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3.70fr denom (#27210) (France usage only)

  • Colnect-145-583-Ruins-of-Montsegur-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-145-726-Inauguration-of-the-Mus-eacute-e-d--Orsay.jpg
  • Colnect-145-752-Le-Corbusier-1887-1965--The-Modulor-.jpg
  • Colnect-145-745-Meuse-Hills.jpg
  • Colnect-145-783-Liberty.jpg
  • Colnect-145-786-Andelot-treaty-587.jpg
  • Colnect-145-829-Accessibility-for-disabled.jpg
  • Colnect-145-830-Hermes-dic%C3%A9phale---High-Roman-Empire---Frejus.jpg
  • Colnect-145-885-ITU-Plenipotentiary-Conference-Nice.jpg
  • Colnect-145-887-Malestroit-Morbihan.jpg
  • Colnect-145-901-Castle-of-Vaux-le-Vicompte.jpg
  • Colnect-145-916-Clermont-Ferrand-Centenary-of-the-first-electric-streetcar.jpg
  • Colnect-146-197-The-Health-Service-in-Val-de-Grace-Paris-from-1793-to-1993.jpg
  • Colnect-146-246-Party-at-the-Trianon-in-honor-of-the-King-of-Sweden.jpg
  • Colnect-146-247-Composition-of-flags-by-Dessirier.jpg
  • Colnect-146-255-CEPT---1924-discovery-of-the-de-Broglie-wave.jpg
  • Colnect-146-286-Parc-de-Saint-Cloud-Hauts-de-Seine-The-big-waterfall.jpg
  • Colnect-146-294-Alain-Colas-1943-1978.jpg
  • Colnect-146-306-Louis-Pasteur-1822-1895.jpg
  • Colnect-146-325-Ecole-Sup-eacute-rieure-d--Electricit-eacute--Gif-sur-Yvette-Metz-Rennes.jpg
  • Colnect-146-327-Jean-Giono-1895-1970.jpg
  • Colnect-146-331-CEPT--peace-1945-1995.jpg
  • Colnect-146-369-Francis-Jammes-1868-1938.jpg
Desc: 3.70fr

Currency: French franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 22200

Users of this denom: Andorra (Fr) (9 stamps, 1994-1996), France (23 stamps, 1984-1995), French Southern & Antarctic Territories (5 stamps, 1992-1996) Show with all usages

Used by 23 stamps of France: (See all uses as list)

9/15/1984 3.70fr d=Château de Montségur
12/9/1986 3.70fr bl issue=Quai d'Orsay Museum perf=13
4/11/1987 3.70fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Le Corbusier d=Le Corbusier 1887-1965 The Modulor
5/23/1987 3.70fr d=Côtes de Meuse perf=13x12.5
8/1/1987 3.70fr pur issue=1987
11/30/1987 3.70fr bl&gray issue=1400th Anniversary of Treaty of Andelot perf=12.5x13
5/28/1988 3.70fr issue=Easy Access for the Handicapped perf=13
6/11/1988 3.70fr d=Double-headed Hermes of Fréjus perf=13x12.5
5/23/1989 3.70fr issue=International Telecommunications Union Conference - Nice
6/10/1989 3.70fr red&blk d=Malestroit perf=12.5x13
7/14/1989 3.70fr blk&ol d=Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte (1989)
10/28/1989 3.70fr issue=100th Anniversary of Clermont-Ferrand Electric Tramway d=Clermont-Ferrand Electric Tramway
9/25/1993 3.70fr issue=200th Anniversary of the Military Hospital in Val-de-Grace Abbey perf=13
3/18/1994 3.70fr issue=Franco-Swedish Cultural Relations d=Party at the Trianon in honor of the King of Sweden
3/18/1994 3.70fr issue=Franco-Swedish Cultural Relations d=Composition of flags by Dessirier
4/30/1994 3.70fr issue=Europa 1994 d=1924 discovery of the de Broglie wave perf=13
9/24/1994 3.70fr d=Saint-Cloud Park perf=12.5x13
11/19/1994 3.70fr issue=Alain Colas d=Alain Colas perf=13
2/18/1995 3.70fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Louis Pasteur d=Louis Pasteur (1995)
3/11/1995 3.70fr issue=100th Anniversary of the School of Electricity perf=13
3/25/1995 3.70fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jean Giono d=Jean Giono (1995 France) perf=13
4/29/1995 3.70fr issue=Europa 1995 perf=13
12/2/1995 3.70fr issue=Francis Jammes d=Francis Jammes perf=13