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euro (Netherlands usage only)

Name: euro
Defn: 100c=1e
Symbol: €
Code: EUR
Desc: new
Units of money:
cent c 1
euro e 100

Users of this currency: Andorra (Fr) (301 stamps, 2000-2020), Andorra (Sp) (257 stamps, 2001-2022), Austria (1390 stamps, 2002-2024), Belgium (2277 stamps, 1999-2024), Croatia (69 stamps, 2023-2024), Cyprus (276 stamps, 2008-2018), Estonia (566 stamps, 2006-2024), Finland (1269 stamps, 2002-2023), Åland Islands (339 stamps, 1999-2023), France (4479 stamps, 1999-2023), French Southern & Antarctic Territories (668 stamps, 2000-2024), Germany (1604 stamps, 2000-2024), Greece (1420 stamps, 2001-2024), Mount Athos (152 stamps, 2008-2014), Ireland (1096 stamps, 2000-2023), Italy (1407 stamps, 1999-2020), Latvia (372 stamps, 2014-2024), Lithuania (219 stamps, 2015-2023), Luxembourg (823 stamps, 2001-2023), Madeira (8 stamps, 2012), Malta (758 stamps, 2007-2023), Mayotte (160 stamps, 2002-2011), Monaco (1047 stamps, 1999-2023), Montenegro (430 stamps, 2003-2024), Netherlands (2258 stamps, 2001-2023), Portugal (2418 stamps, 1999-2020), Azores region (167 stamps, 2002-2022), Madeira region (155 stamps, 2000-2018), St. Pierre & Miquelon (473 stamps, 1999-2019), San Marino (996 stamps, 1999-2024), Serbia (167 stamps, 2003-2006), Slovakia (395 stamps, 2009-2024), Slovenia (1002 stamps, 2007-2024), Spain (2209 stamps, 2000-2024), UN offices in Vienna (613 stamps, 2000-2019), Vatican City (586 stamps, 2001-2019), Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic (3 stamps, 2001) Show with all usages

Denominations used by Netherlands in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
+0.251 9   1/30/2012 issue=First Aid for Accidents ... 11/6/2012 issue=Children's Charity 2012 d=Princesses Alexia Ariane Amalia
1internationaal 90   3/2/2015 d=King Willem-Alexander ... 10/4/2022 issue=World Animal Day 2022
1Nederland 173   1/3/2022 issue=Fort Ellewoutsdijk ... 3/22/2023 sil&blk issue=Spyker HP 60
130   1/1/2014 issue=200 Years of Kingdom of the Netherlands d=King Willem I ... 12/23/2014 d=Fokker Spider 1910
1wereld 1   10/14/2011 issue=Postcrossing
4   1/2/2014 issue=Business Stamps d=numeral (2014) ... 10/23/2014 issue=2014 d=King William Alexander
aangetekend 1   10/10/2011 sil d=Piet Hein
December 101   11/22/2011 issue=Christmas 2011 d=Burning candle ... 11/15/2022 issue=Christmas 2022
Europa1 6   10/29/2011 issue=For the Children ... 4/22/2013 issue=Europa 2013 d=Bedford CA 1960 Opel Blitz 1956 Opel P4 1936 GMC 25
Wereld1 7   1/2/2012 issue=Personalized Stamp Picture, Frame Remains the Same d=Rembrandt House Amsterdam ... 8/13/2012 issue=Border Free Netherlands
1 844   7/1/2010 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 10/28/2021 issue=Digital Art
2 10   5/1/2013 issue=Inauguration of King Willem-Alexander d=1,08€ ... 6/15/2021 orgred issue=2021 d=King Willem-Alexander
= 2c 2   1/2/2002 dkrose issue=2002, 9/2/2002 dkrose issue=2002
3c 1   12/11/2006
5 2   10/8/2012 issue=Children's Book Week d=2,50€
= 5c 1   1/2/2003 dkrose issue=2002
10c 1   11/26/2002 viobl issue=2002
12c 1   1/2/2002 dkgrn issue=2002
0.25€ 1   1/2/2002 orgbrn&yelgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.27€ 20   11/27/2001 60c|0.27€ issue=December 2001 d=Christmas motifs
0,29€ 32   11/25/2003 issue=Greetings 2003 ... 11/22/2007 issue=December 2007
= 29c 52   11/26/2002 issue=December 2002 d=Persons in winter landscape ... 11/23/2006 issue=December 2006
0.29+0.10€ 20   11/25/2004 issue=Welfare 2004 ... 11/23/2006 issue=Angel
0.34€ 20   11/18/2008 issue=December 2008 ... 11/17/2009 issue=Christmas 2009
= 34c 1   11/18/2008
0.39€ 224   7/2/2001 85c|0.39€ issue=Birth ... 9/1/2006 issue=Beautiful Netherlands 2006
= 39c 56   6/11/2002 issue=Landscape Paintings dt=landscape paintings (2002) d=by Jan Mostaert c 1475-1555 ... 10/16/2006 issue=TNT Post
0.39+0.19€ 12   11/5/2002 issue=Child and Paint ... 11/7/2006 issue=Safe Future
= 39+19c 49   4/2/2002 issue=FLORIADE '02 d=European white waterlily Nymphaea alba ... 4/4/2006 issue=Spelling Board
0,40€ 1   1/2/2002 issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0,44€ 10   8/25/2009 issue=Talented Athletes d=Aniek van Koot ... 6/22/2010 issue=Beautiful Netherlands 2010 d=Leeuwarden
= 0.44€ 28   12/11/2006 grayvio&yelol issue=2006 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 3/29/2010 issue=Week of the Postcard d=Four-leaved clover
= 44(c) 11   12/11/2006 issue=Dutch Products ... 2/9/2010 issue=100 Years of patents dt=Dutch inventions d=Submarine Cornelis Drebbel 1920
= 44c 114   12/11/2006 ... 8/17/2010 issue=Long Live the Forest
0.44+0.22€ 19   7/19/2007 issue=140th Anniversary of the Red Cross Netherlands ... 4/27/2010 issue=Summer stamps 2010 d=Ramses Shaffy
= 44+22c 24   4/4/2007 dt=beach scenes (2007) ... 11/3/2009 issue=Let Children Learn 2009
0,46€+0.231 5   10/29/2011 issue=For the Children
0,50e 1   7/1/2010 d=4 seasons Joseph Israëls Children of the Sea
= 0.50€ 1   1/2/2002 issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.54€ 4   7/2/2001 1.20g|0.54€ issue=Europe 2001 ... 6/11/2002 issue=Europa 2002 d=circus lions
0.55€ 1   1/2/2003 vio&orgbrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.57€ 1   1/2/2004 issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.59€ 1   1/2/2003 issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Vincent Van Gogh
= 59c 4   5/6/2003 issue=Coastal Wildlife d=Larus fuscus
0.61€ 5   1/2/2004 issue=Paintings 2004 dt=paintings (2004) ... 7/6/2004 dt=animals of the Hoge Veluwe National Park d=Dendrocopus leucotos
0.65€ 3   1/2/2002 grn&vio issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 6/12/2008 issue=125th Anniversary of the Rembrandt Society
0.67€ 1   12/11/2006 blgrn&ultra issue=2006 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.69€ 5   1/2/2006 issue=Netherlands in the Eyes of Artists d=Olafur Eliasson 2000
0.70€ 1   1/2/2003 ol&blgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.72€ 3   1/2/2004 grnbl&vio issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 7/26/2007 issue=Europa 2007 / 100 years Scouting
= 72(c) 1   12/11/2006 issue=Dutch Products
0.74€ 1   1/2/2009 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.75€ 3   7/2/2001 1.65g|0.75€ issue=Europe 2001 ... 1/2/2003 issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Vincent Van Gogh
= 75(c) 7   1/2/2008 issue=Environmental Protection 2008 ... 10/1/2008 issue=Dutch Leprechauns
0.76€ 1   1/3/2005 brnol&grn d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0.77€ 3   1/2/2004 issue=Paintings 2004 dt=paintings (2004) ... 4/7/2009 issue=Europa 2009
= 77c 7   1/2/2009 issue=Environmental Protection 2009 ... 7/14/2009 issue=Music in the Netherlands
0.78€ 8   1/2/2002 viobl&brnol issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 5/24/2005 sil d=Typographic grid
= 78(c) 1   4/30/2005 issue=25th Anniversary of the Reign of Queen Beatrix d=The investiture of Queen Beatrix in 1980
= 78c 1   3/2/2004 issue=Standard Letter Stamps
0,79€ 1   9/1/2011 issue=Green Initiatives d=Europe Gives Green Light
0.80€ 1   1/2/2006 ultra&pur d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
0,81€ 3   1/3/2005 issue=buildings 2005 dt=buildings (2005) d=Greenhouse ... 9/22/2005 issue=Farm Technology d=Chinese water wheel
0.85€ 5   1/2/2006 issue=Netherlands in the Eyes of Artists d=Tadashi Kawamata 19962004
0.88€ 3   12/11/2006 blvio&grnol issue=2006 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) ... 5/1/2007 issue=Flower Greetings
= 88c 2   12/11/2006 issue=Standard Letter
89(c) 1   12/11/2006 issue=Dutch Products
92c 4   1/2/2008 issue=Environmental Protection 2008 ... 7/8/2008 issue=Nederlands without Borders
95c 4   1/2/2009 issue=Environmental Protection 2009 ... 8/4/2009 issue=Borderless Netherlands
0,96€ 7   7/25/2011 issue=Border Free Netherlands d=elephant (2011) ... 9/1/2011 issue=Green Initiatives d=Think green green world
1€ 1   1/2/2002 grn&bl issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
= 1€+€0,34 6   11/2/2015 issue=Children's Stamps 2015
= 1€+€0,36 6   11/7/2016 issue=Children's Stamps
= 1€+€0,38 6   10/9/2017 issue=Children's Stamps 2017
= 1€+€0,41 5   10/8/2018 issue=Children's Stamps 2018
= 1€+€0,43 5   10/3/2019 issue=Children's Stamps 2019 dt=Classic Dutch Children's Books
= 1e 19   7/1/2010 issue=Ten For The Love d=Ten for the Love ... 10/20/2010 issue=Stop AIDs now!
1e+22c 1   11/9/2010 issue=child welfare 2010 d=Child at mathematics lessons
1+0.48€ 5   10/5/2022 issue=70th Anniversary of Donald Duck Weekly Magazine
117c 1   4/30/2005 issue=25th Anniversary of the Reign of Queen Beatrix d=The state visit of Nelson Mandela in 1999
156c 1   4/30/2005 issue=25th Anniversary of the Reign of Queen Beatrix d=visiting the Netherlands Antilles in 1999
2e 2   7/1/2010 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
2,20€ 1   3/9/2010 issue=Book Week 2010
225(c) 1   4/30/2005 issue=25th Anniversary of the Reign of Queen Beatrix d=The speech to the European Parliament in 2004
3€ 1   1/2/2002 pur&yelgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991)
5€ 1   9/29/2010 issue=Movie Stamp d=Carice van Houten
6.45€ 2   7/15/2006 issue=400th Anniversary of the Birth of Rembrandt, 9/11/2007 issue=200th Anniversary of Predicate Royal
7€ 2   4/28/2009 issue=Three Generations of Queens, 4/27/2010 d=lighthouse of Breskens
1234 14   7/1/2010 issue=Green stamps d=Groen ... 10/11/2021 issue=80th Anniversary of Tom Poes Cartoon

Used by 2210 stamps of Netherlands: (See all uses as list)
1/2/2002 12c dkgrn issue=2002
1/2/2002 0.39€ brnvio&sil issue=Standard Letter perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 2c dkrose issue=2002 perf=rouletted
1/2/2002 0.39€ issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0.78€ viobl&brnol issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 1€ grn&bl issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0,40€ issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0.50€ issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0.65€ grn&vio issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 3€ pur&yelgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0.25€ orgbrn&yelgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Beatrix (1991) perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/2/2002 0.78€ issue=Standard Letter perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/10/2002 0.39€ issue=Wedding of Prinz Willem Alexander and Maxima Zorreguieta d=Prinz Willem Alexander & Maxima Zorreguieta
1/10/2002 0.39€ issue=Wedding of Prinz Willem Alexander and Maxima Zorreguieta d=inscription
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Wedding Wishes
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Sky d=Landscape with clouds
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Birth 2002
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Introduction of Euro d=canal perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/28/2002 0.54€ issue=Introduction of Euro d=beach perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/28/2002 0.75€ issue=Introduction of Euro perf=Serpentine Die Cut
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Greeting 2002 d=Succes
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Greeting 2002 d=Succes
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Greeting 2002 d=Proficiat
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Condolences
1/28/2002 0.39€ issue=Address Change Notice perf=Serpentine Die Cut
... skipping 2160 ...
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
1/25/2023 1Nederland issue=Jimmy Nelson - Ode to the Netherlands
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Skrok and Skrins
2/13/2023 1Nederland issue=Typically Dutch - Windmills
3/20/2023 1Nederland issue=Typically Dutch - Flower Fields
3/22/2023 1Nederland sil&blk issue=Spyker HP 60
3/22/2023 1Nederland issue=Marker Wadden a
3/22/2023 1Nederland issue=Marker Wadden a
3/22/2023 1Nederland issue=Marker Wadden a
