Desc: 8c
Currency: Bermudian dollar (100c=1$) Numerical sorting value: 480 Users of this denom: Bermuda (8 stamps, 1978-1981) Used by 8 stamps of Bermuda: (See all uses as list) 1978 8c issue=1978 d=cardinal redbird perf=14 8/28/1978 8c issue=Queen Elizabeth II coronation 25th d=Great Seal of Elizabeth I perf=14 5/14/1979 8c dt=old maps of Bermuda d=Old Map of Bermuda by George Somers 1609 perf=14 11/26/1979 8c issue=police 100th d=police walking down street perf=14 2/25/1980 8c issue=Rowland Hill death 100th d=Perot Stamp & Penny Black perf=13.5x14 5/8/1980 8c issue=Gina Swainson d=Gina Swainson wearing Miss World crown perf=14 9/24/1980 8c issue=Ministers Meeting d=View from satellite perf=14.25 5/21/1981 8c dt=scenes from history d=kitchen perf=14.25 All are wmk=mult crown & script CA |