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3c denom (#13702) (Botswana usage only)

  • Colnect-597-707-Groundscraper-Thrush-Turdus-litsitsirupa.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-368-University-Buildings-and-Graduates.jpg
  • Colnect-1299-325-Bushbuck-Tragelaphus-scriptus.jpg
  • Colnect-1299-328-Human-Rights-Flame-and-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-372-Rock-Painting---Giraffe-and-Eland.jpg
  • Colnect-5780-504-Botswana-Boy-Scout-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1299-331-Diamond-Treatment-Plant.jpg
  • Colnect-5780-515-Mr-Micawber.jpg
  • Colnect-817-718-Sorghum.jpg
  • Colnect-2260-991-Ox-Head.jpg
  • Colnect-597-426-King-bringing-gift.jpg
  • Colnect-817-729-Orion.jpg
  • Colnect-2260-956-Gubulawayo-Cancel-and-Map-of-Trail.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-390-Candle.jpg
  • Colnect-1299-339-Thor-Norse-God-of-Thunder.jpg
  • Colnect-1460-671-D-Livingstone-1813-1873.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-394-Ass-and-foal-African-huts.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-398-Gaborone-campus.jpg
  • Colnect-948-582-Post-Office-Palapye-c1889.jpg
  • Colnect-4135-928-Quartz.jpg
  • Colnect-5780-525-Aloe-marlothi.jpg
Desc: 3c

Currency: South African rand (100c=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 180

Users of this denom: Botswana (21 stamps, 1967-1975), Lesotho (9 stamps, 1968-1978), South Africa (12 stamps, 1961-1982), Bophuthatswana (1 stamp, 1977), Ciskei (1 stamp, 1981), Transkei (3 stamps, 1976-1984), Venda (2 stamps, 1979-1986), South West Africa (12 stamps, 1961-1980), Swaziland (11 stamps, 1968-1974), Tristan da Cunha (1 stamp, 1961) Show with all usages

Used by 21 stamps of Botswana: (See all uses as list)

1/3/1967 3c dt=birds (1967 Botswana) d=ground-scraper thrush perf=14.25x14.75
4/7/1967 3c d=University Buildings & Graduates
10/2/1967 3c issue=Chobe Game Reserve d=Chobe bush bucks
4/8/1968 3c issue=human rights year d=arms of Botwana & human rights flame perf=13.5x13
9/30/1968 3c issue=National Museum and Art Gallery opening d=rock painting
8/21/1969 3c issue=22nd World Scouting Conference d=Botswana Boy Scout Emblem perf=14x13.75
3/23/1970 3c issue=Botswana development program d=diamond treatment plant
7/7/1970 3c issue=Dickens death 100th d=Mr Micawber perf=11.25
4/6/1971 3c dt=important crops d=sorghum (1971) perf=14.25
9/30/1971 3c yelgrn&blk&brn issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=ox head on map of Botswana perf=14.5x14.25
11/11/1971 3c issue=Christmas 1971 d=King bringing gift, facing right
4/24/1972 3c issue=Night Sky of Botswana dt=constellations d=Orion over Botswana
8/21/1972 3c issue=runner post 84th d=Gubulawayo cancel & trail map perf=13.5x13.25
11/6/1972 3c issue=Christmas 1972 dt=cross & map of Botswana & symbols d=cross & map of Botswana & candle
3/23/1973 3c issue=meteorological cooperation 100th d=Thor the Thunderer & storm
9/10/1973 3c issue=Livingstone death 100th d=David Livingstone & boat
11/12/1973 3c issue=Christmas 1973 d=ass with foal perf=14.5
5/8/1974 3c issue=University of Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland 10th d=Gaborone Campus
5/29/1974 3c issue=UPU 100th d=Post Office Palapye perf=13.75x14
7/1/1974 3c dt=minerals (1974 Botswana) d=quartz (1974)
11/3/1975 3c issue=Christmas 1975 d=Aloe marlothi