Desc: 15c
Currency: New Zealand dollar (100c=100s=1$) Numerical sorting value: 900 Users of this denom: Aitutaki (32 stamps, 1972-1994), Cook Islands (43 stamps, 1967-1997), New Zealand (10 stamps, 1967-1980), Ross Dependency (1 stamp, 1967), Niue (7 stamps, 1973-1981), Penrhyn (23 stamps, 1973-1998), Pitcairn Islands (18 stamps, 1967-2000), Tokelau (10 stamps, 1969-1979) Show with all usages Used by 1 stamp of Ross Dependency: (See all uses as list) 7/10/1967 15c issue=1967 All are wmk=multiple NZ & star |