Stamps with this color combination:
Description: gray black & red
Abbrev: grayblk&red
Used by 16 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Andorra (Fr) postage 1983 50c issue=1983 d=Coat of arms stone carving at the old town hall of Andorra unwmk perf=13
Brazil postage 4/29/1931 2000+1000r issue=1930 revolution wmk=CORREIO BRASIL & 5 stars in squared circle
Bulgaria postage 4/4/1946 35l issue=Red Cross 1946 d=Red Cross hospital train unwmk perf=11.5
Cuba postage 12/17/1957 10c dt=views (1957) d=Padre Pico street wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
Cuba airmail 12/17/1957 8c issue=Retirement Fund 1957 b perf=12.5
Fiji postage 1922 2sh6p issue=1922 d=King George V (1912 keyplate) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Guatemala airmail semipostal 5/11/1957 25+50c issue=Red Cross Fund - Issues of 1956 Overprinted "AEREO-1957" and Ornaments unwmk
Libya postage due 1942 30c issue=1942 due unissued d=camel with rider (1942) unwmk
Mongolia postage 12/15/1965 10m issue=Organization of Socialist Countries' Postal Administrations Conference, Beijing unwmk perf=11.5x12
Netherlands semipostal 8/15/1955 2c+3c issue=cancer research d=microscope & pierced crab unwmk perf=12.5x12
Netherlands semipostal 8/20/1963 8+4c issue=Red Cross 100th d=red crosses unwmk
Norway postage 9/20/1972 80o dt=polar exploration ships d=Fram (1972) unwmk perf=13
Russia postage 3/1945 60k issue=Stalingrad victory 2nd d=soldier in ruins waving banner unwmk
Russia postage 3/1945 3r issue=Stalingrad victory 2nd d=soldier in ruins waving banner unwmk
Russia postage 3/1945 3r issue=Stalingrad victory 2nd d=soldier in ruins waving banner unwmk imperf
United States postage 4/20/1983 20c issue=voluntarism d=helping hand unwmk perf=11