Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Stamps with this paper color:
Description: pale lilac
Abbrev: palelil
Red: 1.00 (255)
Green: 0.93 (237)
Blue: 1.00 (255) |
Used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Azores postage 1871 100r issue=1871 d=King Luís I (1870) ovpt=ACORES oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-issue=1870-100r unwmk
Azores postage 1882 100r issue=1882a d=King Luís I (1870) ovpt=ACORES oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-1871-100r unwmk
Madeira postage 1873 100r issue=1871 d=King Luís I (1870) ovpt=MADEIRA oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-issue=1870-100r unwmk
Montenegro postage 1874 7n d=Prince Nicholas I (1874) var=narrow wmk=MARKEN
Portugal postage 1871 100r issue=1870 d=King Luís I (1870) unwmk
Syria postage 3/15/1945 4p issue=government resumption d=Shukri el Kouatly unwmk
Used by 2 stamps as paper color: (See all uses as list)
Azores postage 3/4/1894 500r vio issue=Prince Henry 500th d=symbolism ovpt=ACORES oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-1894-500r unwmk perf=14
Portugal postage 3/4/1894 500r vio issue=Prince Henry 500th d=symbolism unwmk perf=14
Used in 6 combinations:
dull green & pale lilac, lilac & pale lilac, orange brown & pale lilac, pale lilac & indigo, pale lilac & multicolored, purple & pale lilac