Denom |
Usages |
Selected stamps |
1t |
1 |
7/2/1994 grn issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan |
20t |
2 |
8/1/1994 issue=Bakhouddin 675th, 9/1/1994 d=statue of Tamerlane |
30t |
1 |
9/15/1994 dt=historic |
35t |
1 |
9/15/1994 dt=historic |
40t |
1 |
9/15/1994 dt=historic |
45t |
1 |
9/15/1994 dt=historic |
60t |
1 |
9/15/1994 dt=historic |
1.00s |
1 |
3/20/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan |
= 1s |
1 |
12/26/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan |
2.00s |
3 |
1/15/1995 issue=1995 surcharges ... 2/25/1998 issue=1995 |
= 2s |
2 |
7/2/1994 grn issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan, 12/26/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan |
3.00s |
2 |
3/20/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan, 2/25/1998 issue=1995 |
= 3s |
2 |
7/2/1994 car issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan, 12/26/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan |
5.00s |
2 |
12/5/2000 issue=2000, 6/11/2004 ltblgrn issue=2004 d=state emblem |
6.00s |
13 |
3/20/1995 issue=1995 d=arms of Uzbekistan ... 2/25/1998 issue=1995 |
= 6s |
4 |
7/2/1994 car issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan ... 3/22/1999 ltgrn issue=1995 |
8.00s |
1 |
11/27/1998 issue="Alpomish" Folktale |
9.00s |
3 |
3/17/1997 dt=Fantasy spacecraft ... 9/19/1997 issue=Uz-Daewoo Automobile Works d=Daewoo Tico |
10.00s |
28 |
8/15/1995 dt=markhors d=Capra falconeri (1995) ... 6/11/2004 ltgrn issue=2004 d=state emblem |
12.00s |
3 |
8/29/1996 issue=3rd President's Cup Tennis Championships ... 2/25/1998 issue=1995 |
15.00s |
44 |
8/15/1995 dt=markhors d=Capra falconeri (1995) ... 4/3/2001 issue=2001 |
= 15s |
5 |
7/2/1994 bl issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan ... 10/2/2002 issue=Irises d=Qoragum |
17.00s |
2 |
12/5/2000 issue=2000, 4/3/2001 issue=2001 |
18.00s |
10 |
11/27/1998 issue="Alpomish" Folktale ... 11/8/1999 dt=football (1999) |
20.00s |
16 |
5/8/1995 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War ... 4/3/2001 issue=2001 |
= 20s |
2 |
5/15/1996 issue=Save the Aral Sea d=Hyaena hyaena (1996 joint) |
25.00s |
8 |
2/16/1996 dt=mammals (1996 Uzbekistan) d=Gazella subgutturosa (1996) ... 4/1/2010 issue=2010 d=Tashkent Kurant |
= 25s |
1 |
5/15/1996 issue=Save the Aral Sea d=Aspiolucius esocinus (1996) |
28.00s |
10 |
5/11/1999 dt=locomotives (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Steam locomotive FD ... 3/31/2000 issue=175th Anniversary of the Birth of Ajiniyoz Qo'siboy o'g'li d=Ajiniyoz Qo'siboy o'g'li |
30.00s |
11 |
3/17/1997 dt=Fantasy spacecraft ... 7/15/2008 d=Tashkent Kurant |
= 30s |
4 |
6/14/2002 issue=2700 Years Anniversary of Shahrisabz ... 5/26/2003 issue=2003 |
33.00s |
1 |
4/3/2001 issue=2001 |
35.00s |
2 |
5/25/1997 dt=folktales (1997), 1/5/2006 issue=2006 |
36.00s |
12 |
5/11/1999 dt=locomotives (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Steam locomotive SO ... 2/1/2000 issue=Equestrian Sport d=horseman on horse |
40.00s |
1 |
12/5/2000 issue=2000 |
= 40s |
2 |
5/10/2002 issue=Human Ancestors d=Dryopithecus maior, 6/7/2002 issue=Protect the Ozone Layer |
45.00s |
15 |
2/25/1998 issue=1995 ... 3/1/2008 d=Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre |
= 45s |
6 |
5/10/2002 d=Zygophyllum bucharicum ... 7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Registon maydoni Ulug'bek madrasasi |
50.00s |
4 |
2/23/2001 dt=bats (2001) d=Muotis frater ... 11/9/2012 issue=2012 d=Berdah |
= 50s |
5 |
5/10/2002 d=Viola hissarica Juz ... 7/21/2017 issue=Birds Of Uzbekistan Series II |
55.00s |
6 |
8/10/2006 d=Chime of Tashkent ... 8/25/2006 issue=15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan d=Indoor Pool |
= 55s |
1 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Registon maydoni Sherdor madrasasi |
56.00s |
14 |
5/11/1999 dt=locomotives (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Steam locomotive KC ... 2/1/2000 issue=Equestrian Sport d=Races |
= 56s |
1 |
6/22/1999 dt=reptiles (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Trapelus sanguinolentus |
60.00s |
15 |
10/22/1999 dt=Birds of Prey (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Pandion haliaetus (1999 Uzbekistan) ... 10/25/2005 issue=Toreutic Art dt=toreutic art d=Tea-pot XIX Century |
= 60s |
5 |
5/10/2002 d=Bergenia hissarica Boriss ... 10/2/2002 issue=Irises d=Ikar |
65.00s |
1 |
1/5/2006 issue=2006 |
69.00s |
8 |
5/11/1999 dt=locomotives (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Locomotive TEP-60 ... 2/1/2000 issue=Equestrian Sport |
70.00s |
1 |
4/11/2001 issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Alisher Navoi |
= 70s |
3 |
5/10/2002 d=Eremurus hilariae ... 8/26/2002 d=To catch the girl |
75.00s |
7 |
6/8/1999 issue="Badal Qorachi" Folk Tales ... 4/1/2008 d=Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre |
= 75s |
2 |
7/2/1994 cl issue=2004 d=arms of Uzbekistan, 5/25/1999 dt=horses (1999 Uzbekistan) d=Korabajiry horse |
85.00s |
4 |
4/11/2001 issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Alisher Navoi ... 4/1/2008 d=Tashkent Kurant |
= 85s |
3 |
5/10/2002 d=Salvia korolkowi Regel et Schmalh ... 7/26/2002 dt=national sports & games d=To take a kerchief |
90.00s |
17 |
2/23/2001 dt=bats (2001) d=Barbastella leucomelas ... 3/1/2008 d=State Academic Theatre - Alisher Navoiy |
= 90s |
6 |
5/10/2002 d=Lamyropappus schakaptaricus ... 7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Imom al-Moturridiy maqbarasi |
95.00s |
1 |
8/25/2006 issue=15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan d=Humanism Arch |
100.00s |
22 |
1/4/2000 dt=circus performers ... 5/4/2012 issue=2012 d=Amir Temur |
= 100s |
11 |
10/2/2002 issue=100 Years to Nukus ... 3/30/2017 mag issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=Grus grus (2017) |
110.00s |
1 |
4/1/2010 issue=2010 d=Tashkent Kurant |
= 110s |
1 |
6/5/2013 grn issue=2013 d=A Temur |
125.00s |
17 |
12/11/2000 issue=50th Anniversary of United Nations Commissioner for Refugees ... 4/1/2010 issue=2010 d=Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre |
= 125s |
9 |
5/10/2002 issue=Human Ancestors d=Protanthropus heidelbergensis ... 11/28/2003 issue=Abdukholik Gijduvoniy 900th |
145s |
2 |
5/10/2002 d=Punica granatum L., 7/26/2002 dt=national sports & games d=Vlog |
150.00s |
5 |
4/1/2008 d=State Academic Big Theatre by Alisher Navoi ... 4/5/2012 issue=2012 |
= 150s |
1 |
7/21/2017 issue=Birds Of Uzbekistan Series II |
155.00s |
7 |
10/11/2004 issue=Vinegrapes series dt=grapes (2004) d=Qora Andijon ... 10/25/2005 issue=Toreutic Art dt=toreutic art d=Tea-pot XIX Century |
= 155s |
2 |
10/7/2003 dt=headdresses of Uzbekistan d=Children's smart skull cap XIX-XX Centuries |
160.00s |
3 |
2/23/2001 dt=bats (2001) d=Chiroptera ... 4/1/2008 d=Tashkent Kurant |
= 160s |
3 |
5/10/2002 issue=Human Ancestors d=Homo Sapiens Fossilis ... 10/2/2002 issue=Irises d=Askiya |
170.00s |
1 |
4/5/2012 issue=2012 |
= 170s |
1 |
4/25/2003 d=Hirman - Store of cotton in a field |
175.00s |
3 |
6/20/2001 issue=2500th Anniversary of Termez |
= 175s |
2 |
5/10/2002, 7/26/2002 dt=national sports & games |
180.00s |
1 |
8/25/2006 issue=15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan d=road construction |
= 180s |
2 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Amir Temur maqbarasi Umumiy ko'rinishi |
200.00s |
29 |
1/3/2006 dt=paintings (2006) d=Mountains (VI Yenin) ... 11/9/2012 issue=2012 d=Berdah |
= 200s |
9 |
1/15/1995 issue=1995 surcharges ... 3/30/2017 ultra issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=Common Quail Coturnix coturnix |
205.00s |
1 |
6/11/2004 issue=Olympics 2004 |
210.00s |
3 |
10/11/2004 issue=Vinegrapes series dt=grapes (2004) d=Parkent ... 9/15/2005 dt=pigeons (2005) d=Buxara kaptari |
240s |
4 |
4/25/2003 d=Unus-abad Sport complex |
250.00s |
26 |
1/3/2006 dt=paintings (2006) d=Samarkand, Novruz (G Abdurakhmanov) ... 4/16/2012 issue=2012 d=Al-Xorezmiy |
= 250s |
3 |
7/30/2007 issue=Berries dt=berries (2007) d=Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) ... 3/30/2017 ultra issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=Ciconia ciconia (2017) |
290.00s |
7 |
1/5/2006 issue=2006 ... 8/25/2006 issue=15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan d=Islam Karimov and Vladimir Putin |
= 290s |
1 |
11/6/2014 grn issue=2013 d=Berdaq |
300.00s |
6 |
1/3/2006 dt=paintings (2006) d=Painting (R Akhmedov) ... 4/16/2012 issue=2012 d=Al-Xorezmiy |
= 300s |
6 |
7/30/2007 issue=Jeweller's Art dt=jewelry (2007) d=Yarim tirnoq ... 3/30/2017 ultra issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=rock dove Columba livia |
310.00s |
8 |
4/1/2008 d=State Academic Big Theatre by Alisher Navoi ... 8/17/2009 issue=Tashkent 2200th d=Building of Oliy Majlis |
320s |
3 |
4/25/2003 d=For Victim's Memory |
340.00s |
1 |
10/25/2005 issue=Toreutic Art dt=toreutic art d=Tea-pot XIX Century |
350.00s |
28 |
1/3/2006 dt=paintings (2006) d=Painting (N Koziboev) ... 11/9/2012 issue=2012 d=Al-Xorezmiy |
= 350s |
3 |
6/30/2007 issue=2000th Anniversary of the City of Margilan ... 3/30/2017 ultra issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=thrush nightingale luscinia luscinia |
400.00s |
6 |
4/15/2010 issue=Rare Birds of Uzbekistan d=Chettusia gregaria (2010) ... 12/28/2012 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2012 d=sacred ibis |
= 400s |
6 |
6/5/2013 grn issue=2013 d=Al-Khorezmi ... 3/30/2017 mag issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=Pica pica (2017) |
410.00s |
8 |
5/19/2006 issue=National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan dt=National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan d=Gijjak ... 2/14/2008 issue=Babur 2008 d=Setting Kabul Fortress free from the muting |
= 410s |
2 |
7/30/2007 d=Quddus Muhammadiy |
420.00s |
2 |
5/30/2007 issue=100th Birthday of Abdulla Qahhar, 5/31/2007 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Mirarab madrasasi |
430.00s |
8 |
12/15/2005 issue=1000 Years of Mamun Academy ... 5/31/2007 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Chor Bakr me'moriy majmuasi |
450.00s |
8 |
7/24/2008 issue=100th Anniversary of FINA d=Synchronized Swimming ... 4/16/2012 issue=2012 d=Amir Temur |
= 450s |
1 |
7/21/2017 issue=Birds Of Uzbekistan Series II |
490.00s |
2 |
10/3/2007 dt=fauna (2007 Uzbekistan) d=Acinonyx jubatus (2007), 2/14/2008 issue=Babur 2008 d=Babur surveys the Mausoleum in the environs of Delhi |
= 490s |
1 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Registon maydoni Umumiy ko'rinishi |
500.00s |
4 |
6/1/2011 issue=Childrens Drawings of Birds |
= 500s |
10 |
6/3/1994 issue=President's Cup tennis tournament ... 3/30/2017 mag issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=Mute Swan Cygnus olor |
520s |
10 |
4/25/2003 issue=Great Silk Road d=Kaltaminor Minaret - Khiva XIX Century |
540.00s |
3 |
5/19/2006 issue=Dogs 2006 dt=dogs (2006 Uzbekistan) d=English Cocker Spaniel ... 2/14/2008 issue=Babur 2008 d=Khodja Seyaran spring in the vicinity of Kabul |
550.00s |
1 |
1/3/2012 issue=20 Years of Armed forces of Uzbekistan |
= 550s |
1 |
7/21/2017 issue=Birds Of Uzbekistan Series II |
580.00s |
5 |
5/19/2006 issue=National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan dt=National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan d=tanbur, chang (instrument) ... 8/25/2006 issue=15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan d=Gold Medal FILA (International Federation of Wrestling) |
= 580s |
7 |
4/25/2003 d=Oliy majlis ... 7/30/2007 issue=Berries dt=berries (2007) d=raspberry (Rubus idaeus) |
600.00s |
9 |
5/19/2006 issue=Dogs 2006 dt=dogs (2006 Uzbekistan) d=German shepherd (2006 Uzbekistan) ... 9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football |
= 600s |
3 |
6/15/2015 issue=Flowers 2015 d=Crocus alatavicus ... 3/30/2017 mag issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=rock dove Columba livia |
620.00s |
6 |
7/24/2008 issue=100th Anniversary of FINA d=diving (2008) ... 8/17/2009 issue=Tashkent 2200th d=Turkiston Palace |
630s |
10 |
4/25/2003 issue=Great Silk Road d=Gumbazi Sayyidon Mausoleum - Shakhrisabz |
650.00s |
1 |
9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football |
670s |
1 |
7/30/2007 issue=Jeweller's Art dt=jewelry (2007) d=Shovkala |
680.00s |
2 |
10/3/2007 dt=fauna (2007 Uzbekistan) d=Acinonyx jubatus (2007), 2/14/2008 issue=Babur 2008 d=Babur surveys the Palaces of Man Singh and Bikramajit |
= 680s |
1 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Shohizinda majmuasi |
700.00s |
1 |
1/3/2012 issue=20 Years of Armed forces of Uzbekistan |
= 700s |
3 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Bibixonim masjidi kirish peshtoqi ... 3/30/2017 mag issue=Birds of Uzbekistan I d=thrush nightingale luscinia luscinia |
720.00s |
5 |
5/19/2006 issue=World Cup 2006 ... 5/31/2007 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Abulqosim madrasasi |
= 720s |
3 |
7/30/2007 issue=Berries dt=berries (2007) d=Grossularia reclinata |
750.00s |
9 |
7/24/2008 issue=100th Anniversary of FINA d=swimming (2008) ... 10/9/2009 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Mausoleum Shayx Xovandi Tokhur (Tashkent) |
780.00s |
3 |
5/19/2006 issue=Dogs 2006 dt=dogs (2006 Uzbekistan) d=Central Asian Sheepdog ... 11/20/2007 issue=30 Years of the Underground in Tashkent |
800.00s |
38 |
2/12/2010 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2010 d=Macaca fascicularis (2010) ... 12/28/2012 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2012 d=Dolichotis patagonum (2012) |
900.00s |
29 |
4/28/2010 issue=43rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank d=Traffic Roundabout ... 12/28/2012 issue=Chatkal National Biosphere Reserve d=Juno tubergeniana |
= 900s |
1 |
7/21/2017 issue=Birds Of Uzbekistan Series II |
920s |
3 |
4/25/2003 issue=Great Silk Road d=Guri Amir Mausoleum - Samarkand XV Century |
930.00s |
1 |
10/22/2008 issue=50th Anniversary of Navoi City - Culture Palace & Monument |
950.00s |
4 |
9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football ... 9/26/2012 issue=Akhal-Teke Horses of Uzbekistan d=Asmanbek |
970s |
5 |
4/25/2003 issue=Great Silk Road d=Chorminor Medresah Bukhara XIX Century ... 11/19/2003 issue=Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Joint Issue dt=paintings (2003) d='Happiness' |
1000.00s |
32 |
12/28/2009 issue=Embroidery 2009 dt=embroidery (2009) d=Suzane Pskent ... 12/28/2012 issue=Chatkal National Biosphere Reserve d=Marmota menzbieri |
= 1000s |
11 |
4/25/2003 d=Gatur Gulom ... 1/15/2016 issue=Fauna 2016 d=Rose Chafer Cetonia aurata |
1010.00s |
5 |
7/10/2006 dt=fishes (2006 Uzbekistan) d=Aspiolucius esocinus (2006) ... 5/31/2007 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Pahlavon Mahmud maqbarasi |
1050.00s |
4 |
9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football ... 9/26/2012 issue=Akhal-Teke Horses of Uzbekistan d=Gallas |
1100.00s |
2 |
4/28/2010 issue=43rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank d=Road Bridge |
1150.00s |
2 |
5/19/2006 issue=Dogs 2006 dt=dogs (2006 Uzbekistan) d=Scottish sheepdog & German shepherd, 9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football |
= 1150s |
1 |
7/30/2007 issue=2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarqand d=Shohizinda majmuasi Tuman oqo maqbarasi |
1170s |
1 |
4/25/2003 d=Samanids Museum, Bukhara |
1200.00s |
58 |
12/28/2009 issue=Uzbek National Circus ... 12/28/2012 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2012 d=Asian elephant (2012) |
= 1200s |
14 |
8/29/2011 issue=20th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan d=roads ... 8/31/2016 issue=Uzbek Independence, 25th anniv. |
1250.00s |
3 |
10/22/2008 issue=50th Anniversary of Navoi Mining & Metallurgical Plant ... 10/9/2009 dt=architecture of Uzbekistan d=Samarqand Gate (Bukhara) |
1300.00s |
1 |
9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football |
= 1300s |
6 |
4/10/2014 issue=Flowers 2014 d=Delphinium knorringianum ... 6/9/2017 issue=Fruits Of Uzbekistan Series II |
1330s |
2 |
4/25/2003 issue=Great Silk Road d=Registon |
1400s |
6 |
6/5/2013 issue=Great Silk Way d=Bukhara ... 4/15/2015 d=ceramics |
1440.00s |
2 |
3/1/2007 d=Boysun bahori, 10/3/2007 dt=fauna (2007 Uzbekistan) d=Acinonyx jubatus (2007) |
1500s |
21 |
6/5/2013 grn issue=2013 d=Al-Khorezmi ... 8/31/2016 issue=Uzbek Independence, 25th anniv. |
1501s |
1 |
6/17/2013 issue=Asian youth games d=fencers (2013) |
1502s |
1 |
6/17/2013 d=World students games Judo |
1540.00s |
1 |
5/19/2006 issue=Winter Olympics 2006 |
1600s |
1 |
6/9/2017 issue=Fruits Of Uzbekistan Series II |
1650.00s |
1 |
2/12/2010 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2010 d=Lemur catta (2010) |
1700s |
2 |
5/23/2016 issue=Great Silk Way 2016 d=Great Silk Way, 12/30/2016 issue=Tashkent Zoo 2016 d=Neofelis nebulosa (2016 Uzbekistan) |
1800s |
2 |
10/9/2015 issue=Fruits 2015 d=Punica granatum (2015), 1/15/2016 issue=Fauna 2016 d=Upupa epops (2016) (2016) |
1900.00s |
7 |
4/15/2010 issue=Rare Birds of Uzbekistan d=Cygnus olor (2010) ... 12/28/2012 issue=Chatkal National Biosphere Reserve d=Marmota menzbieri |
= 1900s |
8 |
11/3/2014 d=Surcharged stamps from 1992 ... 5/12/2017 issue=Flowers Of Uzbekistan |
2000.00s |
1 |
11/1/2011 issue=20 Years of Regional Commonwealth of Communications |
= 2000s |
1 |
1/31/2014 d=Republik of Kargalpastan |
2100s |
8 |
10/16/2014 issue=Paintings 2014 ... 12/30/2016 issue=National Costumes 2016 d=The bridesmaid suit Begin of XX c |
2150.00s |
1 |
1/3/2012 issue=20 Years of Armed forces of Uzbekistan |
2155.00s |
1 |
5/19/2006 issue=Winter Olympics 2006 |
2200.00s |
4 |
9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football ... 9/26/2012 issue=Akhal-Teke Horses of Uzbekistan d=Patmagul |
= 2200s |
1 |
1/15/2016 d=Disaster of Aral Sea |
2500.00s |
2 |
1/5/2006 issue=2006, 9/25/2012 issue=100 Years of Uzbek Football |
= 2500s |
9 |
1/22/2015 issue=Tashkent Zoo d=Canis lupus (2015) ... 12/30/2016 issue=National Costumes 2016 d=The boy’s suit at the circumcision Begin of XIX c |
3200s |
5 |
6/5/2013 issue=Great Silk Way d=Khiva Ota Darvoza XIX c ... 5/23/2016 issue=Great Silk Way 2016 d=Great Silk Way |
3700.00s |
1 |
1/5/2006 issue=2006 |
3900s |
1 |
6/15/2015 issue=Fauna of Uzbekistan d=red deer Cervus elaphus |
15000.00s |
1 |
8/29/2011 issue=20th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan |