Stamp data values used by Somalia for `ndenom'

This page lists the different values recorded for each field of a stamp type. You can click on column headings to sort by value or frequency of use.

issuer | function | year | month | day | issue | denom | currency | denom2 | ndenom | ndenom2 | base year | base month | base day | color | design type | design | variant | watermark | perf | overprint | ovpt color | on-desc-id | on-issuer | on-id | wmkorient | inscription | imprint | paper | paper color | print | plate | tagging | gum | emboss | shape | width | height | quantity | census | unissued | cat val | issue sortpos | sortpos | All issuers

137 distinct values used for ndenom among 1530 stamp types.

Value Uses
1200000 85
6000 81
1500 62
3000 61
2400000 57
600000 52
1800000 48
3000000 45
600 43
12000 42
19800000 42
1200 41
300 40
3600 34
9000 33
18000000 30
10800 29
2400 27
4500 27
30000 26
1800 24
60000 23
18000 22
19200000 22
15000000 21
2100 20
7500 20
21000000 20
7200 19
3600000 18
4200000 17
4800000 16
900 14
6000000 13
19200 12
4800 11
120000 11
12000000 11
24000 10
7800 9
900000 9
60 8
120 8
360 8
16800 8
33000 8
9000000 8
180 7
2700 7
15000 7
150000 7
38400 6
5400000 6
3300 5
5400 5
13800 5
17400 5
19500 5
31200 5
90000 5
780 4
10500 4
13500 4
27600 4
300000 4
2100000 4
3300000 4
7200000 4
8400000 4
10500000 4
16800000 4
450 3
480 3
540 3
4200 3
10200 3
34800 3
51600 3
420000 3
7800000 3
13200000 3
15600000 3
16200000 3
20400000 3
24000000 3
30000000 3
240 2
1080 2
3900 2
8100 2
14400 2
15300 2
16500 2
21000 2
27000 2
40800 2
49800 2
56400 2
72000 2
96000 2
108000 2
240000 2
336000 2
10800000 2
22200000 2
33000000 2
8400 1
16200 1
21600 1
22800 1
25800 1
28800 1
29400 1
39600 1
48000 1
54000 1
66000 1
68100 1
75000 1
82800 1
87000 1
111600 1
135600 1
180000 1
186000 1
288000 1
318000 1
432000 1
450000 1
1008000 1
1188000 1
1296000 1
1680000 1
10200000 1
13800000 1
22800000 1
27000000 1