Desc: 25dr
Currency: Greek drachma (100l=1dr=1d) Numerical sorting value: 2500 Equivalent denoms: 25d (31) Users of this denom: Corfu (2 stamps, 1941), Greece (8 stamps, 1923-1988), Lemnos (2 stamps, 1912), North Epirus (2 stamps, 1940-1941), Samos (2 stamps, 1913-1915) Show with all usages Used by 8 stamps of Greece: (See all uses as list) 6/1923 25dr issue=1923a d=Iris goddess (1917) ovpt=epanastasis//1922//drachmai 25 on=issue=1917-25dr airmail 11/2/1933 25dr bl issue=1933 air b airmail 11/10/1935 25dr rosecar issue=1935 air dt=Greek mythology airmail 7/1/1941 25dr red issue=1941 air wmk=crowns 3/1/1985 25dr issue=16th European Indoor Athletics Championship 10/7/1985 25dr issue=40th Anniversary of the United Nations & International Youth Year 5/4/1987 25dr issue=European Basketball Championship 1987 10/7/1988 25dr issue=Capitals of Prefectures dt=Capitals of Prefectures |