Desc: 21c
Currency: United States dollar (100c=1us$=1p=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 1260
Users of this denom: Marshall Islands (2 stamps, 2000-2005), Micronesia (2 stamps, 2002), Palau (2 stamps, 2001-2002), United Nations (7 stamps, 1971-1998), United States (10 stamps, 1938-2014), Canal Zone (1 stamp, 1951)
Used by 24 stamps: (See all uses as list)
United States 11/22/1938 21c dlbl issue=Presidential d=Chester A. Arthur (1938) perf=11x10.5
Canal Zone airmail 7/16/1951 21c ltbl issue=1951 airmail d=wing & globe perf=11
United States airmail 5/21/1971 21c red&bl&blk issue=airmail 1971 d=USA & Jet perf=11
United Nations 11/19/1971 21c issue=U.N. International Schools d=Maia, by Picasso
United Nations airmail 5/1/1972 21c
United Nations 9/11/1972 21c issue=Economic Commission for Europe
United Nations 5/25/1973 21c issue=U.N. Volunteers Program
United States 6/27/1973 21c grn issue=1970 d=Amadeo P. Giannini perf=11x10.5
United Nations 11/16/1973 21c issue=25th Anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations 1/11/1974 21c issue=Inauguration of New I.L.O. Headquarters Building, Geneva
United States airmail 3/29/1979 21c issue=Octave Chanute d=Octave Chanute & Hang glider perf=11
United States airmail 3/29/1979 21c issue=Octave Chanute d=biplane hang-glider perf=11
United States 8/16/1988 21c olgrn&red issue=1985 transportation coils d=railroad mail car 1920s perf=10v
United States 10/21/1988 21c issue=Great Americans 1986 d=Chester Carlson perf=11
United Nations 2/13/1998 21c issue=1998
Marshall Islands 4/18/2000 21c issue=American Presidents d=Chester A. Arthur (2000) perf=13.5
United States 1/7/2001 21c issue=2001 d=buffalo (2001)
Palau 10/15/2001 21c issue=Moths 2001 d=Euchromia lethe perf=14
Palau 2/20/2002 21c issue=2002 dt=birds (2002 Palau) d=Rhipidura leucophrys (2002) perf=14.25
Micronesia 11/4/2002 21c issue=Christmas 2002 d="Madonna and Child" - detail, Agnolo Bro perf=14
Micronesia 12/30/2002 21c issue=2002 dt=birds (2002 Micronesia) d=Dicrurus hottentottus perf=14.25x14
Marshall Islands 1/20/2005 21c issue=Presidents of the United States dt=Presidents of the United States (2005) d=Chester A. Arthur (2005)
United States 2/12/2014 21c d=Abraham Lincoln (2014)
United States 2/12/2014 21c d=Abraham Lincoln - coil