051.14 10/22/2014 $7.00 issue=Bicentennial of the Constitution of Apatzingan of 1814 1
MX052.14 10/22/2014 $13.50 issue=75th Anniversary of Philips Mexico 2
MX053.14 10/25/2014 $7.00 issue=Archeology in Mexico - Paquimé 1
MX054.14 10/25/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX055.14 10/25/2014 $11.50 unwmk 1
MX056.14 10/25/2014 $13.50 1
MX057.14 10/25/2014 $13.50 1 0
MX058.14 10/29/2014 $11.50 issue=Day of the Dead 2014 unwmk perf=13 1
MX059.14 10/30/2014 $13.50 issue=160th Annivers..formance of the Mexican National Anthem 1
MX060.14 11/5/2014 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary of the UAEM University Campus 1
MX061.14 11/5/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX062.14 11/5/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX063.14 11/10/2014 $7.00 issue=Postman's Day 2014 unwmk perf=13 1
MX064.14 11/17/2014 $13.50 issue=Endemic Fauna of Mexico d=Isostichopus fuscus 1
MX065.14 11/17/2014 $15.00 d=Danielum ixbauchac 1
MX066.14 11/19/2014 $13.50 d=International Year of Crystalography perf=13
MX067.14 11/19/2014 $7.00 issue=60th Anniversar..echnological Institute of Ciudad Madero 1
MX068.14 11/20/2014 $7.00 issue=85th Anniversar..f the Secretariate of Health's building 1
MX069.14 11/24/2014 $7.00 issue=World Food Day 2014 1
MX070.14 11/24/2014 $13.50 1
MX071.14 11/26/2014 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary of the Anáhuac University 1
MX072.14 11/26/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX073.14 11/26/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX074.14 11/4/2014 $7.00 issue=Inventor's Day 2014 1
MX075.14 12/3/2014 $11.50 issue=60th Anniversar.. the Autonomous University of Chihuahua 1
MX076.14 12/5/2014 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2014 1
MX077.14 12/5/2014 $7.00 1 0
MX078.14 12/5/2014 $11.50 1
MX079.14 12/5/2014 $13.50 1
MX080.14 12/8/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the..Provisional President of Mexico 1914-15 1
MX081.14 12/9/2014 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the Latin America Parliament 1
MX082.14 12/10/2014 $7.00 issue=Centenary of th..alderrama d=Fernando Hiriart Balderrama 1
MX083.14 12/11/2014 $7.00 d=Centenary of the De..on of San Pedro de Coahuila de Zaragoza
MX084.14 12/11/2014 $7.00 d=35th Anniversary of CONALEP 0
MX085.14 12/18/2014 $15.00 issue=50th Anniversa..matic Relations with Iran - Joint issue 1
MX086.14 12/18/2014 $11.50 d=20th Anniversary of the FTA of North America
MX087.14 12/19/2014 $7.00 d=Philately and Postal Culture
MX001.15 1/30/2015 $7.00 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2015 1
MX002.15 2/17/2015 $13.50 d=Postal Palace
MX003.15 3/7/2015 $7.00 issue=Bicentenary of the First Supreme Court of Justice 1
MX004.15 3/30/2015 $7.00 issue=80th Anniversary..the First Livestock National Convention 1
MX005.15 4/15/2015 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the Battles of Celaya 1
MX006.15 4/16/2015 $7.00 issue=60th Anniversary..onal Institute of Public Administration 1
MX007.15 4/17/2015 $13.50 issue=320th Anniversa..e Birth of Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz 1
MX008.15 4/22/2015 $13.50 issue=FAM 2015 1
MX009.15 4/30/2015 $7.00 issue=Children's Day 2015 1
MX010.15 5/11/2015 $13.50 issue=Mother's Day 2015 1
MX011.15 5/15/2015 $7.00 issue=Teacher's Day 2015 1
MX012.15 6/10/2015 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary of Airports and Auxiliary Services 1
MX013.15 7/7/2015 $15.00 issue=Intellectual Property Day 2015 1
MX014.15 7/9/2015 $7.00 issue=25th Anniversary of the National Human Rights Commission 1
MX015.15 7/10/2015 $13.50 issue=Guelaguetza 2015 1
MX016.15 7/16/2015 $7.00 issue=Joint issue with France - Gilberto Bosques 1
MX017.15 7/16/2015 $13.50 1
MX018.15 8/19/2015 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary..nomous University of Campeche perf=13.5 1
MX019.15 8/19/2015 $7.00 1 0
MX020.15 8/24/2015 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary..he Mexican Institute of Petroleum unwmk 1
MX021.15 9/2/2015 $13.50 issue=75th Anniversary..he University of the Americas of Puebla 1
MX022.15 9/3/2015 $7.00 issue=75th Anniversary of the University of Colima 1
MX023.15 9/10/2015 $11.50 issue=Balloon Festival 1
MX024.15 9/25/2015 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary..g of the Laguna Institute of Technology 1
MX025.15 9/29/2015 $7.00 issue=250th Anniversar..birth of Morelos d=José María Morelos 1
MX026.15 9/29/2015 $7.00 issue=Flora of Mexico d=Lophophora williamsii 2
MX027.15 9/29/2015 $11.50 2
MX028.15 10/1/2015 $7.00 issue=Xochicalco perf=13.5 1
MX029.15 10/1/2015 $7.00 1 0
MX030.15 10/1/2015 $11.50 unwmk 1
MX031.15 10/1/2015 $13.50 1
MX032.15 10/1/2015 $13.50 1 0
MX033.15 10/9/2015 $7.00 issue=World Post Day 2015 unwmk 1
MX034.15 10/17/2015 $7.50 issue=75th Anniversary of the Diablos Rojos del México 1
MX035.15 10/19/2015 $7.00 issue=125th Anniversary of Mexico-Russia Diplomatic relations 1
MX036.15 10/19/2015 $13.50 1
MX037.15 10/22/2015 $13.50
MX038.15 10/28/2015 $7.00 issue=The Constitutio..ure of the Mexican Federalism perf=13.5 1
MX039.15 10/28/2015 $7.00 1 0
MX040.15 10/30/2015 $9.00 issue=Día de muertos 2015 unwmk 1
MX041.15 11/10/2015 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversa..he International Hydrological Programme 1
MX042.15 11/11/2015 $7.00 issue=Postman's Day 2015 1
MX043.15 11/19/2015 $13.50 d=Philately and Postal Culture
MX044.15 11/23/2015 $7.00 d=65th Anniversary of..nal Savings and Financial Services Bank
MX045.15 11/23/2015 $13.50 d=Cave paintings in the state of Baja California
MX046.15 11/26/2015 $9.00 issue=70th Anniversar..f Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 1
MX047.15 12/1/2015 $13.50 issue=125th anniversa..on of Mexico to the Treaty of the Metre 1
MX048.15 12/1/2015 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2015 2
MX049.15 12/1/2015 $7.00 2 0
MX050.15 12/1/2015 $11.50 2
MX051.15 12/1/2015 $13.50 2
MX052.15 12/9/2015 $7.00 issue=20th Anniversary of CONOCER 1
MX053.15 12/10/2015 $11.50 issue=45th Anniversary of the CONACYT 1
MX054.15 12/18/2015 $13.50 issue=Beijing +20 1
MX055.15 12/21/2015 $7.50 issue=Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) 1
MX056.15 12/21/2015 $11.50 perf=13.5 1
MX057.15 12/21/2015 $11.50 1 0
MX058.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 issue=Structural Reforms d=Pact for Mexico unwmk 2
MX059.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Educational Reform 2 0
MX060.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=National Code of Penal Procedure 2 0
MX061.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Political and Electoral Reform 2 0
MX062.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Transparency Reform 2 0
MX063.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Anti-Corruption Reform 2 0
MX064.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Financial Disciplin..m for Federal States and Municipalities 2 0
MX065.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Labour Reform 2 0
MX066.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Financial Reform 2 0
MX067.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Economic Competition Reform 2 0
MX068.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Protection ("Amparo") Law 2 0
MX069.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Telecommunications and Radio Broadcasting Reform 2 0
MX070.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Fiscal Reform 2 0
MX071.15 12/21/2015 $7.00 d=Energy Reform 2 0
MX072.15 12/22/2015 $7.00 issue=Bicentennial of.. death of José María Morelos y Pavón 1
MX001.16 1/21/2016 $7.00 issue=Adding Value to Women in Mexico's History 1
MX002.16 2/3/2016 $13.50 issue=Closing of the International Year of Light 1
MX003.16 2/5/2016 $9.00 d=The Constitution
MX004.16 2/10/2016 $11.50 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2016 perf=13 1
MX005.16 2/17/2016 $11.50 d=Postal Palace
MX006.16 2/13/2016 $15.00 issue=Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Mexico 2016 1
MX007.16 3/3/2016 $7.00 issue=60th Anniversary ..e Autonomous University of Mexico State 1
MX008.16 3/8/2016 $11.50 issue=70th Anniversary..the Mexican School of Civil Engineering 1
MX009.16 4/28/2016 $13.50 issue=World Intellectual Property Day 2016 1
MX010.16 4/29/2016 $7.00 issue=Children's Day 2016 1
MX011.16 4/29/2016 $7.00 1 0
MX012.16 5/9/2016 $7.00 d=National Livestock Day 2016
MX013.16 5/9/2016 $13.50 d=Mother's Day 2016
MX014.16 5/13/2016 $7.00 issue=125th of Communications and Transportation 1
MX015.16 5/15/2016 $7.00 issue=Teacher's Day 2016 1
MX016.16 5/20/2016 $7.00 d=80 years of the National Polytechnic Institute
MX017.16 5/20/2016 $11.50 d=25th Anniversary of the University of Quintana Roo
MX018.16 5/31/2016 $13.50 issue=60 years of the Torre Latinoamericana 1
MX019.16 6/2/2016 $7.00 issue=75th Anniversary .. Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation 1
MX020.16 6/17/2016 $7.00 issue=2016 - Reform of..Justice System d=Entrance to Penal Cort 1
MX021.16 6/23/2016 $7.50 issue=65th Anniversary..the Technological Institute of Saltillo 1
MX022.16 7/27/2016 $9.00 issue=Clean and Safe Energy Industry perf=13 1
MX023.16 8/1/2016 $9.00 issue=160 Years of the First Postage Stamp in Mexico 1
MX024.16 8/5/2016 $11.50 issue=Breastfeeding, the Best Start to Life 1
MX025.16 8/15/2016 $13.50 issue=100 Years of the Daily Newspaper "El Universal" 1
MX026.16 8/19/2016 $7.00 issue=30 Years of the Postal Services - Correos de México 1
MX027.16 8/23/2016 $9.00 issue=Centenary of the..ical and Electrical Engineering (ESIME) 1
MX028.16 9/9/2016 $7.00 issue=Telecommunications in Mexico 1
MX029.16 9/26/2016 $7.00 issue=35th Anniversary.. National Institute for Adult Education 1
MX030.16 9/27/2016 $7.00 issue=45th Anniversary..mphony Orchestra of the State of Mexico 1
MX031.16 10/5/2016 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversary of the Group Lozano Hermanos 1
MX032.16 10/6/2016 $7.00 issue=World Space Week 2016 1
MX033.16 10/7/2016 $7.50 issue=80th Anniversary.. Mexican Confederation of Workers (CTM) 1
MX034.16 10/10/2016 $13.50 issue=World Post Day 2016 1
MX035.16 10/11/2016 $7.00 d=50 Years of the Pla..N-III-E (Plan to Aid Civilian Disaster)
MX036.16 10/11/2016 $9.00 d=60 Years of the Ins.. Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
MX037.16 10/16/2016 $7.00 issue=100 Years of Military Industry 1916-2016 perf=13 1
MX038.16 10/16/2016 $7.00 1 0
MX039.16 10/16/2016 $7.00 1 0
MX040.16 10/20/2016 $7.00 issue=Mexican Fauna - Pelagic Sharks d=Prionace glauca (2016) 1
MX041.16 10/20/2016 $11.50 d=great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) perf=13 1
MX042.16 10/20/2016 $7.00 d=smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena) 1
MX043.16 10/20/2016 $11.50 d=Silky Shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) 1
MX044.16 10/28/2016 $7.00 issue=50th Anniversar..allowtail (Papilio cresphontes) perf=13 1
MX045.16 10/28/2016 $11.50 d=Danaus plexippus 1
MX046.16 10/30/2016 $15.00 issue=Día de Muertos 2016 1
MX047.16 11/14/2016 $7.00 issue=Postman's Day 2016 1
MX048.16 11/23/2016 $7.50 issue=50th Anniversary of "La Rondalla De Saltillo" 1
MX049.16 11/29/2016 $7.00 d=Roberto Koeh González
MX050.16 11/30/2016 $11.50 issue=150th Annivers..he Birth of Jésus F. Contreras perf=13 1
MX051.16 12/2/2016 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2016 1
MX052.16 12/2/2016 $7.00 1 0
MX053.16 12/2/2016 $11.50 1
MX054.16 12/2/2016 $11.50 1 0
MX055.16 12/7/2016 $13.50 issue=150th Anniversary of the Battle of Juchitán 1
MX056.16 12/9/2016 $13.50 d=Samalayuca Petroglyphs
MX057.16 12/21/2016 $7.00 issue=40th Anniversar.. the Federal Consumer Protection Agency 1
MX001.17 1/30/2017 $7.00 issue=Day of Love and Friendship 2017 perf=13 1
MX002.17 2/5/2017 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the ..nstitution of the United Mexican States 1
MX003.17 2/17/2017 $7.00 d=Postal Palace
MX004.17 2/17/2017 $15.00 d=20th Anniversary of the Marian Trinitarian Congregation
MX005.17 3/3/2017 $7.00 issue=Centenary of the State of Nayarit 1
MX006.17 3/27/2017 $7.00 issue=75th Anniversary..the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) 1
MX007.17 4/7/2017 $11.50 issue=100 Years of the General Health Council 1
MX008.17 4/26/2017 $7.50 issue=World Intellectual Property Day 2017 d=Colour Television 1
MX009.17 4/26/2017 $13.50 d=Antivenom against scorpion venom 1
MX010.17 4/26/2017 $7.00 d=Aerospace Fair Mexico 2017
MX011.17 4/26/2017 $15.00 issue=Children's Day 2017 2
MX012.17 5/1/2017 $13.50 issue=100 Years of the..orce of Article 123 of the Constitution 1
MX013.17 5/9/2017 $11.50 d=Centenary of the Mic..ty of Saint Nicholas of Hidalgo (UMSNH)
MX014.17 5/9/2017 $7.00 d=Mother's Day 2017 perf=13
MX015.17 5/15/2017 $11.50 issue=Teacher's Day 2017 1
MX016.17 5/24/2017 $15.00 issue=Centenary of the Creation of the Military Medical School 1
MX017.17 6/26/2017 $7.00 issue=4th Anniversary ..ecommunications and Broadcasting Reform 1
MX018.17 7/7/2017 $7.00 issue=25th Anniversary of the Agrarian Courts 1
MX019.17 7/12/2017 $7.00 issue=World Population Day 2017 1
MX020.17 7/14/2017 $7.50 issue=150th Anniversar..f the Restoration of the Republic unwmk 1
MX021.17 7/14/2017 $7.00 issue=70th Anniversary..l Bank of the Army, Air Force and Navy) 2
MX022.17 7/14/2017 $7.00 2 0
MX023.17 7/14/2017 $11.50 unwmk 2
MX024.17 7/21/2017 $7.00 issue=25th anniversary..ce of nature d=Aquila chrysaetos (2017) 1
MX025.17 8/22/2017 $7.50 issue=180 Years of Railways in Mexico 1
MX026.17 9/4/2017 $9.00 d=avocado, Mexico's Green Gold
MX027.17 9/7/2017 $7.00 d=Bank of Mexico
MX028.17 9/18/2017 $13.50 issue=23rd PUASP Congress 1
MX029.17 10/4/2017 $7.00 issue=Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017 1
MX030.17 10/9/2017 $13.50 issue=World Post Day 2017 1
MX031.17 10/16/2017 $9.00 issue=45th Anniversary of the FOVISSSTE 1
MX032.17 10/19/2017 $7.00 issue=National Day Against Discrimination 2017 1
MX033.17 10/21/2017 $11.50 issue=70th Anniversa..Engineering of the Autonomous Universit 1
MX034.17 10/26/2017 $7.00 issue=150th Anniversary of the Ateneo Fuente High School 1
MX035.17 10/28/2017 $7.00 issue=Día de Muertos 2017 1
MX036.17 11/8/2017 $7.50 issue=100 years of Mexico's First Airmail 1
MX037.17 11/10/2017 $7.00 d=30 years protecting the Ozone Layer
MX038.17 11/10/2017 $7.00 d=Postman's Day 2017 0
MX039.17 11/14/2017 $11.50 issue=200 years since the birth of Mariano Otero 2
MX040.17 11/14/2017 $7.00 issue=40 years of the DIF 1
MX041.17 11/22/2017 $7.00 issue=40 years of Att..e IMSS (Mexican Social Security Institu 1
MX042.17 11/23/2017 $7.50 issue=80 years of the..torious Autonomous University of Puebla 1
MX043.17 11/24/2017 $11.50 issue=170th anniversary of the Battle of Molino del Rey 1
MX044.17 12/1/2017 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2017 1
MX045.17 12/1/2017 $7.00 1 0
MX046.17 12/7/2017 $7.00 issue=60th Anniversary..ganization (ICAO) Regional Office unwmk 1
MX047.17 12/11/2017 $13.50 issue=25th Anniversa..tandardization and Certification (ANCE) 1
MX048.17 12/18/2017 $15.00 issue=Fifth Centenary of the Encounter of Two Cultures 1
MX049.17 12/20/2017 $7.00 d=25 years of the Secretariat of Social Development
MX050.17 12/20/2017 $7.00 d=Tribute to Jaime Torres Bodet 0
MX051.17 12/21/2017 $7.00 d=30 years of the Mexican Institute of Transportation
MX052.17 12/21/2017 $7.00 d=45th Anniversary of the INFONAVIT 0
MX001.18 2/1/2018 $13.50 issue=150th Anniversary of the National Preparatory School 1
MX002.18 2/9/2018 $7.50 issue=Day of love and friendship 2018 1
MX003.18 2/12/2018 $9.00 issue=Our Children, Our Future 1
MX004.18 2/21/2018 $7.00 issue=100th Anniversary of the Mexican Customs Agent 1
MX005.18 2/22/2018 $15.00 d=Postal Palace
MX006.18 3/16/2018 $9.00 issue=80th Anniversary of PEMEX 1
MX007.18 3/28/2018 $7.00 issue=Reopening of the..Surgery of the Benito Juárez Autonomou 1
MX008.18 4/26/2018 $11.50 issue=World Intellectual Property Day 2018 1
MX009.18 4/30/2018 $13.50 issue=Children's Day 2018 1
MX010.18 5/1/2018 $7.00 issue=Labor Day 2018 1
MX011.18 5/9/2018 $7.50 issue=Mother's Day 2018 1
MX012.18 5/15/2018 $7.00 issue=Teacher's Day 20..d=Prof. Ramón Guillermo Bonfil Viveros 1
MX013.18 6/4/2018 $7.00 issue=Mexico's National Football Team 1
MX014.18 6/4/2018 $7.00 1 0
MX015.18 6/15/2018 $15.00 issue=Mexico-Colombia Year d=Danaus plexippus (2018) 1
MX016.18 6/15/2018 $15.00 d=Morpho peleides (2018) 1 0
MX017.18 6/21/2018 $7.00 issue=70 years of Roche in Mexico unwmk 1
MX018.18 7/30/2018 $7.00 issue=World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2018 1
MX019.18 8/2/2018 $13.50 issue=11th Regular Mee..f the Inter-American Committee on Ports 1
MX020.18 8/2/2018 $13.50 1 0
MX021.18 8/20/2018 $13.50 issue=100 years of the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta unwmk 1
MX022.18 8/24/2018 $7.50 d=Chiranthodendron pentadactylon
MX023.18 8/30/2018 $7.00 issue=20 years of the Museum of Philately of Oaxaca 1
MX024.18 8/30/2018 $7.00 1 0
MX025.18 8/30/2018 $7.00 issue=10th Anniversary..lardo d=Gilberto Rincón Gallardo unwmk 2
MX026.18 9/18/2018 $15.00 issue=Rescuers from Mexico - Naval Canine Unit 1
MX027.18 9/20/2018 $9.00 issue=Mexican Society of Geotechnical Engineering 1
MX028.18 9/29/2018 $13.50 issue=50th Anniversar..ctory in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (1968) 1
MX029.18 10/1/2018 $7.00 issue=75th Anniversary..l Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM 1
MX030.18 10/5/2018 $7.00 issue=25 Years of the National Migration Institute (INM) 1
MX031.18 10/9/2018 $13.50 issue=World Post Day 2018 1
MX032.18 10/11/2018 $7.50 issue=70th Anniversary of the Military School of Sergeants 1
MX033.18 10/18/2018 $11.50 d=75th Anniversary of the Naval Aviation School
MX034.18 10/18/2018 $7.00 d=75th Anniversary of the Secretariat of Health
MX035.18 10/31/2018 $11.50 issue=Día de Muertos 2018 1
MX036.18 11/8/2018 $15.00 issue=25 Years of the.. Investment in the Rural Sector (FOCIR) 1
MX037.18 11/12/2018 $11.50 issue=Postman's Day 2018 1
MX038.18 11/13/2018 $7.00 d=Mexico Brand
MX039.18 11/16/2018 $15.00 d=Gopherus flavomarginatus
MX040.18 12/7/2018 $7.00 issue=Mexican Gastronomy d=Caldo de Piedra ("Stone soup") 1
MX041.18 12/7/2018 $7.00 1 0
MX042.18 12/14/2018 $7.00 issue=Christmas 2018 1
MX043.18 12/14/2018 $7.00 1 0
MX044.18 12/20/2018 $7.00 issue=Inauguration of the Mexican Baseball Hall of Fame unwmk 1

Prefixes: 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18