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0,06€ denom (#23327) (Belgium usage only)

  • BE003.05.jpg
  • BE067.07.jpg
Desc: 0,06€

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 360

Equivalent denoms: 6(c) (1)

Users of this denom: Belgium (2 stamps, 2005-2007), Greece (2 stamps, 2001), Malta (2 stamps, 2013), Portugal (1 stamp, 2008) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Belgium: (See all uses as list)

1/17/2005 0,06€ d=Posthorn Prior
7/9/2007 0,06€ issue=Birds 2007 dt=birds (Buzin) d=Little Owl

All are perf=11.5