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Scott catalog - Cyrenaica

Name: Scott
Abbrev: Sc

Number Type Isort Sort Source
1 postage 10/24/1923 20c ol&brn issue=Pr..ue=Propagation of the Faith-20c perf=14 1
2 10/24/1923 30c car&brn d=Jesus sends t..taly-issue=Propagation of the Faith-30c 1
Semipostal stamps
B1 semipostal 6/1/1925 20c+10c issue=Holy Year wmk=crown (Italy) perf=12 1
B2 6/1/1925 30c+15c 1
Airmail stamps
C1 airmail 1/7/1932 50c car issue=1932 air a perf=14 1
C2 1/7/1932 60c orgred 1
CB1 airmail semipostal 11/5/1934 25c+10c g..65th d=King Victor Emmanuel III & palms 1
CB2 11/5/1934 50c+10c brn 1
CBO1 airmail semipostal official 11/5/1934 ..VICIO DI STATO oc=blk on=25+2l-unissued
Postage due stamps
J1 postage due 7/1/1950 2m dkbrn unwmk perf=12.5
J2 7/1/1950 4m dpgrn

Prefixes: B, C, CB, CBO, J