Desc: 10r
Currency: Brazilian real (old) (1000r=1mr)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Users of this denom: Brazil (45 stamps, 1844-1949)
Used by 45 stamps of Brazil: (See all uses as list)
1844 10r blk d=numeral (1844) imperf
1/1/1850 10r blk d=numeral (1850 Brazil) imperf
1854 10r bl d=numeral (1850 Brazil) imperf
1866 10r bl d=numeral (1850 Brazil) perf=13.5
7/1/1866 10r ver issue=1866 Dom Pedro d=Dom Pedro II (1866 10r) perf=12
1876 10r ver issue=1876 d=Dom Pedro II (1866 10r) perf=roul
1/15/1878 10r ver issue=1878 d=Dom Pedro II (1878 10r) perf=roul
1882 10r blk issue=1882 d=larger head perf=roul
1884 10r org issue=1884 d=larger head perf=roul
newspaper 2/1/1889 10r yel issue=1889 newspaper a d=n1 perf=rouletted
newspaper 5/1/1889 10r ol issue=1889 newspaper b d=n1 perf=rouletted
newspaper 1890 10r ultra issue=1890 newspaper b d=n3
newspaper 1890 10r bl issue=1890 newspaper b d=n3
newspaper 1890 10r bl issue=1890 newspaper a d=n2 perf=VARIOUS
postage due 1/1/1890 10r redorg issue=1890 due b d=numeral (1890) perf=rouletted
postage due 1/1/1890 10r car issue=1890 due a d=numeral (1890) perf=rouletted
1894 10r rose&bl issue=1894 d=Sugarloaf b perf=roul
1894 10r rose&bl issue=1894 d=Sugarloaf a perf=roul
postage due 1895 10r dkbl issue=1895 due d=numeral (1895 Brazil due)
1898 10r rose&bl issue=1898c d=Sugarloaf b perf=5.5-7
1898 10r rose&bl issue=1898d d=Sugarloaf perf=8.5-9.5
1905 10r rose&bl issue=1905b wmk correio d=Sugarloaf b wmk=CORREIO FEDERAL...
1905 10r rose&bl issue=1905c wmk imposto d=Sugarloaf b wmk=IMPOSTO FEDERAL...
1905 10r rose&bl issue=1905 d=Sugarloaf b wmk=CORREIO or IMPOSTO
11/10/1906 10r blsl issue=national figures 1906 d=Aristides Lobo wmk=ESTADOS perf=12
postage due 11/10/1906 10r slbl issue=1906 due d=numeral (1906 Brazil) perf=12
official 11/15/1906 10r org&grn issue=1906 official d=Affonso Penna perf=12
official 11/15/1913 10r slbl&blk issue=1913 official d=Marechal Hermes perf=12
6/11/1918 10r orgbrn issue=1918a d=Liberty Head (1918 facing right) perf=12.5,13,13x13.5
6/11/1918 10r redbrn issue=1918b d=Liberty Head (1918 facing right) wmk=CASA DA MOEDA perf=12.5,13,13x13.5
official 4/11/1919 10r dlolgrn issue=1919 official d=Wenceslau Braz wmk=CASA DA MOEDA perf=11x11.5
postage due 4/15/1919 10r vio issue=1919 due d=numeral (1919 Brazil due) perf=12.5
1920 10r issue=1920 d=transportation perf=13.5x13,13x13.5
1922 10r redvio issue=1922 d=transportation wmk=CASA DA MOEDA
1923 10r redvio issue=1923 d=transportation wmk=ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL
1924 10r redvio issue=1924 d=transportation wmk=stars & CASA DA MOEDA
1931 10r issue=1931 d=aviation wmk=CORREIO BRASIL & 5 stars in squared circle
postage due 1931 10r vio issue=1931 due d=numeral (1919 Brazil due) perf=11
1936 10r redbrn issue=1936 d=aviation wmk=CORREIO BRASIL mult
1939 10r redbrn issue=1939 d=aviation wmk=CASA+DA+MOEDA+DO+BRAZIL 8mm perf=11
postage due 1940 10r vio issue=1940 due d=numeral (1919 Brazil due) perf=11
1940 10r redbrn issue=1940 d=aviation wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(7mm)
1941 10r yelbrn issue=1941a d=petroleum perf=11
postage due 1942 10r pur issue=1942 due d=numeral (1919 Brazil due) perf=11
postage due 1949 10r roselil issue=1949 due d=numeral (1919 Brazil due) wmk=CORREIO BRASIL mult