Desc: 2.50cr
Currency: Brazilian cruzeiro (100cts=100c=1cr)
Numerical sorting value: 15000
Users of this denom: Brazil (96 stamps, 1956-1979)
Used by 96 stamps of Brazil: (See all uses as list)
4/28/1956 2.50cr bl issue=6th Childrens Games perf=11.75
7/2/1956 2.50cr red issue=Fire Brigade 100th d=firefighter wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(7mm) perf=11.75
9/7/1956 2.50cr issue=Franca city 100th d=Franca wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
9/8/1956 2.50cr issue=Marist arrival in Brazil 50th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
9/22/1956 2.50cr d=woman hurdler perf=11.75
9/30/1956 2.50cr d=forest & map wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
10/8/1956 2.50cr issue=Baron de Bocaina 100th wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
1/31/1957 2.50cr d=steel expansion wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
3/1/1957 2.50cr issue=Gomes da Silva 100th
4/18/1957 2.50cr dkbrn issue=100th Anniversary of the Spiritualism Code d=Allan Kardec wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
4/27/1957 2.50cr brnred d=boy gymnast
7/9/1957 2.50cr issue=constitutional movement 25th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
8/24/1957 2.50cr issue=Franciscan emancipation 300th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
9/28/1957 2.50cr d=volleyball (1957)
10/12/1957 2.50cr d=basketball (1957)
11/4/1957 2.50cr issue=Sao Carlos 100th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
11/15/1957 2.50cr issue=Auguste Comte death 100th d=Auguste Comte (1957 Brazil) wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
12/1957 2.50cr issue=Ribeirao Puerto 100th
12/1957 2.50cr ltbl issue=Tamandare 150th d=Almirante Tamandaré & Brazilian cruiser Almirante Tamandaré (C12) wmk=CASA+...6mm
12/10/1957 2.50cr dkprusgrn issue=Sarapui radio station opening d=Sarapui radio station wmk=CASA+...6mm
1/28/1958 2.50cr issue=foreign trade 150th
1/28/1958 2.50cr issue=150 years of opening ports to friendly nations wmk=CASA+...6mm
3/18/1958 2.50cr red issue=Marine Corps 150th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
3/29/1958 2.50cr brn issue=Centenary of the Brazils railway EFCB wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
4/1/1958 2.50cr grn issue=150th Anniversary Of Supreme Military Court wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
4/17/1958 2.50cr graybl issue=Expo 58 wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
4/19/1958 2.50cr issue=Indian Day & Tribute to Marshal Rondon wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
4/20/1958 2.50cr rose issue=8th Children's Games perf=11.75
4/28/1958 2.50cr issue=Inauguration of the hydroelectric power plant of Salto Grand wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
5/22/1958 2.50cr brn issue=150th year of Official printing wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
5/24/1958 2.50cr vio issue=150th years of Officer Manoel Luis Osórios birth wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
6/13/1958 2.50cr graygrn issue=150th years of Botanical park in Rio de Janeiro wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
6/18/1958 2.50cr issue=50 years of Japanese immigration wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
6/21/1958 2.50cr steelbl issue=Bicentenary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos minster wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
7/10/1958 2.50cr dkbrn issue=International conference on investment - Belo Horizonte city wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
7/24/1958 2.50cr sep issue=47th inter-parliamentary conference wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
8/1/1958 2.50cr redbrn issue=Júlio Bueno Brandão 100th wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
8/8/1958 2.50cr ultra issue=Construction of Brasilia wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
8/22/1958 2.50cr bl issue=Sanction of the law of brazilian merchant navy recovery wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
9/2/1958 2.50cr brn issue=Tribute to Joaquim Caetano e Silva perf=11.75
9/21/1958 2.50cr redorg issue=10th Spring Games perf=11.75
9/27/1958 2.50cr issue=Day of the elderly wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
9/28/1958 2.50cr brn issue=150th years of Machado de Assis death perf=11.75
10/6/1958 2.50cr dkbl issue=Getílio Vargas - Law of Petrobrás wmk=CASA+...6mm perf=11.75
11/14/1958 2.50cr ltbl issue=7th meeting of the inter-american congress of cities wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
12/26/1958 2.50cr ltbl issue=10 years of Universal Human Rights Declaration wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
4/24/1959 2.50cr brnred issue=Patos Campina Grande Railway wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
5/20/1959 2.50cr bl issue=Sukarno visit to Brazil wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
6/12/1959 2.50cr ltrd issue=Dom João VI wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
6/13/1959 2.50cr redbrn issue=9th Children's Games wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.75
(plus 46 more) (See all uses as list)