Stamps with this color combination:
Description: black & light red
Abbrev: blk<rd
Used by 46 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Ecuador postage 9/11/1975 0.50s issue=3rd Ecuadorian Games d=Fencing unwmk
Ecuador airmail 9/11/1975 1.30s issue=3rd Ecuadorian Games d=tennis (1975) unwmk
Guyana postage 5/11/1981 10c issue=1981 surcharges d=++on=3c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 5/11/1981 75c issue=1981 surcharges d=++on=3c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=2c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.10 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=2c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.20 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=2c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.25 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=2c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.30 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.50 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.60 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.70 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.75 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $1.80 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2.10 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2.20 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2.35 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2.40 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $2.50 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $3 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $3.30 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $3.75 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $4 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $4.20 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $5 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $5.50 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $6.25 issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Luxembourg postage 6/26/1986 2fr d=Robert Schuman (1986) unwmk
Poland postage 7/21/1959 60g issue=Polish republic 15th d=Symbol of Industry unwmk perf=9-14.5
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 11c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black chess king unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 22c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 44c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 60c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=White pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 70c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 90c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 150c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 175c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black queen unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 200c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black bishop unwmk perf=14
Sint Maarten postage 11/6/2013 225c issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=White king unwmk perf=14
Tonga postage 7/21/1987 15s issue=20th Anniversary of Coronation of King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV wmk=mult crown & script CA
Tunisia postage 4/7/1976 100m issue=World Health Day 1976 unwmk perf=13
Turkey postage 10/29/1976 100k issue=Works and Reforms of Ataturk 1976 unwmk perf=13
Turkey postage 3/21/1977 200k issue=100th Anniversary of the General Assembly of the Ottoman Empire d=Kemal Ataturk in 100 unwmk perf=13
Uruguay postage 7/25/1989 50np issue="Use the Post Code" wmk=large sun & ROU
Uruguay postage 7/25/1989 210np issue="Use the Post Code" wmk=large sun & ROU