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4z denom (#2999) (Poland usage only)

  • Colnect-2665-772-Common-Kingfisher-Alcedo-atthis.jpg
  • Colnect-2007-121-Motor-freighter-B-54.jpg
  • Colnect-452-100-Mixed-Horse-Breeds-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-3066-430-Group-of-Star-class.jpg
  • Colnect-3066-480-Sobralia.jpg
  • Colnect-2091-709-Eurasian-Siskin-Carduelis-spinus.jpg
  • Colnect-2110-364-Seal.jpg
  • Colnect-4628-134-Bicycling.jpg
  • Colnect-3931-951-View-of-Sulejow.jpg
  • Colnect-3163-538-Canal-in-the-Forest-by-Piotr-Potworowski.jpg
  • Colnect-3163-547-GodAdam-and-Eve.jpg
  • Colnect-3793-118-Pieskowa-Skala.jpg
  • Colnect-4867-960-Frombork-cathedral-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-164-Red-Kangaroo-Macropus-rufus.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-822-Rhapsodist-by-Stanislaw-Wyspianski.jpg
  • Colnect-1961-750-Barbican-Githic-Renaissance-castle.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-840-Mock-orange-Philadelphus-delavayi.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-845-National-Guard-Uhlan-18th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-2238-426-from-Strasbourg-clock.jpg
  • Colnect-2238-453-Lion-knocker-from-bronze-gate-Gniezno-12th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-2238-494-Nysa-M-521.jpg
  • Colnect-1964-844-Cornflowers.jpg
  • Colnect-3588-760-Town-Hall-Sulmierzyce.jpg
  • Colnect-3588-770-Slask.jpg
  • Colnect-2162-987--Dar-Pomorza-winner--Operation-Sail--1972.jpg
  • Colnect-3590-144-King-Jan-Olbracht.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-664-Merlin-Falco-columbarius.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-669-Hop-step-and-jump.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-675-River-Beskids-Mountains-and-badge.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-676-Mountain-arnica-Arnica-montana-in-Beskids-Mountains.jpg
  • Colnect-3590-276-Wielkopolska-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-683-30th-anniv-Of-the-United-Nations.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-684-European-Security-and-Cooperation-Conference-Helsinki.jpg
  • Colnect-5757-931-Telesfor-the-dragon.jpg
  • Colnect-2162-993-Casimir-Pulaski-1747-1779.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-813-Coin-of-Prince-Jerzy-Wilhelm1660-1675.jpg
  • Colnect-3793-546-Luge.jpg
  • Colnect-1995-407-Sleigh.jpg
  • Colnect-1960-328-A-group-of-insurgents.jpg
  • Colnect-1960-345-Least-Weasel-Mustela-nivalis.jpg
  • Colnect-1967-313-Horse-drawn-fire-pump-19th-cent.jpg
Desc: 4z

Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Equivalent denoms: 4.00(z) (1), 4Zł (38)

Users of this denom: Poland (42 stamps, 1960-1985), German occupation of Poland (2 stamps, 1941-1943) Show with all usages

Used by 42 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)

11/20/1960 4z dt=birds (1960 Poland) d=Alcedo atthis perf=9-14.5
6/24/1961 4z dt=merchant ships (1961) d=Motor freighter B-54 perf=9-14.5
12/30/1963 4z dt=horses (1963) d=Mixed Horse Breeds Equus ferus caballus perf=9-14.5
6/14/1965 4z issue=Finn dinghy class World Sailing Championship 1965 dt=yachts (1965) d=Group of Star class perf=9-14.5
9/6/1965 4z dt=orchids (1965 Poland) d=Sobralia perf=9-14.5
11/7/1966 4z dlvio&multi dt=forest birds (1966) d=Carduelis spinus perf=9-14.5
5/29/1968 4z issue=World Gliding Championships 1968 dt=gliders (1968) d=seal perf=9-14.5
9/2/1968 4z issue=Olympics 1968 d=bicycling perf=9-14.5
5/20/1969 4z dt=tourism (1969 Poland) d=View of Sulejow perf=9-14.5
10/9/1970 4z dt=paintings (1970 Poland) d=Canal in the Forest by Piotr Potworowski perf=9-14.5
12/23/1970 4z dt=Wawel Castle tapestries d=GodAdam & Eve perf=9-14.5
3/5/1971 4z dt=Polish castles d=Pieskowa Skala perf=9-14.5
6/1971 4z issue=Copernicus 1971 d=Frombork cathedral perf=9-14.5
8/20/1972 4z dt=animals (1972 Poland) d=kangaroo (1972) perf=9-14.5
9/28/1972 4z issue=Stamp Day 1972 dt=paintings (1972 Poland) d=Rhapsodist by Stanislaw Wyspianski perf=9-14.5
10/2/1972 4z redorg issue=1972 provisional d=Barbican Githic-Renaissance castle oc=blk on=7/21/1965-60g-org perf=9-14.5
12/15/1972 4z dt=flowering shrubs d=Mock orange perf=9-14.5
12/28/1972 4z dt=Polish cavalry d=National Guard Uhlan 18th century perf=9-14.5
2/18/1973 4z dt=Copernicus portraits d=from Strasbourg clock perf=9-14.5
6/30/1973 4z issue=POLSKA 73 d=Lion knocker from bronze gate Gniezno 12th century perf=9-14.5
12/28/1973 4z dt=Polish automotive vehicles d=Nysa M-521 perf=9-14.5
1/22/1974 4z dkviobl dt=Flower Drawings by Stanislaw Wyspianski d=Centaurea cyanus (1974) perf=9-14.5
3/5/1974 4z dt=buildings (1974 Poland) d=Town Hall Sulmierzyce perf=9-14.5
5/7/1974 4z dt=embroidery (1974) d=Slask perf=9-14.5
6/29/1974 4z dt=sailing ships (1974) d=Dar Pomorza winner Operation Sail 1972 perf=9-14.5
12/2/1974 4z dt=Polish masterpieces d=King Jan Olbracht perf=9-14.5
12/30/1974 4z issue=1974 perf=9-14.5
1/23/1975 4z dt=falcons (1975) d=Falco columbarius perf=11.5x11.75
3/8/1975 4z issue=6th European Indoor Athletics Championships d=Hop step & jump perf=11.25x11.5
4/30/1975 4z issue=Polish Mountain Guides 100th dt=mountains (1975) d=River Beskids Mountains & badge perf=11.25x11
4/30/1975 4z issue=Polish Mountain Guides 100th dt=mountains (1975) d=arnica & Beskids Mountains perf=11.25x11
6/23/1975 4z issue=20th Congress, European Zootechnical Federation dt=domestic animals (1975) d=Wielkopolska horses perf=11.75x11.5
7/25/1975 4z bl&multi issue=UN 30th d=UN emblem in sunburst perf=11.75x11.5
7/30/1975 4z issue=security & cooperation conference perf=11.75x11.5
8/30/1975 4z dt=children's television cartoon characters d=Telesfor the dragon perf=11.25x11.5
9/24/1975 4z issue=American Revolution 200th d=Casimir Pulawski perf=11.25x11.5
11/29/1975 4z dlvio issue=Piast dynasty in Silesia d=Coin of Prince Jerzy Wilhelm1660-1675 perf=11.25x11.75
1/10/1976 4z sil&multi issue=Winter Olympics 1976 d=luge (1976) perf=11x11.5
1/31/1980 4z issue=Sierakov horse farm 150th d=sleigh (1980) perf=9-14.5
8/1/1984 4z issue=Warsaw Uprising 40th d=A group of insurgents perf=11x11.5
12/4/1984 4z issue=Protected Animals d=Mustela nivalis (1984) perf=11x11.5
2/25/1985 4z dt=fire engines Classic And Contemporary d=Horse-drawn fire pump 19th cent perf=11x11.5