Desc: 60c
Currency: Saar franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 3600
Users of this denom: Saar (9 stamps, 1930-1951)
Used by 9 stamps of Saar: (See all uses as list)
official 1930 60c redorg issue=1927 official dt=scenery one color d=Pit in Saarlouis ovpt=DIENSTMARKE oc=blk on=issue=1926-60c
3/28/1930 60c orgred dt=scenery one color d=Pit oc=blk on=1926-80c-orgred
4/15/1930 60c redorg issue=1926 dt=scenery one color d=Pit in Saarlouis
airmail 4/30/1932 60c d=Plane flying Saarbrücken
11/1/1934 60c redorg issue=plebiscite 1935 dt=scenery one color d=Pit in Saarlouis ovpt=VOLKSABSTIMMUNG//1935 oc=blk on=issue=1926-60c
airmail 11/1/1934 60c
11/27/1947 60c org issue=1947 in francs d=miner (1947) oc=blk on=1947-3pf
4/1/1948 60c dkgrnbl issue=1948 d=handclasp
4/28/1951 60c gray issue=1949 d=Beethoven (1951)