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WNS catalog - Bahamas

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
BS001.02 postage 2/6/2002 15c multi issue=Queen..eth II reign 50th wmk=crown & CA spiral 1
BS002.02 2/6/2002 65c 1
BS003.02 2/6/2002 70c 1
BS004.02 2/6/2002 80c 1
BS005.02 2/6/2002 15c 1
BS006.02 2/6/2002 65c 1
BS007.02 2/6/2002 70c 1
BS008.02 2/6/2002 80c 1
BS009.02 2/6/2002 $2 wmk=crown & CA spiral 1
BS010.02 4/16/2002 $2 issue=Award of BAAA Most ..te Title to Avard Moncur d=Avard Moncur 1
BS011.02 5/7/2002 $1 issue=In Remembrance 11th September 2001 1
BS012.02 7/2/2002 15c dt=bush medicine plants of the Bahamas d=Wild sage
BS013.02 7/2/2002 65c d=Seaside maho
BS014.02 7/2/2002 70c d=Sea ox-eye
BS015.02 7/2/2002 80c d=Mexican poppy thistle
BS016.02 8/5/2002 15c issue=Queen Mother Memorial 1
BS017.02 8/5/2002 65c 1
BS018.02 8/5/2002 70c 1
BS019.02 8/5/2002 80c 1
BS020.02 10/1/2002 15c issue=The Natural Histor.. and the Bahama Islands d=The Rice Bird 1
BS021.02 10/1/2002 25c d=The Alligator 1
BS022.02 10/1/2002 50c d=The Parrot Fish 1
BS023.02 10/1/2002 65c d=The Ilathera Duck 1
BS024.02 10/1/2002 70c d=The flamingo 1
BS025.02 10/1/2002 80c d=The Crested Bittern 1
BS026.02 10/29/2002 15c issue=Christmas 2002 1
BS027.02 10/29/2002 65c 1
BS028.02 10/29/2002 70c 1
BS029.02 10/29/2002 80c 1
BS001.03 2/18/2003 15c issue=Inagua National Pa..flamingos d=Phoenicopterus ruber (2003) 1
BS002.03 2/18/2003 25c 1
BS003.03 2/18/2003 50c 1
BS004.03 2/18/2003 65c 1
BS005.03 2/18/2003 70c 1
BS006.03 2/18/2003 80c 1
BS007.03 3/18/2003 15c issue=Bahamas Pirates dt=Bahamas pirates d=Captain Edward Teach 1
BS008.03 3/18/2003 25c d=Captain John Rackham 1
BS009.03 3/18/2003 50c d=Anne Bonney (2003) 1
BS010.03 3/18/2003 65c d=Captain Woodes Rogers (2003) 1
BS011.03 3/18/2003 70c d=Sir John Hawkins 1
BS012.03 3/18/2003 80c d=Captain Bartholomew Roberts 1
BS013.03 6/2/2003 65c issue=Queen Elizabeth II coronation 50th 1
BS014.03 6/2/2003 80c 1
BS015.03 7/8/2003 15c dt=bush medicine plants o..he Bahamas d=Asystasia gangetica (2003)
BS016.03 7/8/2003 65c d=Cassia
BS017.03 7/8/2003 70c d=Lignum vitae Guaiacum sanctum
BS018.03 7/8/2003 80c d=Chiococca alba
BS019.03 9/16/2003 15c issue=100th Anniversary of Powered Flight d=Piper Cub J-3 (2003) 1
BS020.03 9/16/2003 25c d=DH 82 Tiger Moth 1
BS021.03 9/16/2003 50c d=Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird (2003) 1
BS022.03 9/16/2003 65c d=Supermarine S.6B (2003 Bahamas) 1
BS023.03 9/16/2003 70c d=\'Miss America\' P-51D Mustang 1
BS024.03 9/16/2003 80c d=Douglas DC-3 (2003 Bahamas) 1
BS025.03 10/28/2003 15c issue=St. Matthew's Anglican Church 1
BS026.03 10/28/2003 65c 1
BS027.03 10/28/2003 70c 1
BS028.03 10/28/2003 80c 1
BS029.03 11/24/2003 15c issue=Bahamas Waters of Life d='Crawfishin' by Alton Lowe 1
BS030.03 11/24/2003 65c d=Summer by Alton Lowe 1
BS031.03 11/24/2003 70c d='The Whelkers' by Alton Lowe 1
BS032.03 11/24/2003 80c d='Annual Visit' by Alton Lowe 1
BS033.03 6/2/2003 15c issue=Queen Elizabeth II coronation 50th 1
BS034.03 6/2/2003 70c 1
BS001.04 2/24/2004 15c issue=Harrold & Wilson Ponds d=Bubulcus ibis 1
BS002.04 2/24/2004 25c d=Tachybaptus dominicus 1
BS003.04 2/24/2004 50c d=Kayakers 1
BS004.04 2/24/2004 65c d=Bubulcus ibis and Anas bahamensis 1
BS005.04 2/24/2004 70c d=Bubulcus ibis and Egretta tricolor 1
BS006.04 2/24/2004 80c d=Bird watchers 1
BS007.04 4/27/2004 15c issue=John Wesley 300th ..urch at Cupid's Bay, Governor's Harbour 1
BS008.04 4/27/2004 25c d=Church at Baillou Hill... and Chapel St. in Grants Town, Nassau 1
BS009.04 4/27/2004 50c d=Wooden Chapel at Marsh Harbour 1
BS010.04 4/27/2004 65c d=Eberneezer Methodist Church 1
BS011.04 4/27/2004 70c d=Trinity Methodist Church 1
BS012.04 4/27/2004 80c d=John Wesley (2004) 1
BS013.04 5/25/2004 15c dt=flowers of the Bahamas garden d=Cattleya
BS014.04 5/25/2004 65c d=hibiscus (2004)
BS015.04 5/25/2004 70c d=Canna
BS016.04 5/25/2004 80c d=thunbergia
BS017.04 7/6/2004 15c dt=lighthouses of the Bahamas d=Elbow Reef - 1864
BS018.04 7/6/2004 50c d=Great Stirrup - 1863
BS019.04 7/6/2004 65c d=Great Isaac - 1859
BS020.04 7/6/2004 70c d=Hole in the Wall 1836
BS021.04 7/6/2004 80c d=Hog Island 1817
BS022.04 8/24/2004 15c issue=Olympics 2004 1
BS023.04 8/24/2004 50c 1
BS024.04 8/24/2004 65c 1
BS025.04 8/24/2004 70c 1
BS026.04 10/26/2004 15c issue=Christmas 2004 dt=children's junkanoo 1
BS027.04 10/26/2004 25c 1
BS028.04 10/26/2004 50c 1
BS029.04 10/26/2004 65c 1
BS030.04 10/26/2004 70c 1
BS031.04 10/26/2004 80c 1
BS032.04 12/7/2004 15c dt=merchant ships (2004) d=RMS Mauretania (1938)
BS033.04 12/7/2004 25c d=MV Adonia
BS034.04 12/7/2004 50c d=MS Royal Princess
BS035.04 12/7/2004 65c d=SS Queen of Nassau
BS036.04 12/7/2004 70c d=RMS Transvaal Castle
BS037.04 12/7/2004 80c d=SS Norway (2004)
BS001.05 2/8/2005 15c org&multi dt=bush medicin..lants of the Bahamas d=aloe vera (2005)
BS002.05 2/8/2005 25c multi d=Red stopper - Eugenia rhombea
BS003.05 2/8/2005 50c d=Blue flower - Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
BS004.05 2/8/2005 65c d=Argusia gnaphalodes
BS005.05 3/29/2005 15c issue=25th Anniversary o..mouflage uniforms wmk=crown & CA spiral 1
BS006.05 3/29/2005 25c d=HMBS Abaco 1
BS007.05 3/29/2005 50c d=HMBS Bahamas 1
BS008.05 3/29/2005 65c d=Six defense force members in various uniforms 1
BS001.08 2/18/2008 15c dt=Bahamas butterflies (..d=Zebra Longwing Heliconius charitonius
BS002.08 2/18/2008 25c d=Julia
BS003.08 2/18/2008 50c d=Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae (2008)
BS004.08 2/18/2008 65c d=The Queen Danaus gilippus berenice
BS005.08 2/18/2008 70c d=Long-tailed Skipper Urbanus proteus (2008)
BS006.08 2/18/2008 80c d=Gulf fritillary Dione vanillae insularis
BS007.08 3/20/2008 15c dt=Bahamas military unif..dependent company wmk=crown & CA spiral
BS008.08 3/20/2008 25c d=47th Regiment of Foot
BS009.08 3/20/2008 50c d=99th Regiment of Foot
BS010.08 3/20/2008 65c d=Royal Artillery
BS011.08 3/20/2008 70c d=Black Garrison Companies
BS012.08 4/30/2008 15c issue=Olympics 2008 1
BS013.08 4/30/2008 50c 1
BS014.08 4/30/2008 65c 1
BS015.08 4/30/2008 70c 1
BS016.08 9/22/2008 15c issue=Royal Bank of Cana..of Service to The Bahamas unwmk perf=13 1
BS017.08 9/22/2008 25c 1
BS018.08 9/22/2008 50c 1
BS019.08 9/22/2008 65c 1
BS020.08 9/22/2008 70c 1
BS021.08 10/1/2008 15c issue=50th Anniversary o..ace Shuttle Discovery Launch perf=13.75 1
BS022.08 10/1/2008 25c d=Apollo 16 over the Moon 1
BS023.08 10/1/2008 50c d=Skylab 3 1
BS024.08 10/1/2008 65c d=Hubble Space Telescope (2008) 1
BS025.08 10/1/2008 65c d=Swan Nebula 1 0
BS026.08 10/1/2008 80c d=Carina Nebula 1
BS027.08 11/11/2008 15c issue=Christmas 2008 perf=13 1
BS028.08 11/11/2008 50c 1
BS029.08 11/11/2008 65c 1
BS030.08 11/11/2008 70c 1
BS031.08 11/25/2008 15c issue=University of the West Indies 60th 1
BS032.08 11/25/2008 25c 1
BS033.08 11/25/2008 65c 1
BS034.08 12/9/2008 15c issue=Treaty of Paris 225th 1
BS035.08 12/9/2008 50c 1
BS036.08 12/9/2008 65c 1
BS037.08 12/9/2008 70c 1
BS001.09 1/6/2009 15c dt=rare birds (2009) d=Bahamas Oriole Icterus northropi perf=14
BS002.09 1/6/2009 50c d=Rose Throated Parrot Amazona leucocephala bahamensis
BS003.09 1/6/2009 65c d=Great Lizard Cuckoo
BS004.09 1/6/2009 70c d=Audubon's Shearwater
BS005.09 5/1/2009 15c dt=potcake dogs d=dog 'Tripod' wmk=crown mult perf=13
BS006.09 5/1/2009 50c d=dog 'Amigo'
BS007.09 5/1/2009 65c d=dog 'Turtle'
BS008.09 5/1/2009 70c d=dog 'Oreo'
BS001.10 11/10/2010 15c issue=Christmas 2010 dt..d=cruise ship & fireworks unwmk perf=14 1
BS002.10 11/10/2010 50c d=Atlantis hotel & fireworks 1
BS003.10 11/10/2010 65c d=airliner tail & fireworks 1
BS004.10 11/10/2010 70c d=Fort Fincastle & Water Tower & fireworks 1
BS001.11 2/11/2011 15c issue=Sir Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation 1
BS002.11 2/11/2011 50c 1
BS003.11 2/11/2011 65c 1
BS004.11 2/11/2011 70c 1
BS005.11 3/23/2011 15c issue=Queen Elizabeth II 85th 1
BS006.11 3/23/2011 50c 1
BS007.11 3/23/2011 65c 1
BS008.11 3/23/2011 70c 1
BS009.11 3/23/2011 $1 1
BS010.11 3/23/2011 $2 1
BS011.11 11/17/2011 15c issue=Christmas 2011 dt=Christmas angels 1
BS012.11 11/17/2011 25c 1
BS013.11 11/17/2011 50c 1
BS014.11 11/17/2011 65c d=angel and Baby Jesus 1
BS015.11 11/17/2011 70c 1
BS016.11 11/17/2011 80c 1
BS001.12 3/21/2012 15c issue=Caribbean Flamingos 1
BS002.12 3/21/2012 50c 1
BS003.12 3/21/2012 65c 1
BS004.12 3/21/2012 70c 1
BS005.12 3/21/2012 $5 1
BS006.12 8/16/2012 15c issue=Diamond Jubilee / Royal visit of Prince Harry 1
BS007.12 8/16/2012 50c 1
BS008.12 8/16/2012 65c 1
BS009.12 8/16/2012 70c 1
BS010.12 10/10/2012 15c issue=50th Anniversary ..'s Suffrage d=Mary Naomi Mason-Ingraham 1
BS011.12 10/10/2012 25c d=Georgianna Kathleen Symonette 1
BS012.12 10/10/2012 50c d=Mabel Cordelia Walker 1
BS014.12 10/10/2012 70c d=Dame Alberta Isaacs 1
BS015.12 10/10/2012 80c d=Dame Dr. Doris Johnson 1
BS016.12 11/1/2012 15c issue=Christmas 2012 1
BS017.12 11/1/2012 25c 1
BS018.12 11/1/2012 50c 1
BS019.12 11/1/2012 65c 1
BS020.12 11/1/2012 70c 1
BS021.12 11/1/2012 80c 1
BS001.13 2/6/2013 65c issue=60th Anniversary of..en Elizabeth II d=Queen Victoria (2013) 1
BS002.13 2/6/2013 70c d=King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra (2013 Bahamas) 1
BS003.13 2/6/2013 80c d=King George V & Queen Mary on Union Jack 1
BS004.13 2/6/2013 $1 d=King George VI & Queen Elizabeth (2013) 1
BS005.13 2/6/2013 $2 d=Coronation 1
BS006.13 2/6/2013 $3 d=Queen Elizabeth II (2013 Bahamas) 1
BS007.13 5/15/2013 15c issue=Royal Bahamas Police Force Band perf=14 1
BS008.13 5/15/2013 25c 1
BS009.13 5/15/2013 50c 1
BS010.13 5/15/2013 65c 1
BS011.13 5/15/2013 70c 1
BS012.13 5/15/2013 80c 1
BS013.13 7/8/2013 15c issue=40th Anniversary of..ndence d=Constitutional Conference 1972 1
BS014.13 7/8/2013 25c d=1st Governor General 1
BS015.13 7/8/2013 50c d=arms of the Bahamas & Sir Lynden Pindling 1
BS016.13 7/8/2013 65c d=HMBS Flamingo 1
BS017.13 7/8/2013 70c d=Christian Campbell, Desiree Cox, Myron Rolle 1
BS018.13 10/29/2013 15c issue=BREEF d=BREEF emblem 1
BS019.13 10/29/2013 15c d=queen angelfish Holacanthus ciliaris (2013) 1 0
BS020.13 10/29/2013 50c d=loggerhead turtle & diver 1 1
BS021.13 10/29/2013 50c d=loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta 1 2
BS022.13 10/29/2013 65c d=Nassau Grouper Epinephelus striatus Diver 1
BS023.13 10/29/2013 65c d=Nassau Grouper Epinephelus striatus 1 0
BS024.13 10/29/2013 70c d=great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran diver 1
BS025.13 10/29/2013 70c d=great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran 1 0
BS026.13 11/19/2013 15c issue=Christmas 2013 d=Gabriel visits Mary perf=13 1
BS027.13 11/19/2013 25c d=The road to Bethlehem 1
BS028.13 11/19/2013 50c d=No room in the inn 1
BS029.13 11/19/2013 65c d=Jesus in a manger 1
BS030.13 11/19/2013 70c d=The angel visits the shepherds 1
BS031.13 11/19/2013 80c d=The Three Kings 1
BS001.14 5/21/2014 15c blk issue=Christening of..e George d=Elizabeth 1926 perf=13x13.25 1
BS002.14 5/21/2014 50c d=Charles 1948 1
BS003.14 5/21/2014 65c multi d=William 1982 1
BS004.14 5/21/2014 70c d=George 2013 1
BS005.14 7/21/2014 15c issue=10th Anniversary o..tion System d=Maritime boundary perf=13 1
BS006.14 7/21/2014 50c d=Hurricane distribution 1962-2012 1
BS007.14 7/21/2014 65c d=Maritime boundary verification 1
BS008.14 7/21/2014 70c d=Data collection on Inagua 1
BS009.14 8/16/2014 15c issue=75th Anniversary of the World's First Undersea Post Office 1
BS010.14 8/16/2014 50c 1
BS011.14 8/16/2014 65c 1
BS012.14 8/16/2014 70c 1
BS013.14 10/27/2014 50c issue=50th Anniversary of the Ministry of Tourism perf=14 1
BS014.14 10/27/2014 50c 1 0
BS015.14 10/27/2014 50c 1 0
BS016.14 10/27/2014 50c 1 0
BS017.14 11/11/2014 15c issue=Christmas 2014 1
BS018.14 11/11/2014 50c 1
BS019.14 11/11/2014 65c 1
BS020.14 11/11/2014 70c 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14