Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Description: indigo
Abbrev: ind
Red: 0.00 (0)
Green: 0.00 (0)
Blue: 0.30 (76) |
Used by 356 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Albania postage 9/1/1930 2fr issue=Zog 2nd d=Ahmet Zog Bridge over the Mat wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
Albania postage 12/24/1934 2fr issue=1924 constitution 10th d=Ahmet Zog Bridge over the Mat ovpt=1924//24Dhetuer//1934 oc=blk on=1930-2fr-bridge wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
Albania postage 4/12/1939 2fr issue=1939a d=Ahmet Zog Bridge over the Mat ovpt=Mbledhja//... oc=blk on=1930-2fr wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
Albania postage 7/10/1945 5fr issue=1945b d=Ahmet Zog Bridge over the Mat ovpt=U.N.CL.SHO.... oc=blk on=1930-2fr wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
Albania airmail 4/28/1939 20q issue=1939 air d=++on=50q unwmk
Andorra (Fr) postage 1938 1.75fr issue=1932 d=Gorge of St Julia unwmk
Andorra (Fr) postage 2/15/1955 1fr issue=1955 d=Les Escaldes spa unwmk perf=13
Argentina postage 8/26/1952 3p issue=1952a d=Eva Peron (1952 b) unwmk
Argentina postage 11/1/1952 3p issue=1952b d=Eva Peron (1952 b) var=inscr. Eva Peron unwmk
Argentina official 1953 3p issue=issue=1953 official d=Eva Peron (1952 b) on=issue=1952a-3p unwmk
Ascension postage 10/10/1949 4p issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=11x11.5
New South Wales postage 4/1850 2p d=seal of the colony (1850) var=II
New South Wales postage 10/1853 2p d=Queen Victoria (1851 New South Wales)
Victoria postage 1/5/1850 3d issue=1850a d=Queen Victoria (1850) imperf
Australia postage 1942 5 1/2d issue=1942 d=emu wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=15x14
Australia postage 11/27/1968 5c pc=buff issue=MacQuarie Lighthouse 150th d=Macquarie Lighthouse unwmk
Austria postage 5/22/1945 4pf issue=Styria overprints d=Adolf Hitler (1941) ovpt=bars//Oesterreich//bars oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1941-4pf unwmk perf=14
Austria postage 8/27/1946 15g issue=scenic 1945 dt=scenic (1945) d=Burg Forchtenstein unwmk perf=14
Austria postage 1/28/1969 2s issue=Vienna Diocese 900th d=Saint Christopher unwmk perf=13.75x14
Bahrain postage 1948 10r d=King George VI (1939 b) ovpt=BAHRAIN oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1939-10sh wmk=crown & large GVIR
Barbados postage 6/1941 5sh issue=1938 d=seal of Barbados (1938) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13-14
Barbados postage 10/10/1949 3p issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Barbados postage 5/1/1950 1c issue=George VI pictorial d=Dover Fort & King George VI wmk=mult crown & script CA
Barbados postage 4/13/1953 1c issue=Elizabeth II pictorials d=Dover Fort & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=11x11.5
Barbados postage 6/10/1964 1c issue=1964 d=Dover Fort & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Basutoland postage 10/10/1949 3p issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Belgian Congo postage 1932 25c issue=1931c d=Uele kraal unwmk perf=11.5
Belgium postage 9/29/1956 2fr d=train on map of Belgium unwmk perf=11.5
Belgium postage 5/19/1962 2fr d=Gochet unwmk perf=11.5
Belgium semipostal 3/1/1952 4+2fr issue=Roey cardinalate 25th unwmk perf=11.5
Bermuda postage 10/10/1949 3p issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Bolivia postage 1928 10c issue=1928 d=Siles unwmk
Brazil postage 12/1/1940 1200r issue=Portuguese independence 800th wmk=CORREIO BRASIL mult
British Guiana postage 10/10/1949 6c issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
British Honduras postage 10/10/1949 5c issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Brunei postage 10/10/1949 15c issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Bulgaria postage 11/7/1915 1s issue=1911 reengraved d=Ruins of castle Tsar Asen unwmk
Bulgaria postage 7/1/1918 3s d=Tsar Ferdinand (1918) unwmk
Bulgaria postage 3/22/1938 50s dt=produce (1938) d=Chicken Breeding unwmk perf=13
Bulgaria postage 10/4/1954 28s issue=liberation 10th d=refinery unwmk perf=13
Cambodia postage 11/24/1955 50c issue=1955 d=Queen Kossamak unwmk
Canada postage 9/24/1951 7c issue=postal 100th d=stagecoach & airplane unwmk perf=12
Canada postage 4/1/1953 4c issue=1st wildlife week d=bighorn sheep (1953) unwmk perf=12
Canada postage 8/14/1957 15c issue=UPU Congress 1957 d=posthorn & Map of Canada unwmk perf=12
Canada postage 1/18/1989 38(c) issue=1987 booklet unwmk
Cayman Islands postage 10/10/1949 3d issue=UPU 75th d=airplane & hemispheres & paddle steamer wmk=mult crown & script CA
Chile postage 1/23/1941 3.60p issue=Santiago 400th d=D. Barros A. wmk=mult star in shield
Chile postage 4/15/1975 150e issue=50th Anniversary of Valparaiso Lifeboat Service d=lighthouse (1975) unwmk
Chile postage 4/15/1975 150e issue=50th Anniversary of Valparaiso Lifeboat Service d="Teotopoulis" unwmk
Chile postage 4/15/1975 150e issue=50th Anniversary of Valparaiso Lifeboat Service d="Cap Christiansen" (Lifeboat) unwmk
(plus 306 more) See all uses as list
Used in 105 combinations:
bister & indigo, black & indigo, blue & indigo, blue & indigo & buff, blue green & indigo, bright blue & indigo, bright blue & indigo & green, bright violet & indigo, brown & indigo, brown orange & indigo, brown violet & indigo, carmine & indigo, carmine lake & indigo, carmine rose & indigo, dark Prussian green & indigo, dark blue & indigo, dark blue green & indigo, dark green & indigo, dark green & indigo & black, dark green blue & indigo, dark violet & indigo, deep blue & indigo, dull blue & indigo, dull yellow & indigo, emerald & indigo, gray & indigo, gray brown & indigo, green & indigo, green blue & indigo & ocher, green blue & indigo & orange brown, indigo (DUPLICATE 1275 vs 1275), indigo & Prussian blue, indigo & black, indigo & blue, indigo & bright blue, indigo & bright blue & gray, indigo & brown, indigo & brown & blue, indigo & brown orange, indigo & brown violet, indigo & buff, indigo & carmine, indigo & carmine brown, indigo & dark blue, indigo & dark brown, indigo & dark green, indigo & dark purple, indigo & dark violet, indigo & dull rose, indigo & gold, indigo & gray, indigo & gray blue, indigo & green, indigo & green & claret, indigo & green blue, indigo & light blue, indigo & multicolored, indigo & olive, indigo & olive brown, indigo & olive green, indigo & orange, indigo & orange & dark green, indigo & orange brown, indigo & pink, indigo & pink & yellow, indigo & purple, indigo & red, indigo & red brown, indigo & red lilac & yellow, indigo & red orange, indigo & rose, indigo & salmon, indigo & salmon buff, indigo & sepia, indigo & ultramarine, indigo & violet, light blue green & indigo, light blue green & indigo & black, light brown & indigo, lilac & indigo, maroon & indigo, ocher & indigo, olive & indigo & dark brown, olive green & indigo, orange & indigo, orange & indigo & black, orange brown & indigo, orange red & indigo, pale lilac & indigo, purple & indigo, red & blue & indigo, red & indigo, red brown & indigo, red orange & indigo, red violet & indigo, rose & indigo, rose & indigo & black, turquoise blue & indigo, ultramarine & indigo, ultramarine & indigo & black, violet & indigo, violet blue & indigo, yellow brown & indigo, yellow green & indigo, yellow orange & indigo