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WNS catalog - Serbia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
RS001.03 postage 1/30/2003 16(d) issue=Protected Animal species - Abandoned dogs 1
RS002.03 1/30/2003 24(d) 1
RS003.03 1/30/2003 26,20(d) 1
RS004.03 1/30/2003 28,70(d) 1
RS005.03 4/3/2003 16(d) multi issue=Council of Europe 1
RS006.03 4/3/2003 28,70(d) 1
RS007.03 4/18/2003 12(d) issue=Easter 2011 1
RS008.03 4/18/2003 16(d) 1
RS009.03 4/18/2003 26,20(d) 1
RS010.03 4/18/2003 28,70(d) 1
RS011.03 4/22/2003 16(d) issue=Belgrade Choral Society 150th 1
RS012.03 5/9/2003 28,70(d) issue=Europa 2003 1
RS013.03 5/9/2003 50(d) 1
RS014.03 5/13/2003 16(d) dt=flora (2003) d=Galanthus nivalis L. 1753
RS015.03 5/13/2003 24(d) d=Erythronium dens - canis L. 1753
RS016.03 5/13/2003 26,20(d) d=Hepatica nobilis Miller 1768
RS017.03 5/13/2003 28,70(d) d=Anemone ranunculoides L. 1753
RS018.03 5/20/2003 16(d) dt=famous Serbian actors d=Ilija Stanojevic (1859-1930) 1
RS019.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Dobrivoje-Dobrica Milutinovic 2
RS020.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Zivana-Zanka Stokic 3
RS021.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Ljubinka Bobic (1897-1978) 4
RS022.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Radomir-Rasa Plaovic (1899-1977) 5
RS023.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Milivoje Zivanovic (1900-1976) 6
RS024.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Milosav-Mija Aleksic 7
RS025.03 5/20/2003 16(d) d=Zoran Radmilovic (1933-1985) 8
RS026.03 6/3/2003 16(d) issue=1st automobile in Belgrade 100th 1
RS027.03 6/12/2003 28,70(d) dt=scenes of Zasavixz Nature Reserve
RS028.03 6/12/2003 50(d)
RS029.03 8/27/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=125th An..sary of the Military Museum in Belgrade 1
RS030.03 8/28/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=100th Anniversary of the Serbian Sisters' Kolo 1
RS031.03 9/10/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=125th An..Montenegro State d=Serbian Coat of Arms 1
RS032.03 9/10/2003 16(d)|0,25€ d=Montenegrian Coat of Arms 1 0
RS033.03 9/12/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=XI European Championship of Rocket Modellists 1
RS034.03 9/12/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=Philatelica Danubiana d=Nymphe 2
RS035.03 9/12/2003 16(d)|0,25€ d=Danubius 2 0
RS036.03 9/22/2003 0,50€ issue=SRBIJAFILA XIII 1
RS037.03 9/22/2003 0,50€ 1 0
RS038.03 10/14/2003 0,50€ issue=Joy of Europe 2003 1
RS039.03 10/14/2003 0,50€ 1 0
RS040.03 10/16/2003 0,50€ issue=50th Anniversary of the Newspaper 'Vecernje Novosti' 1
RS041.03 10/24/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=Stamp Day 2003 1
RS042.03 10/28/2003 0,25€ issue=50th Anniversary of ULUPUDS 1
RS043.03 11/1/2003 0,50€ issue=850th Anniversary of the City of Panceva 1
RS044.03 11/1/2003 0,50€ issue=50th Anniversary of the National Montenegrin Theatre 2
RS045.03 11/26/2003 0,25€ issue=Museum Exhibits of the Serbian Orthodox Church 1
RS046.03 11/26/2003 24(d)|0,35€ 1
RS047.03 11/26/2003 26,20(d)|0,40€ 1
RS048.03 11/26/2003 0,50€ 1
RS049.03 12/4/2003 12(d)|0,20€ issue=Christmas 2003 1
RS050.03 12/4/2003 16(d)|0,25€ 1
RS051.03 12/4/2003 26,20(d)|0,40€ 1
RS052.03 12/4/2003 28,70(d)|0,50€ 1
RS053.03 12/10/2003 0,50€ issue=75th Anniversary of the Submarine Units 1
RS054.03 12/17/2003 16(d)|0,25€ issue=100th A..ary of the Wright Brothers first flight 1
RS055.03 12/17/2003 0,50€ 1
RS001.04 1/21/2004 16(d)|0,25€ multi issue=Politika newspaper 100th unwmk 1 1
RS002.04 1/21/2004 16(d)|0,25€ 1 2
RS003.04 1/30/2004 12(d)|0,20€ issue=WWF dt=i..2004 Serbia) d=Parnassius apollo (2004) 1
RS004.04 1/30/2004 16(d)|0,25€ d=Rosalia alpina (2004) 1
RS005.04 1/30/2004 26,20(d)|0,40€ d=Aeshna viridis (2004) 1
RS006.04 1/30/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ d=Saga pedo 1
RS007.04 2/13/2004 16(d) issue=1st Serbian rebellion 200th 1 1
RS008.04 2/13/2004 16(d) 1 2
RS009.04 2/16/2004 16(d) dt=flowers & butterflies (2004) d=Ramonda serbica (2004)
RS010.04 2/16/2004 24(d) d=Ramonda nathaliae
RS011.04 2/16/2004 26,20(d)|0,40€ d=Heodes virgaureae Linnaeus
RS012.04 2/16/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ d=Lysandra bellargus
RS013.04 2/27/2004 32(d)|0,50€ issue=Olympics 2004 1
RS014.04 2/27/2004 56(d)|0,80€ 1
RS015.04 3/1/2004 12(d) issue=1st Serbian rebellion 200th b 1
RS016.04 3/1/2004 16(d) 1
RS017.04 3/1/2004 28,70(d) d=Djordje Petrovic Karadzordje 1
RS018.04 3/1/2004 32(d) 1
RS019.04 3/12/2004 16(d) issue=against terrorism d=hand pulling mask from globe 1
RS020.04 3/15/2004 16(d) issue=Easter 2004 1
RS021.04 3/15/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ 1
RS022.04 3/22/2004 16(d) d=globes & Milutin Milankovic
RS023.04 3/31/2004 16(d) d=Albert Einstein & gravity well diagram
RS024.04 4/27/2004 16(d) issue=Kotor as heritage site 25th 1
RS025.04 4/29/2004 16(d) issue=Montenego history printing 250th 1
RS026.04 5/5/2004 16(d) issue=Europa 2004 1
RS027.04 5/5/2004 56(d)|0,80€ 1 1
RS028.04 5/5/2004 32(d)|0,50€ 1
RS029.04 5/5/2004 56(d)|0,80€ 1 2
RS030.04 5/10/2004 16(d) dt=Church of St Sava
RS031.04 5/10/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€
RS032.04 5/13/2004 16(d) dlvio issue=Pupin 150th d=Michael Pupin 1
RS033.04 5/21/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ multi issue=FIFA 100th d=FIFA emblem & soccer field 1
RS034.04 6/10/2004 32(d)|0,50€ dt=nature (2004) d=Ravnjak River
RS035.04 6/10/2004 56(d)|0,80€ d=Sara National Park
RS036.04 6/24/2004 16(d) issue=Olympics 2004 b 1
RS037.04 6/24/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ 1
RS038.04 6/24/2004 32(d)|0,50€ 1
RS039.04 6/24/2004 57,40(d)|0,80€ 1
RS040.04 8/3/2004 16(d) issue=Volujica Telegraph Station 100th 1
RS041.04 6/21/2004 32(d)|0,50€ issue=JUFIZ XII dt=Terazije Fountain 1 1
RS042.04 6/21/2004 32(d)|0,50€ 1 2
RS043.04 10/2/2004 32(d)|0,50€ issue=Joy of Europe 2004 dt=children's art (2004) 3
RS044.04 10/2/2004 56(d)|0,80€ 3
RS045.04 10/12/2004 32(d)|0,50€ issue=Port of Bar 125th d=boats in Bar harbor 1
RS046.04 10/22/2004 16(d)|0,25€ issue=Stamp D..magnifying glass over Lighthouse emblem 1
RS047.04 10/28/2004 16(d)|0,25€ issue=National Bank of Serbia 120th 1
RS048.04 10/28/2004 32(d)|0,50€ 1
RS049.04 11/2/2004 16(d)|0,25€ multi dt=1899 silver
RS050.04 11/2/2004 24(d)|0,35€
RS051.04 11/2/2004 26,20(d)|0,40€
RS052.04 11/2/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€
RS053.04 11/15/2004 16(d) dt=buildings (2004)
RS054.04 11/15/2004 24(d)
RS055.04 11/15/2004 26,20(d)|0,40€
RS056.04 11/15/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€
RS057.04 12/1/2004 16(d)|0,25€ issue=Christmas 2004 1
RS058.04 12/1/2004 28,70(d)|0,50€ 1
RS001.05 1/30/2005 0,25€ dt=protected animal & plant species d=Capparis spinosa (2005)
RS002.05 1/30/2005 33(d)|0,40€ d=Mustela erminea (2005)
RS003.05 1/30/2005 41,50(d)|0,50€ d=Trollius europaeus (2005)
RS004.05 1/30/2005 49,50(d)|0,60€ d=Rupicapra rupicapra (2005)
RS005.05 2/16/2005 16,50(d)|0,25€ dt=flora & fauna (2005) d=Egretta alba (2005 Serbia)
RS006.05 2/16/2005 0,40€ d=Podiceps nigricollis (2005)
RS007.05 2/16/2005 0,50€ d=Aythya nyroca (2005)
RS008.05 2/16/2005 0,60€ d=Ciconia nigra (2005 Serbia)
RS009.05 2/28/2005 0,25€ issue=50 Years of the Montenegrin Table Tennis Association 1
RS010.05 3/1/2005 0,25€ issue=Easter 2005 1
RS011.05 3/1/2005 0,50€ 1
RS012.05 3/12/2005 0,25€ issue=100 Years of the University Law in Serbia 1
RS013.05 3/31/2005 0,25€ issue=50 Years of the first EUROPA issue 1
RS014.05 3/31/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS015.05 3/31/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS016.05 3/31/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS017.05 3/31/2005 0,50€ 1
RS018.05 3/31/2005 0,50€ 1 0
RS019.05 3/31/2005 0,50€ 1 0
RS020.05 3/31/2005 0,50€ 1 0
RS021.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ dt=famous people of Serbian Theatre d=Jovan Dordevic
RS022.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Milan Predic 0
RS023.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Milan Grol 0
RS024.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Mira Trailovic 0
RS025.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Soja Jovanovic 0
RS026.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Hugo Klajn 0
RS027.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Mata Milosevic 0
RS028.05 3/25/2005 0,25€ d=Bojan Stupica 0
RS029.05 4/1/2005 0,50€ issue=200th Anniversa..of the Birth of Hans Christian Andersen 1
RS030.05 4/1/2005 58(d)|0,70€ 1
RS031.05 5/5/2005 0,50€ issue=Europa 2005 1
RS032.05 5/5/2005 73(d)|0,90€ 1
RS033.05 5/5/2005 0,50€ 1
RS034.05 5/5/2005 73(d)|0,90€ 1
RS035.05 5/13/2005 0,25€ dt=captains of Boka Kotorska d=Marko Ivanovic
RS036.05 5/13/2005 0,40€ d=Petar Zelalic
RS037.05 5/13/2005 0,50€ d=Matija Balovic
RS038.05 5/13/2005 0,60€ d=Ivan Bronza
RS039.05 5/23/2005 0,25€ issue=60 Years of Sp.. Associations 'Red Star' and 'Partizan' 1
RS040.05 5/23/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS041.05 5/23/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS042.05 5/23/2005 0,25€ 1 0
RS043.05 6/6/2005 0,50€ issue=50 Years of the Danube Regatta 1
RS044.05 6/6/2005 0,60€ 1
RS045.05 6/10/2005 0,50€ issue=International Year of Physics 1
RS046.05 6/10/2005 58(d)|0,70€ issue=Internat../ 100 Years of the Theory of Relativity 2
RS047.05 6/20/2005 0,50€ issue=European Nature Protection 2005 1
RS048.05 6/20/2005 58(d)|0,70€ d=Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit 1
RS049.05 9/16/2005 0,25€ issue=European Basketball Championship 2005 1
RS050.05 9/2/2005 0,25€ issue=European Volleyball Championships 2005 1
RS051.05 9/21/2005 0,50€ issue=Joy of Europe 2005 2
RS052.05 9/21/2005 0,50€ 2 0
RS053.05 9/30/2005 0,50€ issue=World Youth Day 2005 d=Belgrade graffiti 1
RS054.05 10/10/2005 0,25€ issue=Serbia and Mo..on and Association agreement with Europ 1
RS055.05 10/14/2005 0,60€ issue=100th Anniver.. International Airline Federation (FAI) 1
RS056.05 10/14/2005 58(d)|0,70€ 1
RS057.05 10/24/2005 0,25€ issue=60th Anniversary of United Nations 1
RS058.05 10/24/2005 0,25€ issue=Stamp Day 2005 2
RS059.05 10/28/2005 0,25€ issue=175 Years since the death of Petar I Cetinjski 1
RS060.05 11/14/2005 0,25€ issue=100 Years of the First Constitution of Montenegro 1
RS061.05 11/28/2005 0,25€ issue=Art d=Monastery Sudenica by Djordje Krstic 1
RS062.05 11/28/2005 0,40€ d=Monastery Sopocani by Paja Jovanovic 1
RS063.05 11/28/2005 0,50€ d=Monastery Zica by Djordje Krstic 1
RS064.05 11/28/2005 0,60€ d=Monastery Gracanica by Milan Milovanovic 1
RS065.05 11/23/2005 0,25€ issue=150 Years since the birth of Stevan Sremac 1
RS066.05 12/9/2005 16,50(d)|0,25€ issue=Museum Exhibits d='A girl with a blue ribbon' 1
RS067.05 12/9/2005 0,40€ d='Adoration of the Child' 1
RS068.05 12/9/2005 0,50€ d='Madonna and Child with Saints' 1
RS069.05 12/9/2005 0,60€ d='Remorse' 1
RS070.05 12/12/2005 16,50(d)|0,25€ issue=Christmas 2005 1
RS071.05 12/12/2005 46(d)|0,50€ 1
RS001.06 6/30/2006 16,50(d) d=flag of Serbia
RS002.06 6/30/2006 20(d) d=arms of Serbia
RS003.06 6/30/2006 46(d) issue=Battle of Misar 200th 1
RS004.06 9/1/2006 46(d) issue=European Water Polo Championships 2006 1
RS005.06 9/13/2006 46(d) issue=Serbia - European Water Polo Champions 2006 1
RS006.06 9/29/2006 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2006 1
RS007.06 9/29/2006 73(d) 1
RS008.06 10/24/2006 46(d) issue=Serbian stamp 140th 1
RS009.06 10/30/2006 16,50(d) dt=bridal jewelry
RS010.06 10/30/2006 46(d)
RS011.06 10/30/2006 16,50(d)
RS012.06 10/30/2006 46(d)
RS013.06 11/10/2006 46(d) issue=theatre 50th 1
RS014.06 11/16/2006 46(d) d=Mozart (2006)
RS015.06 11/16/2006 46(d) d=Rembrandt (2006) 0
RS016.06 11/20/2006 16,50(d) issue=Christmas 2006 1
RS017.06 11/20/2006 46(d) 1
RS018.06 12/1/2006 46(d) issue=New Year 2007 1
RS019.06 12/11/2006 16,50(d) issue=UNICEF 60th 1
RS020.06 12/13/2006 16,50(d) issue=Belgrade liberation 200th 1
RS021.06 5/4/2006 0,50€ multi issue=Europa 2006 1
RS022.06 5/4/2006 0,50€ 1 0
RS023.06 5/26/2006 0,50€ issue=150th Annivers..d=Nikola Tesla & his Electric Generator 1
RS024.06 5/26/2006 16,50(d)|0,20€ d=Nikola Tesla 1
RS025.06 5/26/2006 0,50€ 1
RS026.06 5/26/2006 112(d)|1,30€ 1
RS027.06 6/7/2006 16,50(d)|0,20€ dt=flora (2006) d=Aqua (rose) 1
RS028.06 6/7/2006 16,50(d)|0,20€ d=Vendela (rose) 2
RS029.06 6/7/2006 46(d)|0,50€ d=Sphinx (rose) 1
RS030.06 6/7/2006 46(d)|0,50€ d=Red Berlin (rose) 2
RS031.06 6/20/2006 0,50€ issue=European Nature Protection 2006 1
RS032.06 6/20/2006 58(d)|0,60€ 1
RS001.07 1/30/2007 46(d) issue=International Polar Year 1
RS002.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) dt=great Serbian actors d=Petar Dobrinovic
RS003.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Milka Grgurova Aleksic 0
RS004.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Ljubisa Jovanovic 0
RS005.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Rahela Ferari 0
RS006.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Miodrag Petrovic Ckalja 0
RS007.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Branko Plesa 0
RS008.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Ljuba Tadic 0
RS009.07 2/16/2007 16,50(d) d=Danilo Bata Stojkovic 0
RS010.07 3/1/2007 20(d) issue=Easter 2007 1
RS011.07 3/1/2007 46(d) 1
RS012.07 3/23/2007 46(d) issue=European Table Tennis Championship 2007 1
RS013.07 3/23/2007 112(d) 1
RS014.07 4/6/2007 20(d) issue=WWF 2007 dt=Dryocopus martius - black woodpecker 1
RS015.07 4/6/2007 20(d) 1 0
RS016.07 4/6/2007 40(d) 1
RS017.07 4/6/2007 40(d) 1 0
RS018.07 4/20/2007 40(d) issue=European Nature Protection - City Parks 1
RS019.07 4/20/2007 46(d) 1
RS020.07 5/3/2007 20(d) issue=Europa 2007 / Centenary of Scouting 1
RS021.07 5/3/2007 46(d) 1
RS022.07 5/3/2007 20(d) 1
RS023.07 5/3/2007 20(d) 1 0
RS024.07 5/10/2007 20(d) issue=The Serbian Chai..e Council of Europe / May-November 2007 1
RS025.07 5/21/2007 50(d) issue=75 Years of Amelia Earhart's Flight across the Atlantic 1
RS026.07 5/28/2007 20(d) issue=200 Years of Dositej Obradovic in Serbia 1
RS027.07 6/1/2007 20(d) issue=50 Years of Zmaj's Childrens Games 1
RS028.07 6/11/2007 20(d) issue=Srbijafila XIV 1
RS029.07 6/11/2007 46(d) 1
RS030.07 6/20/2007 46(d) issue=9th European Olympic Youth Festival (EYOF) 1
RS031.07 6/20/2007 46(d) 1 0
RS032.07 6/28/2007 20(d) dt=equestrian sports (2007)
RS033.07 6/28/2007 20(d) 0
RS034.07 6/28/2007 40(d)
RS035.07 6/28/2007 40(d) 0
RS036.07 7/10/2007 40(d) dt=great scientists d=William Thomson Kelvin
RS037.07 7/10/2007 46(d) d=Giuseppe Occhialini
RS038.07 7/10/2007 46(d) d=Dmitrij Ivanovitch Mendeleev 0
RS039.07 7/27/2007 20(d) issue=Petar Lubarda 100th d=Petar Lubarda 1
RS040.07 8/28/2007 20(d) issue=600 Years since the construction of Kalenic Monastery 1
RS041.07 9/7/2007 46(d) issue=Danube river faun..una d=Haliaeetus albicilla (2007 joint) 1
RS042.07 9/16/2007 20(d) issue=International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 1
RS043.07 9/21/2007 46(d) issue=Museum Exhibits d=Archeological Excavation - Gamzigrad 1
RS044.07 9/21/2007 46(d) d=Archeological Excavation - Romuliana 1 0
RS045.07 9/28/2007 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2007 4
RS046.07 10/4/2007 46(d) issue=50 Years since the Launching of Sputnik I 1
RS047.07 10/15/2007 20(d) issue=120 Years of the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade 1
RS048.07 10/24/2007 46(d) issue=Stamp Day 2007 1
RS049.07 11/1/2007 20(d) issue=175th Anniversary of Birth of Dura Jaksic 1
RS050.07 11/1/2007 46(d) issue=150th Anniversary of Birth of Uros Predic 2
RS051.07 11/1/2007 46(d) issue=Centenary of Birth of Frida Kahlo d=self-portrait (Kahlo) 3
RS052.07 11/9/2007 20(d) issue=Christmas 2007 1
RS053.07 11/9/2007 46(d) 1
RS054.07 11/14/2007 20(d) issue=Serbia-Romania .. dt=Danubian harbors & ships d=Novi Sad 1
RS055.07 11/14/2007 46(d) d=Orsova 1
RS056.07 11/14/2007 40(d) d=Sirona Ship 1
RS057.07 11/14/2007 50(d) d=Orsova 1
RS058.07 12/23/2007 46(d) issue=125 Years of Serbia - Japan Bilateral Relations 1
RS001.08 1/28/2008 20(d) issue=100 Years of the..atic Archeological Excavations in Vinca 1
RS002.08 2/4/2008 20(d) issue=Centenary of birth of Peda Milosavljevic 1
RS003.08 2/4/2008 46(d) 1
RS004.08 2/18/2008 50(d) issue=100 Years of FINA 1
RS005.08 3/7/2008 46(d) issue=Olympics 2008 1
RS006.08 3/7/2008 50(d) 1
RS007.08 3/21/2008 20(d) issue=Easter 2008 1
RS008.08 3/21/2008 46(d) 1
RS009.08 4/4/2008 20(d) issue=Serbian Olympic Tennis Team d=Janko Tipsarevic 1
RS010.08 4/4/2008 30(d) d=Jelena Jankovic 1
RS011.08 4/4/2008 30(d) d=Nenad Zimonjic 1 0
RS012.08 4/4/2008 40(d) d=Ana Ivanovic 1
RS013.08 4/4/2008 46(d) d=Novak Dokovic 1
RS014.08 4/7/2008 20(d) dt=protected animal species d=Cervus elaphus (2008)
RS015.08 4/7/2008 20(d) d=Eurasian badger - Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758 0
RS016.08 4/7/2008 46(d) d=Wild cat - Felis silvestris
RS017.08 4/7/2008 46(d) d=wild boar - Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 0
RS018.08 4/11/2008 177(d) issue=Eurovision Song Contest 2008 1
RS019.08 5/5/2008 46(d) issue=Europa 2008 1
RS020.08 5/5/2008 50(d) 1
RS021.08 5/23/2008 20(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2008 d=Lake of Vlasina 1
RS022.08 5/23/2008 46(d) d=Djavolja varos (Devil's Town) 1
RS023.08 6/9/2008 20(d) issue=125 Years of the Orient Express 1
RS024.08 6/9/2008 50(d) 1
RS025.08 6/16/2008 46(d) issue=50 Years of Television Belgrade 1
RS026.08 7/10/2008 20(d) d=200 Years of the founding of the Grand School in Belgrade
RS027.08 9/25/2008 20(d) dt=grapes and vineyards of Serbia
RS028.08 9/25/2008 20(d) 0
RS029.08 9/25/2008 46(d)
RS030.08 9/25/2008 46(d) 0
RS031.08 9/26/2008 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2008 5
RS032.08 10/24/2008 46(d) issue=Stamp Day 2008 1
RS033.08 11/10/2008 46(d) dt=children's folk costumes
RS034.08 11/10/2008 50(d)
RS035.08 11/20/2008 46(d) issue=60 Years of the.. the Regime of Navigation on the Danube 1
RS036.08 11/28/2008 20(d) issue=Christmas 2008 1
RS037.08 11/28/2008 46(d) 1
RS038.08 12/5/2008 20(d) issue=50 Years from the Founding of the Theatre 1
RS001.09 1/5/2009 20(d) issue=75 Years of the Journal 2
RS002.09 1/5/2009 46(d) issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Louis Braille 1
RS003.09 2/16/2009 22(d) dt=protected animal species d=Mustela erminea (2009)
RS004.09 2/16/2009 22(d) d=Micromys minitus 0
RS005.09 2/16/2009 46(d) d=Sicista subtilis
RS006.09 2/16/2009 46(d) d=Spermophilis citelluss 0
RS007.09 2/28/2009 22(d) issue=70 Years of Magazine 1
RS008.09 3/2/2009 22(d) issue=Joint Issue with Bulgaria d=Scolopax rusticola (2009) 1
RS009.09 3/2/2009 46(d) d=Monticola saxatilis 1
RS010.09 3/9/2009 22(d) issue=Easter 2009 1
RS011.09 3/9/2009 46(d) 1
RS012.09 3/23/2009 22(d) dt=famous actors of Serbian Theatres
RS013.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS014.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS015.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS016.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS017.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS018.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS019.09 3/23/2009 22(d) 0
RS020.09 3/30/2009 22(d) issue=25th Summer Universiade 1
RS021.09 3/30/2009 46(d) 1
RS022.09 4/6/2009 22(d) issue=100th Anniversary of Birth of Milena Pavlovic Barilli 1
RS023.09 4/6/2009 46(d) issue=125th Anniversary of Birth of Jovan Bijelic 2
RS024.09 4/6/2009 46(d) issue=150th Anniversary of Birth of Paja Jovanovic 3
RS025.09 5/5/2009 46(d) issue=Europa 2009 1
RS026.09 5/5/2009 50(d) 1
RS027.09 5/9/2009 22(d) issue=70 Years of Layin..ava's Temple Foundation Stone on Vracar 1
RS028.09 5/20/2009 22(d) issue=European Nature ..on - Uvac River Gorge and Pcinja Valley 1
RS029.09 5/20/2009 46(d) 1
RS030.09 5/29/2009 22(d) issue=200 Years of Battle of Cegar 1
RS031.09 5/29/2009 46(d) 1
RS032.09 5/29/2009 22(d) dt=Great Personalities..n Classical Music d=Kornelije Stankovic
RS033.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Josif Marinkovic 0
RS034.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Petar Konjovic 0
RS035.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Stevan Hristic 0
RS036.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Miloje Milojevic 0
RS037.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Mihovil Logar 0
RS038.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Ljubica Maric 0
RS039.09 5/29/2009 22(d) d=Vasilije Mokranjac 0
RS040.09 6/8/2009 22(d) issue=800th Anniversary..f the Church of the Virgin in Studenica 1
RS041.09 6/22/2009 22(d) issue=Centenary of Birth of Pavle Savic 1
RS042.09 6/22/2009 22(d) issue=150th Anniversary of Birth of Dimitrije Putnikovic 2
RS043.09 6/22/2009 46(d) issue=150th Anniversary of Birth of Pierre Curie 3
RS044.09 6/22/2009 46(d) issue=200th Anniversary of Birth of Charles Darwin 4
RS045.09 9/8/2009 22(d) issue=125th Anniversary of the Railroad in Serbia 1
RS046.09 9/8/2009 46(d) 1
RS047.09 9/21/2009 22(d) issue=50th Anniversary of the International Exhibition 1
RS048.09 9/28/2009 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2009 6
RS049.09 10/9/2009 46(d) issue=FINA world Championships 2009 1
RS050.09 10/9/2009 46(d) 1 0
RS051.09 10/9/2009 50(d) 1
RS052.09 10/23/2009 46(d) issue=Stamp Day 2009 1
RS053.09 11/9/2009 22(d) dt=Museum Exhibits - D..aurs of Argentina - Giants of Patagonia
RS054.09 11/9/2009 46(d)
RS055.09 11/23/2009 22(d) issue=Christmas 2009 1
RS056.09 11/23/2009 46(d) 1
RS001.10 1/26/2010 22(d) issue=75 Years of the Weekly Newspaper 1
RS002.10 1/27/2010 22(d) issue=Year of the Tiger 2010 1
RS003.10 1/27/2010 50(d) 1
RS004.10 2/10/2010 22(d) issue=European Nature Protection - Paeonia officinalis L. 1
RS005.10 2/10/2010 46(d) 1
RS006.10 2/12/2010 22(d) issue=Winter Olympics 2010 1
RS007.10 2/12/2010 50(d) 1
RS008.10 2/23/2010 22(d) issue=100th Anniversary of the Olympic Committee of Serbia 1
RS009.10 2/26/2010 22(d) issue=EXPO 2010 1
RS010.10 2/26/2010 50(d) 1
RS011.10 3/1/2010 50(d) issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Frederic Chopin 1
RS012.10 3/2/2010 22(d) issue=Easter 2010 1
RS013.10 3/2/2010 46(d) 1
RS014.10 3/18/2010 22(d) issue=160 Years since of the Military Academy in Belgrade 1
RS015.10 4/8/2010 22(d) issue=Motoring - 55 Years 1
RS016.10 4/12/2010 22(d) dt=city birds d=Passer domesticus (2010 Serbia)
RS017.10 4/12/2010 33(d) d=Phoenicurus ochruros
RS018.10 4/12/2010 46(d) d=Columba livia (2010)
RS019.10 4/12/2010 50(d) d=Parus major (2010)
RS020.10 4/19/2010 22(d) issue=140 Years of Industrialisation of Serbia 1
RS021.10 5/5/2010 66(d) issue=Europa 2010 1
RS022.10 5/5/2010 77(d) 1
RS023.10 5/6/2010 22(d) issue=World Cup 2010 1
RS024.10 5/6/2010 50(d) 1
RS025.10 5/6/2010 177(d) 1
RS026.10 6/1/2010 50(d) issue=Tour de Serbie 2010 1
RS027.10 6/28/2010 50(d) issue=Joint issue Serbia - Russia - Art Icons 1
RS028.10 6/28/2010 50(d) 1 0
RS029.10 8/13/2010 44(d) issue=50 Years of Guca Trumpet Players Gathering 1
RS030.10 8/14/2010 51(d) issue=First Youth Olympic Games - Singapore 2010 1
RS031.10 8/26/2010 50(d) issue=Centenary of Mother Theresa's Birthday 1
RS032.10 11/26/2010 46(d) d=Stamp Day - 170 Years of Post of Serbia
RS033.10 11/26/2010 46(d) d=Joy of Europe 0
RS034.10 11/26/2010 22(d) issue=Museum Exhibits..f the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade 1
RS035.10 11/26/2010 44(d) 1
RS036.10 11/26/2010 22(d) issue=Serbian Literat..t Men dt=Serbian Literature's Great Men 2
RS037.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS038.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS039.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS040.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS041.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS042.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS043.10 11/26/2010 22(d) 2 0
RS044.10 11/30/2010 22(d) issue=Christmas 2010 1
RS045.10 11/30/2010 46(d) 1
RS046.10 12/6/2010 50(d) issue=Serbian Davis Cup Team - World Champion 2010 1
RS047.10 12/9/2010 22(d) issue=A Century of Aviation in Serbia - Ivan Saric 1
RS048.10 12/9/2010 44(d) 1
RS049.10 12/9/2010 55(d) 1
RS050.10 12/9/2010 66(d) 1
RS051.10 12/9/2010 77(d) 1
RS001.11 1/31/2011 46(d) issue=Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers 1
RS002.11 1/31/2011 66(d) 1
RS003.11 2/7/2011 22(d) issue=Year of the Rabbit 2011 1
RS004.11 2/7/2011 55(d) 1
RS005.11 2/9/2011 46(d) issue=1866 Serbia becom..national Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1
RS006.11 2/14/2011 44(d) d=Avala Tower
RS007.11 2/25/2011 22(d) issue=200 Years since ..ic d=self-portrait by Katarina Ivanovic 1
RS008.11 2/25/2011 33(d) issue=200 Years since the Birth of Uros Knezevic 2
RS009.11 2/25/2011 44(d) issue=150 Years since the Birth of Dorde Jovanovic 3
RS010.11 2/25/2011 66(d) issue=100 Years since the Birth of Bora Baruh 4
RS011.11 3/15/2011 22(d) issue=100 Years of the Music School 1
RS012.11 3/25/2011 22(d) issue=Easter 2011 1
RS013.11 3/25/2011 112(d) 1
RS014.11 3/28/2011 22(d) issue=150th Anniversar..he Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad 1
RS015.11 3/31/2011 50(d)
RS016.11 4/4/2011 22(d) issue=WWF dt=Phalacrocorax pygmeus d=Phalacrocorax pygmeus 1
RS017.11 4/4/2011 33(d) 1
RS018.11 4/4/2011 44(d) 1
RS019.11 4/4/2011 66(d) 1
RS020.11 4/15/2011 50(d) issue=International Year of Biodiversity 1
RS021.11 5/5/2011 33(d) issue=Europa 2011 dt=forests (2011 Serbia) 1
RS022.11 5/5/2011 66(d) 1
RS023.11 5/6/2011 22(d) issue=100 Years of the Scout Association in Serbia 1
RS024.11 5/10/2011 22(d) issue=130 Years of the Gymnasium 1
RS025.11 5/13/2011 22(d) issue=Lazarevic 160th d=Laza Lazarevic 1
RS026.11 5/27/2011 22(d) dt=flora (2011) d=raspberry (2011)
RS027.11 5/27/2011 33(d) d=strawberries (2011)
RS028.11 5/27/2011 44(d) d=Ribes rubrum (2011)
RS029.11 5/27/2011 66(d) multi d=Vaccinium macrocarpon (2011)
RS030.11 6/1/2011 50(d) issue=30 Years of Discovering and Struggle Against AIDS 1
RS031.11 6/3/2011 22(d) issue=Digital Serbia 1
RS032.11 6/3/2011 44(d) 1
RS033.11 6/13/2011 22(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2011 1
RS034.11 6/13/2011 46(d) 1
RS035.11 6/14/2011 50(d) multi issue=Joint Issu..of Franz Liszt's Birthday d=Franz Liszt 1
RS036.11 6/20/2011 22(d) dt=bridges (2011 Serbia) d=Bridge Beska
RS037.11 6/20/2011 44(d) d=Bridge on river Sava
RS038.11 6/20/2011 46(d) d=Bridge Freedom
RS039.11 7/1/2011 22(d) issue=Museum Exhibits - 100 Years of Celebration of 1
RS040.11 7/1/2011 55(d) 1
RS041.11 7/12/2011 22(d) issue=75th Anniversary of Belgrade Zoo d=Panthera leo (2011) 1
RS042.11 7/12/2011 33(d) d=Panthera tigris tigris (2011) 1
RS043.11 7/12/2011 44(d) d=Neophron percnopterus (2011) 1
RS044.11 7/12/2011 46(d) d=Macropus rufogriseus 1
RS045.11 7/12/2011 50(d) d=Panthera leo (2011) 1
RS046.11 7/13/2011 22(d) d=Digital Serbia
RS047.11 7/20/2011 50(d) issue=50 Years of Airplane d=Galeb G-1 1
RS048.11 9/1/2011 22(d) issue=50th Anniversary ..rst Conference of Non-Aligned Countries 1
RS049.11 9/20/2011 46(d) issue=2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship 1
RS050.11 9/30/2011 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2011 7
RS051.11 10/3/2011 22(d) issue=100 Years since the First Serbian Feature Film 1
RS052.11 10/25/2011 46(d) issue=Stamp Day 2011 1
RS053.11 10/26/2011 22(d) issue=Joint issue Serbia-Brazil - Literature 1
RS054.11 10/26/2011 46(d) 1
RS055.11 11/15/2011 22(d) issue=Christmas 2011 1
RS056.11 11/15/2011 112(d) 1
RS057.11 11/25/2011 22(d) issue=130 Years of the Journalist's Association of Serbia 1
RS058.11 12/19/2011 22(d)
RS059.11 12/20/2011 22(d) issue=2011 - Year of Volleyball Gold Medals 1
RS060.11 12/20/2011 22(d) 1 0
RS001.12 1/6/2012 46(d) multi issue=100 Years s..unding of the African National Congress 1
RS002.12 2/6/2012 22(d) issue=Year of the Dragon 2012 1
RS003.12 2/6/2012 55(d) 1
RS004.12 3/2/2012 22(d) issue=Architecture 2012 1
RS005.12 3/2/2012 33(d) d=Old telephone exchange, Belgrade 1
RS006.12 3/2/2012 46(d) 1
RS007.12 3/2/2012 55(d) 1
RS008.12 3/9/2012 22(d) issue=125 Years of the National Theatre in Nis 1
RS009.12 3/15/2012 22(d) issue=Easter 2012 1
RS010.12 3/15/2012 46(d) 1
RS011.12 3/30/2012 22(d) issue=Science 2012 1
RS012.12 3/30/2012 33(d) 1
RS013.12 3/30/2012 44(d) 1
RS014.12 4/12/2012 50(d) issue=Joint Issue Serbia-Slovakia d=Jan Koniarek 1
RS015.12 4/21/2012 22(d) issue=25th Belgrade Marathon 1
RS016.12 5/21/2012 22(d) issue=reptiles 2012 dt=reptiles (2012) d=Coronella austriaca 1
RS017.12 5/21/2012 33(d) d=Podarcis taurica (2012) 1
RS018.12 5/21/2012 44(d) d=Lacerta viridis 1
RS019.12 5/21/2012 66(d) d=Emys orbicularis (2012) 1
RS020.12 5/30/2012 44(d) issue=Europa 2012 1
RS021.12 5/30/2012 77(d) 1
RS022.12 6/1/2012 22(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2012 1
RS023.12 6/1/2012 46(d) 1
RS024.12 7/13/2012 22(d) issue=175th Anniversar..of St michael the Archangel in Belgrade 1
RS025.12 7/27/2012 44(d) issue=Olympics 2012 1
RS026.12 7/27/2012 77(d) 1
RS027.12 9/3/2012 22(d) issue=Great Authors of .. dt=Great Authors of Serbian Literature 1
RS028.12 9/3/2012 33(d) 1
RS029.12 9/3/2012 44(d) 1
RS030.12 9/27/2012 22(d) issue=Museum Exhibits dt=Museum Exhibits 1
RS031.12 9/27/2012 55(d) 1
RS032.12 10/1/2012 46(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2012 1
RS033.12 10/4/2012 50(d) d=Digital Television
RS034.12 10/12/2012 11(d) d=Belt with Buckle
RS035.12 10/24/2012 22(d) issue=100th Anniversary of the Battle of Kumanovo 1
RS036.12 10/24/2012 50(d) 1
RS037.12 10/25/2012 22(d) issue=Stamp Day 2012 1
RS038.12 11/1/2012 22(d) issue=Christmas 2012 1
RS039.12 11/1/2012 46(d) 1
RS040.12 12/24/2012 22(d) issue=100 Years of Serbian Air Force d=Balon Srbija 1
RS041.12 12/24/2012 55(d) d=Fizir FN (2012) 1 1
RS042.12 12/24/2012 22(d) d=Rogozarski IK-3 1
RS043.12 12/24/2012 55(d) d=Ikarus S-49 1 2
RS044.12 12/24/2012 22(d) d=Soko Jastreb 1
RS045.12 12/24/2012 55(d) d=Lasta 95 1 3
RS001.13 2/8/2013 22(d) issue=Year of the Snake 2013 1
RS002.13 2/8/2013 46(d) 1
RS003.13 2/20/2013 22(d) issue=50 Years of the Historical Museum of Serbia 1
RS004.13 2/20/2013 50(d) 1
RS005.13 3/1/2013 22(d) issue=Easter 2013 1
RS006.13 3/1/2013 46(d) 1
RS007.13 3/4/2013 22(d) issue=Art 2013 1
RS008.13 3/4/2013 46(d) 1
RS009.13 3/4/2013 50(d) 1
RS010.13 4/5/2013 50(d) issue=100 Years of the Edicts of Milan 1
RS011.13 4/5/2013 112(d) 1
RS012.13 5/8/2013 50(d) issue=150 Years since t..nternational Committee of the Red Cross 1
RS013.13 5/9/2013 44(d) issue=Europa 2012 1
RS014.13 5/9/2013 112(d) 1
RS015.13 5/13/2013 46(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2013 1
RS016.13 5/13/2013 50(d) 1
RS017.13 5/24/2013 22(d) issue=Doyens of Serbian Theatre 1 1
RS018.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 2
RS019.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 3
RS020.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 4
RS021.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 5
RS022.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 6
RS023.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 7
RS024.13 5/24/2013 22(d) 1 8
RS025.13 5/29/2013 46(d) issue=70 Years since e..Republic of Cuba and Republic of Serbia 1
RS026.13 6/14/2013 22(d) issue=Flora 2013 dt=flora (2013) d=Cymbidium Burgundian 1
RS027.13 6/14/2013 33(d) d=Masdevallia Kimballiana 1
RS028.13 6/14/2013 46(d) d=Angraecum leonis (2013) 1
RS029.13 6/14/2013 66(d) d=Cymbidium Fort George 1
RS030.13 8/30/2013 22(d) issue=50th Ljubicevo Equestrian Games 1 1
RS031.13 8/30/2013 22(d) 1 2
RS032.13 8/30/2013 22(d) 1 3
RS033.13 8/30/2013 22(d) 1 4
RS034.13 9/2/2013 22(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2013 1
RS035.13 9/2/2013 46(d) 1
RS036.13 10/14/2013 22(d) issue=50th Anniversary of the Constitutional court 1
RS037.13 10/25/2013 22(d) issue=Stamp Day 2013 1
RS038.13 10/28/2013 22(d) issue=Christmas 2013 1
RS039.13 10/28/2013 46(d) 1
RS040.13 11/13/2013 46(d) issue=200th Anniversa..f the birth of Petar II Petrovic Njegos 1
RS041.13 11/20/2013 22(d) issue=Science - Education 1 1
RS042.13 11/20/2013 22(d) 1 2
RS043.13 11/20/2013 22(d) 1 3
RS044.13 11/20/2013 22(d) 1 4
RS045.13 11/25/2013 50(d) issue=125th Anniversa.. birth of King Alexander I Karadordevic 1
RS046.13 11/28/2013 22(d) issue=160 Years since.. Kragujevac Factory "Zastava Oruzje AD" 1
RS047.13 12/2/2013 46(d) issue=Serbia - Algeria Joint issue 1
RS048.13 12/2/2013 46(d) 1 0
RS049.13 12/6/2013 22(d) issue=900 Years since the birth of Stefan Nemanja 1
RS001.14 1/21/2014 22(d) issue=Opening of the N..cession of Serbia to the European Union 1
RS002.14 1/31/2014 22(d) issue=Year of the Horse 2014 1
RS003.14 1/31/2014 46(d) 1
RS004.14 2/7/2014 22(d) issue=Winter Olympics 2014 1
RS005.14 2/7/2014 46(d) 1
RS006.14 2/17/2014 22(d) issue=Easter 2014 1
RS007.14 2/17/2014 46(d) 1
RS008.14 3/28/2014 22(d) issue=150 Years since Birth of Branislav Nusic dt=art (2014) 2
RS009.14 3/28/2014 46(d) issue=200 Years since Birth of Mihaila Ljermontova 3
RS010.14 3/28/2014 50(d) issue=450 Years since Birth of William Shakespeare 1
RS011.14 4/1/2014 23(d) d=Mileva Maric Einstein
RS012.14 4/1/2014 1(d) d=Electronic Communications
RS013.14 4/28/2014 69(d) issue=Europa 2014 1
RS014.14 4/28/2014 74(d) 1
RS015.14 5/22/2014 35(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2014 1
RS016.14 5/22/2014 70(d) 1
RS017.14 6/24/2014 23(d) issue=100 Years since the First World War 1
RS018.14 6/24/2014 35(d) 1
RS019.14 6/24/2014 46(d) 1
RS020.14 6/24/2014 70(d) 1
RS021.14 6/30/2014 23(d) issue=Fauna 2014 d=Felis silvestris (2014) 1
RS022.14 6/30/2014 35(d) d=Vulpes vulpes (2014) 1
RS023.14 6/30/2014 46(d) d=Canis lupus (2014) 1
RS024.14 6/30/2014 70(d) d=Lynx lynx (2014) 1
RS025.14 9/2/2014 70(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2014 1
RS026.14 9/11/2014 23(d) issue=Centenary of the Birth of the Serbian Patriarch Pavle 1
RS027.14 9/23/2014 23(d) issue=Stamp Day 2014 1
RS028.14 10/1/2014 23(d) issue=Museum Exhibits 2014 1
RS029.14 10/1/2014 69(d) 1
RS030.14 10/8/2014 23(d) issue=Science 2014 1
RS031.14 10/8/2014 74(d) 1
RS032.14 10/17/2014 23(d) issue=Christmas 2014 1
RS033.14 10/17/2014 70(d) 1
RS034.14 10/20/2014 50(d) issue=70th Anniversar.. Liberation of Belgrade in World War II 1
RS035.14 10/20/2014 170(d) 1
RS036.14 11/17/2014 23(d) issue=Children's Postage stamps 2014 1
RS037.14 11/17/2014 35(d) 1
RS038.14 11/17/2014 46(d) 1
RS039.14 11/17/2014 70(d) 1
RS040.14 11/27/2014 23(d) issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Nikolay Krasnov 1
RS041.14 11/27/2014 23(d) 1 0
RS042.14 11/27/2014 23(d) 1 0
RS043.14 11/27/2014 35(d) 1
RS044.14 11/27/2014 35(d) 1 0
RS045.14 11/27/2014 35(d) 1 0
RS046.14 11/27/2014 70(d) 1
RS047.14 11/27/2014 70(d) 1 0
RS048.14 12/3/2014 50(d) issue=25 Years of Dipl..ic Relations with the Republic of Korea 1
RS049.14 12/3/2014 170(d) 1
RS050.14 12/9/2014 23(d) issue=Centenary of the Birth of Ljubica Cuca Sokić 1
RS001.15 1/27/2015 35(d) issue=100 Years since .. birth of Branko Copic d=Branko Ćopić 1
RS002.15 2/19/2015 23(d) issue=Year of the Goat 2015 1
RS003.15 2/19/2015 74(d) 1
RS004.15 2/25/2015 23(d) issue=Easter 2015 1
RS005.15 2/25/2015 74(d) 1
RS006.15 3/26/2015 23(d) issue=Famous Serbian Directors 1 1
RS007.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 2
RS008.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 3
RS009.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 4
RS010.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 5
RS011.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 6
RS012.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 7
RS013.15 3/26/2015 23(d) 1 8
RS014.15 4/16/2015 69(d) issue=Europa 2015 1
RS015.15 4/16/2015 100(d) 1
RS016.15 4/23/2015 50(d) issue=200 Years since the Second Serbian uprising 1
RS017.15 4/23/2015 170(d) 1
RS018.15 5/8/2015 23(d) issue=Science 2015 1
RS019.15 5/8/2015 74(d) 1
RS020.15 5/15/2015 74(d) issue=150 Years since .. International Telecommunications Union 1
RS021.15 5/20/2015 35(d) issue=European Nature Conservation 2015 1
RS022.15 5/20/2015 70(d) 1
RS023.15 5/27/2015 23(d) issue=Flora 2015 dt=flora (2015) d=Cydonia oblonga (2015) 1
RS024.15 5/27/2015 35(d) d=Malus sylvestris 1
RS025.15 5/27/2015 46(d) d=Prunus domestica 1
RS026.15 5/27/2015 70(d) d=Pyrus communis 1
RS027.15 6/1/2015 23(d) issue=60th Anniversary of the radio show "Good Morning Children" 1
RS028.15 6/7/2015 23(d) issue=175th Anniversary of Post of Serbia 1
RS029.15 6/7/2015 74(d) 1
RS030.15 6/10/2015 23(d) issue=Art 2015 1
RS031.15 6/10/2015 70(d) 1
RS032.15 2/2/2015 23(d) d=Mileva Maric Ajnstajn
RS033.15 2/2/2015 1(d) d=Electronic Communications
RS034.15 8/3/2015 35(d) d=Milos Obrenovic
RS035.15 8/26/2015 23(d) issue=International Year of Light 1
RS036.15 8/26/2015 74(d) 1
RS037.15 9/24/2015 184(d) issue=World Football Champions Under 20 New Zealand 2015 1
RS038.15 10/2/2015 70(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2015 1
RS039.15 10/6/2015 23(d) issue=Centenary of the..fence of Belgrade in he First World War 1
RS040.15 10/9/2015 23(d) issue=00th Anniversary..rsky Pupin - Dawn of Telecommunications 1
RS041.15 10/15/2015 23(d) issue=Christmas 2015 1
RS042.15 10/15/2015 70(d) 1
RS043.15 10/20/2015 74(d) issue=Serbia's Chairm..curity and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1
RS044.15 10/21/2015 11(d) d=Belt and buckle (2015)
RS045.15 11/4/2015 23(d) issue=Children's Stamp 2015 1
RS046.15 11/4/2015 23(d) 1 0
RS047.15 11/4/2015 23(d) 1 0
RS048.15 11/4/2015 23(d) 1 0
RS049.15 11/9/2015 70(d) issue=Joint Issue Serbia - Slovenia d=Davorin Jenko 1
RS050.15 11/18/2015 23(d) dt=Museum Exhibits d=200 Years of Saint Peter and Paul
RS051.15 11/18/2015 35(d) d=275 Years of the Monastery Studenica copperplate
RS052.15 11/18/2015 70(d) d=275 Years of the Saint Demetrius icon
RS053.15 11/24/2015 23(d) issue=World Champions in Water Polo 1
RS054.15 11/27/2015 23(d) issue=European Champions in Women's Basketball 2015 1
RS055.15 12/2/2015 23(d) issue=Two Centuries of the Serbian Army 1
RS056.15 12/3/2015 23(d) issue=150 Years of the Gymnasium in Krusevac 1
RS057.15 12/4/2015 74(d) issue=British Heroines of the First World War in Serbia 1
RS058.15 12/4/2015 74(d) 1 0
RS059.15 12/4/2015 74(d) 1 0
RS060.15 12/4/2015 74(d) 1 0
RS061.15 12/4/2015 74(d) 1 0
RS062.15 12/4/2015 74(d) 1 0
RS063.15 12/10/2015 23(d) issue=Stamp Day 2015 1
RS001.16 1/28/2016 23(d) issue=Serbian heritage d=Bogorodica Ljeviška 1307 1
RS002.16 1/28/2016 46(d) d=Gračanica 1321 1
RS003.16 1/28/2016 69(d) d=Visoki Dečani 1335 1
RS004.16 1/28/2016 70(d) d=Pećka Patrijaršija 1346 1
RS005.16 2/8/2016 23(d) issue=Year of the Monkey 2016 1
RS006.16 2/8/2016 74(d) 1
RS007.16 2/23/2016 23(d) issue=125th Anniversary of Serbian Geological Society Jov… 1
RS008.16 2/25/2016 23(d) issue=Easter 2016 1
RS009.16 2/25/2016 74(d) 1
RS010.16 2016 23(d) d=Mileva Maric Einstein
RS011.16 3/16/2016 23(d) issue=Zerynthia polyxena d=Zerynthia polyxena (2016) 1
RS012.16 3/16/2016 46(d) 1
RS013.16 3/16/2016 50(d) 1
RS014.16 3/16/2016 70(d) 1
RS015.16 4/13/2016 23(d) d=50 Years of Mathematic Grammar School Belgrade
RS016.16 4/13/2016 46(d) d=225 Years of Gymnasium Sremski Karlovci
RS017.16 4/27/2016 23(d) issue=Fauna 2016 d=Eurasian beaver Castor fiber 1
RS018.16 4/27/2016 46(d) d=Aquila heliaca (2016) 1
RS019.16 4/27/2016 50(d) d=Griffon vulture Gyps fulvus 1
RS020.16 4/27/2016 70(d) d=Eurasian otter Lutra lutra 1
RS021.16 5/9/2016 69(d) issue=Europa 2016 d=evolution 1
RS022.16 5/9/2016 100(d) d=bicycle 1
RS023.16 5/26/2016 50(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2016 1
RS024.16 5/26/2016 74(d) 1
RS025.16 6/7/2016 23(d) issue=Olympics 2016 1
RS026.16 6/7/2016 70(d) 1
RS027.16 6/7/2016 50(d) 1
RS028.16 6/7/2016 170(d) 1
RS029.16 6/7/2016 23(d) issue=150 Years since the first Postage stamp issue in Serbia 2
RS030.16 2016 23(d) d=Mileva Maric Einstein
RS031.16 6/21/2016 70(d) issue=125 Years since Tesla's Transformer Patent 1
RS032.16 8/22/2016 23(d) issue=23rd Bizantology Congress 1
RS033.16 8/22/2016 70(d) 1
RS034.16 8/22/2016 23(d) 1
RS035.16 8/22/2016 70(d) 1
RS036.16 8/22/2016 23(d) 1
RS037.16 8/22/2016 70(d) 1
RS038.16 8/22/2016 23(d) 1
RS039.16 8/22/2016 70(d) 1
RS040.16 9/1/2016 23(d) issue=50th Anniversary of BITEF 1
RS041.16 9/1/2016 70(d) 1
RS042.16 9/12/2016 23(d) issue=Centenary of the Battle of Kaymakchalan 1
RS043.16 9/23/2016 23(d) issue=75th Anniversary..Establishment of the Republic of Užice 1
RS044.16 9/29/2016 70(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2016 1
RS045.16 10/11/2016 23(d) issue=Stamp Day 2016 1
RS046.16 10/11/2016 70(d) 1
RS047.16 10/18/2016 23(d) issue=Christmas 2016 1
RS048.16 10/18/2016 100(d) 1
RS049.16 10/21/2016 23(d) issue=Remembering the.. the Second World War - Kragujevac 1941 1
RS050.16 11/3/2016 23(d) issue=Museum Exhibits 2016 d=Stecci - Tree of Life 1
RS051.16 11/3/2016 46(d) d=Stecci - Dragon 1
RS052.16 11/3/2016 50(d) d=Stecci - Arcades 1
RS053.16 11/9/2016 23(d) issue=children 2016 1
RS054.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 1 0
RS055.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 1 0
RS056.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 1 0
RS057.16 11/9/2016 23(d) issue=Art 2016 2
RS058.16 11/9/2016 70(d) 2
RS059.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 2
RS060.16 11/9/2016 70(d) 2
RS061.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 2
RS062.16 11/9/2016 70(d) 2
RS063.16 11/9/2016 23(d) 2
RS064.16 11/9/2016 70(d) 2
RS065.16 12/9/2016 23(d) issue=150th Anniversar..av M. Subotic d=Dr. Vojislav M. Subotic 1
RS066.16 2016 23(d) d=Mileva Maric Einstein
RS067.16 11/4/2016 35(d) d=Milos Obrenovic
RS001.17 1/27/2017 23(d) issue=Year of the Rooster 2017 1
RS002.17 1/27/2017 74(d) 1
RS003.17 2/6/2017 23(d) issue=2017 d=Mileva Maric Ajnstajn 1
RS004.17 2/6/2017 35(d) d=Milos Obrenovic 1
RS005.17 2/7/2017 23(d) issue=Easter 2017 d=Las..rch of the Virgin - Studenica Monastery 1
RS006.17 2/7/2017 74(d) d=Crucifixion of Christ..rch of the Virgin - Studenica Monastery 1
RS007.17 2/21/2017 23(d) issue=100th Anniversary of Toplica Uprising 1
RS008.17 3/14/2017 74(d) issue=25th Anniversary of BSEC 1
RS009.17 3/16/2017 23(d) issue=Owls 2017 d=Athene noctua (2017) 1
RS010.17 3/16/2017 46(d) d=Tyto alba (2017) 1
RS011.17 3/16/2017 50(d) d=Asio otus 1
RS012.17 3/16/2017 70(d) d=Otus scops (2017) 1
RS013.17 3/27/2017 23(d) issue=Doyens of Serbian Theatre 1 2
RS014.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 3
RS015.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 4
RS016.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 5
RS017.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 1
RS018.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 6
RS019.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 7
RS020.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 8
RS021.17 3/27/2017 23(d) 1 9
RS022.17 4/10/2017 23(d) d=150 Years since the Birth of Kosta Stojanović
RS023.17 4/10/2017 46(d) issue=150 Years since the Birth of Marie Curie 1
RS024.17 4/13/2017 70(d) issue=Cities of Serbia 2017 d=Belgrade 1
RS025.17 4/13/2017 70(d) d=Novi Sad 1 0
RS026.17 4/13/2017 70(d) d=Niš 1 0
RS027.17 4/19/2017 100(d) issue=150th Anniversa..anded over to Prince Mihailo Obrenović 1
RS028.17 4/21/2017 23(d) issue=Belgrade Marathon 2017 1
RS029.17 4/27/2017 23(d) issue=Flora 2017 d=Pyrus communis 1
RS030.17 4/27/2017 46(d) d=Prunus domestica 1
RS031.17 4/27/2017 50(d) d=Malus sylvestris 1
RS032.17 4/27/2017 70(d) d=Juglans regia 1
RS033.17 4/28/2017 23(d) issue=125th Anniversary of the Serbian Literary Cooperative 1
RS034.17 5/9/2017 69(d) issue=Europa 2017 d=Maglič 1
RS035.17 5/9/2017 100(d) d=Smederevo 1
RS036.17 5/19/2017 23(d) issue=The House of Jev..Jevrem Grujić, Steva Todorović (1888) 1
RS037.17 5/19/2017 46(d) d=Mileva Naumović, Uroš Knežević (1854) 1
RS038.17 5/19/2017 50(d) d=Jelena Milojević wi..ers Milica and Milena, V. Volkov (1925) 1
RS039.17 5/19/2017 70(d) d=Queen Natalija Obrenović, Steva Todorović (1884) 1
RS040.17 6/1/2017 50(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2017 d=Aldrovanda vesiculosa 1
RS041.17 6/1/2017 74(d) d=Aythya nyroca (2017) 1
RS042.17 6/5/2017 74(d) issue=180 years since t..ations between Great Britain and Serbia 1
RS043.17 8/21/2017 23(d) issue=90th Anniversary of the Serbian National Airline 1
RS044.17 9/1/2017 70(d) issue=Ljubičevo Equestrian Games 2017 1
RS045.17 9/29/2017 70(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2017 1
RS046.17 10/2/2017 23(d) issue=Christmas 2017 1
RS047.17 10/2/2017 74(d) 1
RS048.17 10/6/2017 23(d) issue=800 Years since ..ani as the First-Crowned King of Serbia 1
RS049.17 10/9/2017 23(d) issue=Stamp Day 2017 1
RS050.17 11/1/2017 23(d) issue=Art 2017 1
RS051.17 11/1/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS052.17 11/1/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS053.17 11/1/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS054.17 11/1/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS055.17 11/1/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS056.17 11/9/2017 23(d) issue=children 2017 1
RS057.17 11/9/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS058.17 11/9/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS059.17 11/9/2017 23(d) 1 0
RS060.17 11/20/2017 11(d) d=Belt with Buckle
RS001.18 2/2/2018 23(d) issue=150th Anniversary..ishment of Serbian Technician's Society 1
RS002.18 2/9/2018 23(d) issue=Winter Olympics 2018 1
RS003.18 2/9/2018 74(d) 1
RS004.18 2/14/2018 23(d) issue=Year of the Dog 2018 1
RS005.18 2/14/2018 74(d) 1
RS006.18 3/1/2018 23(d) issue=Easter 2018 1
RS007.18 3/1/2018 74(d) 1
RS008.18 3/12/2018 23(d) issue=150th Anniversary of the National theatre in Belgrade 1
RS009.18 3/20/2018 11(d) issue=2018 d=Belt with Buckle 1
RS010.18 3/20/2018 23(d) d=Mileva Marić Einstein 1
RS011.18 3/20/2018 35(d) d=Miloš Obrenović 1
RS012.18 3/23/2018 8(d) d=Živojin Mišić 1
RS013.18 3/23/2018 10(d) d=Radomir Putnik 1
RS014.18 3/23/2018 46(d) d=Milunka Savić 1
RS015.18 3/23/2018 50(d) d=Nadežda Petrović 1
RS016.18 3/23/2018 100(d) d=Mihajlo Pupin 1
RS017.18 3/30/2018 23(d) issue=Fishes 2018 d=Acipenser ruthenus 1
RS018.18 3/30/2018 46(d) d=Huso huso (2018) 1
RS019.18 3/30/2018 50(d) d=Esox lucius (2018) 1
RS020.18 3/30/2018 70(d) d=Polyodon spathula 1
RS021.18 4/11/2018 70(d) issue=Cities of Serbia 2018 d=Kragujevac 1
RS022.18 4/11/2018 70(d) d=Subotica 1 0
RS023.18 4/24/2018 23(d) issue=200 Years since ..ictionary by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić 1
RS024.18 5/9/2018 69(d) issue=Europa 2018 1
RS025.18 5/9/2018 100(d) 1
RS026.18 5/18/2018 23(d) issue=95th Anniversary of the PTT Museum 1
RS027.18 5/18/2018 46(d) 1
RS028.18 5/18/2018 50(d) 1
RS029.18 5/18/2018 70(d) 1
RS030.18 5/30/2018 23(d) issue=Art 2018 1
RS031.18 5/30/2018 23(d) 1 0
RS032.18 5/30/2018 23(d) 1 0
RS033.18 5/30/2018 23(d) 1 0
RS034.18 5/30/2018 23(d) 1 0
RS035.18 5/30/2018 23(d) 1 0
RS036.18 6/5/2018 50(d) issue=European Nature Protection 2018 1
RS037.18 6/5/2018 74(d) 1
RS038.18 6/14/2018 23(d) issue=World Cup 2018 1
RS039.18 6/14/2018 74(d) 1
RS040.18 6/14/2018 170(d) 1
RS041.18 6/19/2018 23(d) issue=children 2018 d=rabbit (2018) 1 1
RS042.18 6/19/2018 23(d) d=Cygnet 1 2
RS043.18 6/19/2018 23(d) d=puppy 1 3
RS044.18 6/19/2018 23(d) d=lamb (2018) 1 4
1845 - 1848
RS049.18 8/20/2018 23(d) issue=Tourism in Serbia 1
RS050.18 8/31/2018 70(d) issue=Ljubičevo Equestrian Games 2018 1
1851 - 1853
RS054.18 9/28/2018 70(d) issue=Joy of Europe 2018 1
RS055.18 10/2/2018 23(d) issue=Stamp Day 2018 1
RS056.18 10/16/2018 23(d) issue=Christmas 2018 1
RS057.18 10/16/2018 100(d) 1
1858 - 1872
RS073.18 11/23/2018 100(d) issue=100th Annivers..of World War I - Accession of Vojvodina 1
RS074.18 11/27/2018 23(d) issue=150th Anniversa..of the Crvena Jabuka Church, Vlasotince 1
RS075.18 12/3/2018 23(d) issue=International Day of Disabled Persons 1
RS001.19 2/5/2019 23(d) issue=Year of the Pig 2019 1
RS002.19 2/5/2019 74(d) 1
RS003.19 2/21/2019 23(d) issue=Easter 2019 1
RS004.19 2/21/2019 74(d) 1
RS005.19 2/28/2019 75(d) issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi 1
196 - 199
RS010.19 3/12/2019 23(d) issue=50th Anniversary of Radio Belgrade 1
1911 - 1921
RS022.19 4/18/2019 23(d) issue=Protected Animal Species 1
RS023.19 4/18/2019 46(d) 1
RS024.19 4/18/2019 50(d) 1
RS025.19 4/18/2019 70(d) 1
1926 - 1929
RS030.19 5/9/2019 69(d) issue=Europa 2019 d=Tichodroma muraria 1
RS031.19 5/9/2019 100(d) d=Ardeola ralloides 1
RS032.19 5/17/2019 23(d) issue=175th Anniversar..the National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade 1
RS033.19 5/17/2019 74(d) 1
RS034.19 5/23/2019 23(d) issue=2019 d=Nikola Tesla (2019) 1
RS035.19 5/23/2019 35(d) d=Milutin Milanković 1
RS036.19 6/13/2019 100(d) issue=800th Anniversary of Autocephaly of the Serbian Church 1

Prefixes: 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19