Desc: 10l
Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 60000
Users of this denom: Cyrenaica (2 stamps, 1933-1934), Fiume (4 stamps, 1920-1921), Italian Colonies (4 stamps, 1933-1934), Italy (44 stamps, 1874-1980), Italian Social Republic (1 stamp, 1944), Aegean Islands (2 stamps, 1933-1934), Rhodes (5 stamps, 1929-1934), Italy, AMG (1 stamp, 1943), Italian offices in Peking (1 stamp, 1917), Italian offices in Tientsin (1 stamp, 1917), Trieste (24 stamps, 1947-1954), Venezia Giulia (3 stamps, 1945-1947), Libya (6 stamps, 1915-1942), German occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1943), Italian occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1943), Tripolitania (2 stamps, 1933-1934), Vatican City (41 stamps, 1929-1968), German occupation of Ljubljana (3 stamps, 1944-1945), Istria & Slovene Coast (5 stamps, 1945-1947), Trieste Zone B (2 stamps, 1949) Show with all usages
Used by 4 stamps of Fiume: (See all uses as list)
9/12/1920 10l grayvio issue=1920a d=Gabriele D'Annunzio
11/20/1920 10l brnorg issue=Reggenza d=head of Fiume ovpt=Reggenza//Italiana//del//Carnaro oc=blk on=issue=occupation 1st-20c
2/2/1921 10l grayvio issue=provisional d=Gabriele D'Annunzio ovpt=Governo//Provisorio oc=blk on=issue=1920a-10l-grayvio
4/24/1921 10l dkvio issue=1st constituent assembly d=St. Mark's, Venice ovpt=24-IV-1921//Costituente Fiumana oc=blk on=5/18/1919-10cor+5cor