Stamps with this color combination:
Description: red & sepia
Abbrev: red&sep
Used by 13 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Algeria postage 1947 10fr issue=1947 d=arms of Constantine unwmk
Bushire postage 8/15/1915 2c d=Shah Ahmed (1911) ovpt=BUSHIRE//Under British//Occupation. oc=blk on=issuer=Iran-2c-Shah Ahmed unwmk
France postage 11/28/1953 20fr issue=Olympics 1952 dt=sports (1953 France) d=swimming unwmk perf=13
Iran postage 4/1911 2c issue=1911 d=Shah Ahmed (1911) unwmk
Iran postage 2/7/1912 2c issue=1912 d=Shah Ahmed (1911) ovpt=Officiel oc=blk on=2c-red&sep unwmk
Iran postage 4/1912 2c d=Shah Ahmed (1911) ovpt=box oc=blk on=1911-2c unwmk
Iran postage 1922 2c d=Shah Ahmed (1911) ovpt=CONTROLE//1922 oc=blk on=1911-2c-red&sep unwmk
Iraq official 1942 6f issue=1942 official unwmk perf=13.5
Netherlands Indies semipostal 12/1/1930 12 1/2c issue=child welfare 1930 d=Menangkabau Compound unwmk
Netherlands Indies semipostal 12/1/1932 12 1/2c issue=Salvation Army aid d=Woman batik dyer unwmk
Nicaragua postage 7/2/1957 10c issue=Election of President Luis A. Somoza unwmk perf=14x13.5
Nicaragua postage 8/29/1961 15c issue=postal rate regulation 100th unwmk
Vatican City special delivery 11/8/1960 75l issue=1960 espresso wmk=crossed keys perf=14