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3r denom (#10501) (Ras al Khaima usage only)

  • Colnect-3892-454-Ali-Baba.jpg
  • Colnect-4746-103-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1622-018-Young-man-1945-1647-by-Frans-Hals.jpg
  • Colnect-1213-639-Dancing-on-ice.jpg
  • Colnect-2090-119-Princess-Marie-Adela%C3%AFde--by-Nattier-the-younger-1685-1766.jpg
  • Colnect-4161-739-Scipio-The-Negro--by-Cezanne.jpg
  • Colnect-1846-989-Peggy-Gale-Fleming-1948-USA.jpg
  • Colnect-1846-054-Shot-Putting-pre-columbian-sculpture.jpg
  • Colnect-4074-210-John-F-Kennedy.jpg
  • Colnect-960-951-Nativity--by-Neri-Di-Bicci-1419-1492.jpg
  • Colnect-1847-002-Ice-Hockey-Sapporo-1972.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-508-Apollo-10.jpg
  • Colnect-1817-987-Speed-Skating.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-405-Game-scene-and-mexican-sculpture.jpg
  • Colnect-4142-908-Stamp-from-Chile.jpg
  • Colnect-4142-909-Stamp-from-Ruanda.jpg
  • Colnect-4142-907-Stamp-from-Bulgaria.jpg
  • Colnect-2231-385-Stamp-from-Monaco.jpg
  • Colnect-2225-453-Tent-set-up-German-scouts.jpg
  • Colnect-2094-124-Salyut-project.jpg
  • Colnect-3249-860-James-B-Irwin.jpg
  • Colnect-2090-185-Painting-by-Johann-Christoph-Heckel-1792-1858.jpg
  • Colnect-978-742-Mozart.jpg
  • Colnect-1850-292-Football.jpg
  • Colnect-1850-299-Richard-D%C3%BCrr-1938-2014-Switzerland.jpg
Desc: 3r

Currency: Qatari riyal (100d=100dh=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 18000

Equivalent denoms: 3.00r (9)

Users of this denom: Ajman (82 stamps, 1967-1973), Dubai (10 stamps, 1966-1970), Fujeira (110 stamps, 1967-1973), Qatar (34 stamps, 1971-2017), Ras al Khaima (80 stamps, 1967-1972), Sharjah (60 stamps, 1969-1972), Umm al Qiwain (64 stamps, 1967-1972) Show with all usages

Used by 80 stamps of Ras al Khaima: (See all uses as list)

airmail 2/1/1967 3r issue=Arabian Nights
3/30/1967 3r issue=House Cats 1967 d=Felis domesticus
airmail 5/30/1967 3r issue=European Paintings 1967
6/30/1967 3r issue=50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy d=++on=3r
8/20/1967 3r issue=In Memoriam of the Victims of the Apollo I Accident d=++on=3r
12/24/1967 3r issue=Winter Olympics 1968 in 1967
12/24/1967 3r issue=Winter Olympics 1968 in 1967
3/21/1968 3r issue=Mother's Day 1968
7/24/1968 3r issue=Paintings from the National Gallery, London, the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and the Museo d'Arte, Sao
7/24/1968 3r issue=Paintings from the National Gallery, London, the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and the Museo d'Arte, Sao
7/24/1968 3r issue=Paintings from the National Gallery, London, the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and the Museo d'Arte, Sao
7/24/1968 3r issue=Paintings from the National Gallery, London, the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and the Museo d'Arte, Sao
8/31/1968 3r issue=Winter Olympics 1968
airmail 8/31/1968 3r issue=Olympics 1968
airmail 11/22/1968 3r gld issue=5th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy
airmail 11/22/1968 3r sil&blk issue=5th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy
12/10/1968 3r issue=Christmas 1968
airmail 1969 3r gld issue=Personalities 1969 b
airmail 1969 3r
2/5/1969 3r issue=Personalities 1969 d=Pierre de Coubertin (1969)
6/10/1969 3r issue=International Cooperation for Olympic Games
airmail 8/15/1969 3r issue=Apollo 10 / Apollo 11
airmail 1970 3r issue=World Cup 1970 - Brazil World Champions
1970 3r issue=Paintings of Paul Gauguin d=Airmail
airmail 1970 3r issue=Olympics 1972 in 1970 b
airmail 1970 3r issue=Winter Olympics 1972 in 1970 b
1/2/1970 3r issue=Christmas 1969
airmail 4/1/1970 3r issue=World Cup 1970
4/1/1970 3r issue=Easter 1970 d=Airmail
6/30/1970 3r gld issue=Winter Olympics 1972 in 1970
7/1/1970 3r issue=Paintings of Famous Masters 1970
7/1/1970 3r issue=Paintings of Famous Masters 1970
7/1/1970 3r issue=Christmas 1970 d=Airmail
8/5/1970 3r issue=Easter 1970 b
airmail 9/1/1970 3r issue=French History
airmail 9/1/1970 3r issue=French History
airmail 9/30/1970 3r issue=PHILYMPIA '70
airmail 9/30/1970 3r issue=PHILYMPIA '70
airmail 9/30/1970 3r issue=PHILYMPIA '70
airmail 9/30/1970 3r issue=PHILYMPIA '70
12/5/1970 3r issue=Life of Virgin Mary
airmail 1971 3r issue=Winter Olympics 1972 in 1971 a
airmail 1971 3r issue=Olympics 1972 in 1971 a
1971 3r issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Durer
1971 3r issue=Composers 1971 d=Johannes Brahms
2/1/1971 3r issue=World Scout Jamboree 1971
airmail 8/16/1971 3r issue=In Memory of the Russian Cosmonauts on Soyuz 11
9/1/1971 3r issue=Space Exploration 1971
10/1/1971 3r issue=Space Exploration 1971
1972 3r issue=Ludwig van Beethoven
(plus 30 more) (See all uses as list)