Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
lilac brown & yellow
lilac gray & dark green blue
lilac gray
Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Stamps with this paper color:
Description: lilac gray
Abbrev: lilgray
Red: 0.70
Green: 0.65
Blue: 0.70
Used by 30 stamps:
(See all uses as list)
China postage 1944 $5 issue=1942c d=Sun Yat-sen (1938) unwmk perf=roul
China postage 1942 $5 issue=1942d d=Sun Yat-sen (1938) unwmk perf=12.5-15
China postage 1945 $6 issue=1944b d=Sun Yatsen (1944) unwmk
China postage 1948 20c issue=1948g d=Sun Yatsen (1944) oc=blk on=1945-$6-lilgray unwmk
China postage 1948 $1000 issue=1948i d=Curtiss Jenny over Great Wall (tail with roundel) oc=blk on=type=parcel post-$10000
China parcel post 1945 $10000 issue=1945a d=Curtiss Jenny over Great Wall (tail with roundel)
Tolima postage 1886 1c issue=1886b d=condor short wings unwmk perf=12.5
Cuba postage 1873 4p issue=1873 telegraph d=arms of Spain (1873) perf=14
Czechoslovakia postage 11/1948 20k d=Klement Gottwald unwmk perf=12.5
Czechoslovakia postage 12/11/1949 2k issue=2nd Trade Union Congress d=machinist unwmk perf=12.5
Hungary postage 9/25/1935 16f issue=University of Budapest 300th d=Pazmany wmk=double cross on pyramid
Latvia postage 3/11/1924 50s issue=1923 d=arms & stars unwmk perf=11.5
Montenegro postage 1874 25n d=Prince Nicholas I (1874) var=narrow wmk=MARKEN
Netherlands semipostal 12/2/1946 2+2c issue=child welfare 1946 d=child on merry-go-round wmk=circles perf=12.5x12
Netherlands Indies postage 1934 1c issue=1933 d=plowing (1933) unwmk perf=12x12.5
Netherlands Indies postage 1934 30c issue=1933 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1933) unwmk perf=12x12.5
Netherlands Indies postage 1/16/1934 50c issue=1933 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1933 larger) unwmk perf=12x12.5
Netherlands Indies postage 1939 1c issue=1938 d=plowing (1938) wmk=circles
Netherlands Indies postage 1939 30c issue=1938 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1933) wmk=circles
Netherlands Indies postage 1940 50c issue=1938 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1933) wmk=circles
Netherlands Indies postage 9/25/1947 50c issue=1947b d=Queen Wilhelmina (1933) ovpt=1947 oc=blk on=50c-lilgray-wmk=circles wmk=circles
Nevis postage 1861 6p pc=grayish issue=1861b dt=medicinal spring d=medicinal spring (6d) unwmk perf=13
New Zealand postage 4/5/1898 1/2p issue=1898 d=Mt Cook (1898 1/2d) unwmk perf=12-16
Romania postage 1901 15b issue=1900a d=King Carol I (1893 15b) unwmk
Spain postage 5/1/1879 4p d=King Alfonso XII (1879) unwmk perf=14
Surinam postage 1885 1c issue=1873 d=King William III (1873 Surinam) unwmk perf=13.5x13.25
Turkey postage 1926 5g issue=1926 d=Fortress of Ankara unwmk perf=12
Turkey postage 9/9/1927 5g issue=1927 exhibition d=Fortress of Ankara ovpt=1927//IDIS(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1926-5g unwmk perf=12
Turkey postage 9/9/1928 5g issue=1928 exhibition d=Fortress of Ankara ovpt=Izmir//9 Sep//928(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1926-5g unwmk perf=12
Turkey postage 1929 2 1/2k d=Fortress of Ankara oc=blk on=1926-5g-lilgray unwmk perf=12
Used by 1 stamp as paper color:
(See all uses as list)
Guatemala postage 1/1/1897 1c blk issue=Central American Exposition d=arms of Guatemala & Barrios unwmk
Used in 3 combinations:
lilac gray & dark green blue
lilac gray & red purple
lilac gray & violet brown