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3/4a denom (#140) (Jaipur usage only)

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Desc: 3/4a

Currency: Indian rupee (par) (192p=16a=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 540

Equivalent denoms: 9p (80)

Users of this denom: Aden (1 stamp, 1939), Kathiri State of Seiyun (1 stamp, 1942), Quaiti State in Hadhramaut (1 stamp, 1942), Jaipur (1 stamp, 1947), Orchha (1 stamp, 1939), Rajasthan (1 stamp, 1949) Show with all usages

Used by 1 stamp of Jaipur: (See all uses as list)

1947 3/4a issue=enthronment 25th

All are perf=13.5