Stamps with this color combination:
Description: gray violet & yellow
Abbrev: grayvio&yel
Used by 13 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Czech Republic postage 7/1/1993 8kc issue=1993 dt=architecture (1993) d=Olomouc UNESCO World heritage site unwmk perf=11.75x11.25
Alexandria postage 1902 2fr issue=1902 unwmk
Alexandria postage 1921 60m issue=1921 local ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr unwmk
Alexandria postage 1921 60m issue=1921 Paris ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr-grayvio&yel unwmk
Alexandria postage 1921 150m issue=1921 Paris ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr unwmk
Alexandria postage 1925 60m issue=1925 ovpt=value&bars oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr unwmk
Port Said postage 1902 2fr issue=1902 unwmk
Port Said postage 1921 60m issue=1921 Paris ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr unwmk
Port Said postage 1925 60m issue=1925 ovpt=value&bars oc=blk on=issue=1902-2fr unwmk
French offices in the Turkish Empire postage 1902 8pi issue=1902b oc=blk on=2fr-grayvio&yel-unissued
French Morocco postage 1914 2p issue=1914 ovpt=PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS oc=blk on=2fr-grayvio&yel-unissued
Latakia postage due 1931 8p ovpt=LATTAQUIE//arabic oc=blk on=issuer=Syria-8p
Syria postage 1919 8p issue=1919a ovpt=T.E.O.//value oc=blk on=issuer=French offices in the Turkish Empire-issue=1902b-8pi