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$10 denom (#15581) (Marshall Islands usage only)

  • Colnect-1906-157-Marshall-Islands-gateway-to-the-Western-Pacific.jpg
  • Colnect-3101-084-Bluefin-Trevally-Caranx-melampygus.jpg
  • Colnect-1599-544-Eurasian-Tree-Sparrow-Passer-montanus.jpg
  • Colnect-2681-500-Eniwetok.jpg
  • Colnect-4899-703-Sea-Life-Series-I.jpg
  • Colnect-6221-019-Diplomatic-Relations-with-Taiwan-20th-Anniv.jpg
  • Colnect-6221-022-Diplomatic-Relations-with-Taiwan-20th-Anniv.jpg
  • Colnect-6221-020-Diplomatic-Relations-with-Taiwan-20th-Anniv.jpg
Desc: $10

Currency: United States dollar (100c=1us$=1p=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Equivalent denoms: $10.00 (9), 10.00us$ (1)

Users of this denom: Marshall Islands (10 stamps, 1987-2018), Micronesia (3 stamps, 1985-2013), Palau (7 stamps, 1985-2013), El Salvador (1 stamp, 2007), Turks & Caicos Islands (5 stamps, 1988-2007), United States (3 stamps, 1873-1895), Virgin Islands (5 stamps, 1992-2017) Show with all usages

Used by 10 stamps of Marshall Islands: (See all uses as list)

3/31/1987 $10 issue=1984 perf=14
3/31/1989 $10 issue=1988 d=Caranx melampygus (1989) perf=14
8/18/1994 $10 perf=13.5
1/9/1999 $10 dt=birds (1999 Marshall Islands) d=Urodynamis taitensis perf=13.5
1/19/2001 $10 issue=Sailing Canoes dt=sailing canoes perf=12.25
2/22/2011 $10 issue=Sea Turtles 2011 dt=sea turtles (2011 Marshall Islands) d=Eretmochelys imbricata (2011 Marshall Islands) perf=11x10.25
1/1/2018 $10 issue=Marine Life of Marshall Islands
11/20/2018 $10 issue=20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan
11/20/2018 $10 issue=20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan
11/20/2018 $10 issue=20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan