Stamps with this color combination:
Description: gray & black
Abbrev: gray&blk
Used by 130 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Angola postage 1/1/1898 2 1/2r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1911 2 1/2r issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-2 1/2r-gray unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1925 2c issue=Ceres d=Ceres (1913) unwmk perf=12x11.5
Angola postage 1922 4 1/2c issue=Ceres d=Ceres (1913) unwmk perf=12x11.5
Angola postage due 1904 10r unwmk
Angola postage due 1911 10r ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=1904-10r unwmk
Angra postage 1/1/1897 2 1/2r issue=1897 d=King Carlos (1897) perf=11.5x12
Aruba postage 4/7/1987 20c issue=1986 d=harbor crane unwmk perf=14x13
Ascension postage 6/2/1953 3p issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.5x13
Azores postage 3/29/1925 75c issue=Castello-Branco 100th d=Teresa de Albuquerque ovpt=ACORES oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-3/26/1925-75c unwmk perf=12.5
Barbados postage 1906 1f issue=Nelson death 100th d=badge of colony 1897 wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Barbados postage 7/6/1907 1f issue=Nelson death 100th b d=badge of colony 1897 wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Barbados postage 9/9/1920 2p issue=Victory d=Victory in circle wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Belgium parcel post 1895 15c issue=1895 parcel unwmk perf=15.5x14.5
Belgium parcel post 3/1/1971 37fr issue=1971 parcel a unwmk perf=11.5
Belgium parcel post 11/1/1971 40fr issue=1971 parcel b d=++on=37fr-(68) unwmk perf=11.5
British Guiana postage 1913 6c d=King George V & seal of British Guiana wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
Bulgaria postage 12/26/1989 5st dt=cats (1989 Bulgaria) d=Persian (1989) unwmk
Cameroun postage due 1925 15c issue=1925 due d=man sawing at tree unwmk perf=14x13.5
Cape Verde postage 1898 2 1/2r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) unwmk perf=11.5
Cape Verde postage 8/20/1911 2 1/2r issue=1911 provisional d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=red on=2 1/2r-gray unwmk perf=11.5
Cape Verde postage 1938 60c issue=Empire d=dam (1938) unwmk perf=13.5x13
Cape Verde postage due 1921 50c issue=1921 due d=numeral (1904 colonial due) unwmk
Chile postage 1905 10c issue=1905 d=Columbus (1905 b) unwmk perf=12
Chile postage 1911 10c issue=1911 dt=national heroes (1911) d=Freire unwmk perf=12
Chile official 1/1/1907 10c issue=1907 official b unwmk perf=12
China, PRC postage 10/10/1961 8f issue=1911 revolution 50th d=Wuchang uprising unwmk perf=11x11.5
Colombia postage 2/24/1972 60c issue=20th Anniversary of Inter-Governmental Committee on European Migration unwmk perf=14
Costa Rica airmail 7/20/1950 80c issue=War for National Liberation 2nd d=Dr. C. L. Valverde unwmk
Costa Rica airmail 12/14/1960 1col issue=Olympics 1960 unwmk perf=13.5
Cyprus postage 1925 3/4pi d=King George V shield wmk=mult crown & script CA
Cyprus postal tax 10/1/1974 10m d=old woman & child wmk=KCKD & map
Dominica postage 2/1923 2p issue=1923 d=seal of Dominica & King George V wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Ecuador postage 6/1899 1c issue=patriots dt=patriots (1899) d=Louis Vargas Torres unwmk perf=12
Ecuador postage 1901 20c issue=patriots 1901 d=Espejo (1899) unwmk perf=12
France postage 2/12/1945 40c issue=1945 Arc d=Arc de Triomphe unwmk perf=11
France semipostal 10/11/1980 1.40+0.30fr issue=5th Anniversary of the Death of Saint-John Perse unwmk perf=13
French Guinea postage 1913 4c issue=1913 d=ford at Kitim unwmk
French India postage 1914 1c issue=1914 d=Brahma unwmk
French India postage 1923 1ca issue=1923 d=Brahma ovpt=value oc=blk on=1c-gray&blk-Brahma unwmk
French India postage 9/16/1929 1ca issue=1929 d=Brahma unwmk
Gabon postage 9/20/1994 260fr issue=1994 d=mother breast-feeding child unwmk perf=11.75
Gambia postage 1922 2p issue=1922 d=King George V & elephant & palm wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Germany postage 7/2/2009 70(c) issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Johannes Calvin d=Johannes Calvin unwmk
German Democratic Republic postage 3/6/1958 5pf issue=postal ministers conference 1958 d=radio tower Morse code posthorn wmk=quatrefoil & DDR
German Democratic Republic postage 8/19/1958 5pf issue=Schiller University 400th d=seal wmk=quatrefoil & DDR
Gilbert & Ellice Islands postage 6/2/1953 2p issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Guernsey postage due 1976 15p issue=Castle Cornet d=Fort Cornet unwmk perf=12.5x12
Guyana postage 12/4/1987 $3.30 issue=Guyana Railways b unwmk perf=12.75x12.5
Guyana postage 12/4/1987 $3.30 issue=Guyana Railways b unwmk perf=12.75x12.5
(plus 80 more) See all uses as list