Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Description: dark olive green
Abbrev: dkolgrn
Red: 0.25 (63)
Green: 0.35 (89)
Blue: 0.00 (0) |
Used by 144 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Albania postage 9/26/1965 0.25l issue=Second Meeting of War Veterans d=Homecoming by Bukurosh Sejdini unwmk perf=12.25
Argentina postage 10/19/1941 5c d=statue of Roca wmk=RA in sun perf=13x13.5
Australia postage 2/14/1966 75c issue=1966 decimal d=James Cook (1966) unwmk perf=14.5x14
Austria postage 8/18/1910 50h issue=Franz Josef 80th d=Emperor Franz Joseph in marshal uniform unwmk perf=9-12.5
Belgian Congo postage 5/23/1942 3.50fr issue=1942 Belge d=askari unwmk perf=12.5
Belgian Congo postage 5/23/1942 3.50fr issue=1942 Belgisch d=askari unwmk perf=12.5
Bulgaria postage 1953 28s issue=1953 dt=Rila wood carvings unwmk
Bulgaria postage 12/29/1956 16s dt=personalities (1956) d=Benjamin Franklin (1956) unwmk perf=13
Bulgaria postage 3/13/1962 13s issue=landscapes 1962 dt=landscapes (1962) d=Vidin on the Danube unwmk
Bulgaria postal tax 1941 1l issue=1941 tax d=St Constantine Sanatorium 1941 unwmk perf=13
Canada postage 1930 $1 issue=Arch d=Mt Edith Cavell unwmk perf=12
Cayman Islands postage 1943 6p issue=George VI pictorials d=hawksbill turtles wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=VARIOUS
Ceylon postage 1867 5d issue=1867 d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=crown & CC short perf=12.5 paper=handmade
Chile postage 10/27/1975 10c issue=1975 d=Diego Portales (1975) unwmk
Chile postage 3/22/1979 3.50p issue=1975 d=Diego Portales (1975) unwmk perf=13.5
China postage 1943 20c issue=1942a unwmk
China postage 1948 $40000 issue=1948e oc=blk on=1943-20c-dkolgrn unwmk
China postage 1948 50c issue=1948g oc=blk on=20c-Sun Yatsen (1942) unwmk
Kwangsi postage 5/21/1949 5c oc=blk on=issuer=China-issue=1948e-$40000 unwmk
China, PRC postage 7/20/1962 5f issue=1961 dt=architecture (1962) unwmk perf=11.5
Croatia postage 8/15/1941 75b dt=scenic (1941) d=Varazdin unwmk
Czechoslovakia postage 5/15/1951 1.50k issue=Communist Party 20th d=Gottwald and Stalin unwmk perf=12.5
Czechoslovakia postage 6/21/1951 1k issue=Sokol federation congress d=gymnast (1951) unwmk perf=12.5
Czechoslovakia postage 10/6/1967 30h d=rockets&weapons unwmk perf=11.5x11.75
Denmark postage 5/18/1961 35(o) issue=1961 d=King Frederik IX (1961) unwmk perf=12.75
Denmark postage 1/29/1969 30o issue=Ag Society 200th d=The Sower unwmk perf=12.75
Egypt postage 8/31/1961 4m issue=1961 d=Glass lamp & Mosque unwmk perf=11.5
Egypt postage 12/25/1993 15p d=100th Anniversary of the Death of Al unwmk
Finland postage 1/4/1988 1.80mk issue=1979 d=arms of Finland (1975) unwmk perf=11.75
France postage 4/13/1906 2c issue=1906 d=sower (1906 no ground) unwmk perf=14x13.5
German occupation of Alsace postage 1940 30(pf) issue=1940 d=Hindenburg (profile) ovpt=Elsasz oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1933-30(pf) wmk=network perf=14
German occupation of Lorraine postage 1940 30(pf) issue=1940 d=Hindenburg (profile) ovpt=Lothringen oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1933-30(pf) wmk=network perf=14
French Morocco airmail semipostal 7/26/1928 80+80c issue=Aid for Flood Victims unwmk
French Polynesia postage 11/19/1986 40fr dt=medicinal plants (1986 French Polynesia) d=Metuapua phymatosorus sp unwmk
Germany postage 5/1921 10pf issue=1921 d=numeral (1921) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 1/1922 10pf issue=1922a d=numeral (1921) wmk=network
Germany postage 5/1933 30(pf) issue=1933 d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 2/1934 30(pf) issue=1933 swastikas d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 2/1946 50pf issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 50pf issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=50pf-dkolgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 50pf issue=1948b d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=50pf-dkolgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 3/26/1969 1.30(dm) issue=1966a dt=architecture (1966) d=Tegel Castle, Berlin (1969) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/16/1973 140(pf) issue=1970 d=Heinemann unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/13/1977 200(pf) issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schloss Bürresheim - Eifel unwmk perf=14
Germany, AMG postage 1/17/1946 1m issue=German printing d=m unwmk perf=11,11.5
Berlin semipostal 10/29/1950 10+5pf issue=Reconstruction of the Berlin Philharmonic d=harp laurel wreath
German Democratic Republic postage 7/2/1990 30pf dt=buildings (1990) d=Goethe-Schiller-Denkmal Weimar unwmk
Great Britain postage 1934 9p issue=1934 d=King George V (1934 e) wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
Great Britain postage 7/4/2002 42p issue=2002 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) unwmk perf=14.75x14.25
Great Britain postage 3/31/2009 17p issue=2009 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) unwmk
(plus 94 more) See all uses as list
Used in 35 combinations:
black & dark olive green, blue green & dark olive green, brown & dark olive green, brown red & dark olive green, dark carmine & dark olive green, dark green & dark olive green, dark olive green & black, dark olive green & black brown, dark olive green & blue violet, dark olive green & brown, dark olive green & carmine brown, dark olive green & dark brown, dark olive green & dark purple, dark olive green & dark red brown, dark olive green & gold, dark olive green & gray, dark olive green & green blue, dark olive green & light turquoise blue, dark olive green & multicolored, dark olive green & orange, dark olive green & orange brown, dark olive green & red, dark olive green & red brown, dark olive green & rose brown, dark olive green & sepia, dark olive green & vermilion, dark olive green & violet blue, light purple & dark olive green, light red & dark olive green, orange & dark olive green, orange brown & dark olive green, purple & dark olive green, red & dark olive green, rose violet & dark olive green, violet & dark olive green