Stamps with this color combination:
Description: red orange & black
Abbrev: redorg&blk
Used by 106 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Argentina postage 4/25/1979 100p issue=1977 d=Colon Theater Buenos Aires unwmk perf=13.5
Bahamas postage 1/1/1954 1/2p issue=1954 d=infant welfare clinic & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Bahamas postage 1/7/1964 1/2p issue=new constitution d=infant welfare clinic & Queen Elizabeth II on=issue=1954-1/2p wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Barbados postage 6/4/1953 4c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.5x13
Bolivia airmail 3/15/1951 4b issue=La Paz 400th d=La Gasca ordering Mendoza to found La Paz unwmk
Bolivia airmail 7/1/1951 2.50b dt=sports (1951) unwmk
Brunei postage 1964 2c issue=1964 wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Cameroun semipostal 7/5/1939 90+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk perf=13.5x13
Cape Verde airmail 7/26/1938 10c issue=Empire d=airplane over globe unwmk perf=13.5x13
Cape Verde postage due 1904 30r d=numeral (1904 colonial due) unwmk perf=12
Chad postage 4/13/1931 90c issue=Colonial Exposition d=France showing way to civilization unwmk
Chile postage 1901 50c d=Columbus (1901) unwmk perf=12
Chile postage 1910 20c issue=independence 100th d=abdication of O'Higgins unwmk perf=12
China, PRC postage 6/15/1960 8f dt=pigs d=n4. unwmk perf=11x11.5
Costa Rica airmail 5/20/1947 40c issue=1947 Columbus d=Columbus at Cariari unwmk
Costa Rica airmail 4/21/1948 35c unwmk
Costa Rica airmail 2/17/1956 75c issue=1956 air dt=national industries unwmk perf=12
Costa Rica airmail 12/14/1960 10c issue=Olympics 1960 unwmk perf=13.5
Costa Rica airmail 4/21/1961 75c issue=15th Amateur World Series unwmk perf=12
Costa Rica official 1926 30c unwmk perf=12.5
Costa Rica official 7/24/1937 40c issue=1937 official unwmk perf=12.5
Dominica postage 10/1/1954 1c issue=Elizabeth II pictorials d=drying cocoa & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Dominican Republic postage 5/23/1966 6c d=general elections wmk=crosses & circles perf=12.5
Egypt postage 7/23/1991 10p issue=39th Anniversary of Revolution unwmk perf=13.25x12.75
Kwangchowan semipostal 7/5/1939 9+4c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille
French Equatorial Africa semipostal 7/5/1939 90+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk
French Guiana semipostal 1939 90c+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk
French Guinea semipostal 1939 90c+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk
French India postage 9/16/1929 1fa6ca issue=1929 d=Kali temple unwmk
French India postage 1941 1fa6ca issue=1941b d=Kali temple ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE oc=blk on=1929-1fa6ca-Kali temple unwmk
French India postage 1942 1fa6ca issue=1942a d=Kali temple ovpt=cross//FRANCE LIBRE oc=blk on=1929-1fa6ca-Kali temple unwmk
French India semipostal 7/5/1939 1fa12ca+16ca issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk
French Oceania semipostal 7/5/1939 90c+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk perf=13
French Sudan postage 7/5/1939 90+35c issue=French Revolution 150th d=storming of the Bastille unwmk
Gabon postage 9/30/1995 50fr issue=1994 d=mother breast-feeding child unwmk perf=11.75
Gabon postage 5/8/1997 125fr dt=Character Poems by Local Artists unwmk perf=13.5x13
Gold Coast postage 8/1/1928 1sh d=King George V & Christiansborg Castle wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast postage 3/1/1954 1sh issue=Elizabeth II pictorials d=breaking cocoa pods & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA
North Epirus postage 3/1/1941 10dr issue=1941a
Guyana postage 7/12/1982 $2.20 issue=Birth of Prince William of Wales d=++on=24c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 3/14/1983 $1.30 issue=Commonwealth Day 1983 d=++on=24c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 3/14/1983 $2.40 issue=Commonwealth Day 1983 d=++on=24c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 7/15/1987 $1.30 issue=Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1987 wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 7/15/1987 $2.40 issue=Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1987 wmk=lotus bud mult
Haiti postage 10/22/1958 1g issue=1st Anniversary of Installation of President Francois Duvalier unwmk
Honduras airmail 12/8/1953 5l issue=1953 surcharges b unwmk
Honduras airmail official 10/12/1952 5l issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Isabella I of Spain unwmk
Hungary postage 12/15/1959 2.50fo dt=fairy tales (1959) d=Pied Piper wmk=stars (Cuba) perf=12
Hungary airmail 10/26/1977 60f issue=1977 air d=Tu-154 Malév over Europe unwmk
Indonesia postage 6/1/1961 3r issue=badminton championship 1961 unwmk perf=13.5x12.5
(plus 56 more) See all uses as list