Desc: 25c
Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$) Numerical sorting value: 1500 Users of this denom: Australia (26 stamps, 1966-2006), Australian Antarctic Territory (9 stamps, 1966-2001), Christmas Island (77 stamps, 1973-2015), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (19 stamps, 1976-2006), Gilbert Islands (5 stamps, 1976-1979), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (11 stamps, 1966-1975), Kiribati (80 stamps, 1979-2023), Nauru (50 stamps, 1966-2008), Norfolk Island (25 stamps, 1966-2015), Papua New Guinea (15 stamps, 1966-1975), Tuvalu (26 stamps, 1976-2006), Funafuti (4 stamps, 1984-1985), Nanumaga (10 stamps, 1984-1987), Nanumea (1 stamp, 1986), Niutao (4 stamps, 1985), Nui (10 stamps, 1984-1988), Nukufetau (4 stamps, 1984-1987), Nukulaelae (8 stamps, 1985-1986), Vaitupu (10 stamps, 1984-1987) Show with all usages Used by 4 stamps of Funafuti: (See all uses as list) 12/24/1984 25c issue=Locomotives 1984 d=Eryri COG 1923 UK 12/24/1984 25c issue=Locomotives 1984 d=Eryri COG 1923 UK 8/26/1985 25c issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth 8/26/1985 25c issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth |