Desc: 10c
Currency: Spanish peseta (100c=100cs=1ptas=1pta=1pts=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Equivalent denoms: 0.10p (1), 0.10pta (1)
Users of this denom: La Aguera (2 stamps, 1920-1922), Andorra (Sp) (4 stamps, 1928-1953), Cape Juby (16 stamps, 1916-1946), Elobey, Annobon & Corisco (4 stamps, 1903-1907), Fernando Po (1 stamp, 1879), French Morocco (12 stamps, 1891-1915), German offices in Morocco (5 stamps, 1899-1911), Gibraltar (2 stamps, 1889), British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency (15 stamps, 1898-1955), Ifni (6 stamps, 1941-1967), Morocco Northern Zone (1 stamp, 1956), Rio de Oro (16 stamps, 1905-1921), Rio Muni (2 stamps, 1966-1967), Spain (75 stamps, 1872-1976), Spanish Guinea (40 stamps, 1902-1958), Spanish Morocco (58 stamps, 1903-1954), Tangier (2 stamps, 1929-1951), Tetuan (2 stamps, 1908), Spanish Sahara (7 stamps, 1924-1967), Spanish West Africa (1 stamp, 1950) Show with all usages
Used by 7 stamps of Spanish Sahara: (See all uses as list)
1924 10c graygrn issue=1924 d=Tuareg & camel perf=13x13.5
semipostal 9/15/1926 10c grn issue=Red Cross perf=12.5
1929 10c yelgrn ovpt=SAHARA oc=blk on=issuer=Spain-issue=Seville & Barcelona Expositions-10c perf=14
1931 10c graygrn d=Tuareg & camel ovpt=Republica//Espanola oc=blk on=1924-10c perf=13x13.5
1941 10c grn ovpt=SAHARA//ESPANOL oc=blk on=issuer=Spain-issue=1936 state a-10c perf=14
11/23/1966 10c blgrn&cit issue=Stamp Day 1966 dt=fishes (1966 Spanish Sahara) d=bigeye tuna (1966) perf=13
6/1/1967 10c issue=child welfare 1967 d=Ficus sp. perf=13.25