Desc: 13s
Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 780
Equivalent denoms: 0.13l (4), 13st (209)
Users of this denom: Bulgaria (254 stamps, 1962-1990)
Used by 254 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)
3/13/1962 13s dkolgrn issue=landscapes 1962 dt=landscapes (1962) d=Vidin on the Danube
3/19/1962 13s issue=Dimitrov state printing works 80th d=Emblem of the State Printing House perf=11
3/28/1962 13s bl&multi dt=roses (1962 Bulgaria) d=yellow roses (1962) perf=11
5/26/1962 13s grn&blk<brn issue=World Cup 1962 d=soccer player kicking ball & globe
7/7/1962 13s issue=15th Chess Olympiad dt=chess pieces (1962) d=chess knight (1962)
7/14/1962 13s issue=25th Bulgarian Esperanto Congress perf=13
8/18/1962 13s issue=8th World Festival of Youth and Students perf=11
9/13/1962 13s dt=butterflies (1962 Bulgaria) d=Argynnis pandora (1962) perf=11
11/1/1962 13s issue=8th Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party d=Dimitar Blagoev & Georgi Dimitrov Party Flag perf=11.5
3/12/1963 13s dkgrnbl dt=Black Sea resorts d=Hotel on the Black Sea
4/11/1963 13s grnbl&buff issue=Levski death 90th d=Vasil Levski 1963 perf=10.5
4/25/1963 13s issue=10th congress of union of youth perf=11.5
4/30/1963 13s dt=animals (1963 Bulgaria) d=Meles meles (1963) perf=11.5
6/29/1963 13s issue=Esperanto Congress 1963 d=World Globe with Esperanto Emblem Coat of Arms of Sofia perf=11.5
8/31/1963 13s issue=Riccione 1963 perf=11
9/13/1963 13s issue=Balkan Games 1963 d=discus throw perf=11.5
10/9/1963 13s dt=plants (1963 Bulgaria) d=Anemone narcissiflora
10/28/1963 13s palelil&ind issue=Smirnenski 65th d=Christo Smernenski 1963 perf=10.5
12/28/1963 13s dt=Thracian tomb designs perf=10.5
1/27/1964 13s issue=Red Cross 100th d=Henri Dunant Founder of the Red Cross perf=10.5
2/21/1964 13s issue=Winter Olympics 1964 d=ice hockey (1964 Bulgaria) perf=10.75
3/14/1964 13s issue=2500 years of Bulgarian art dt=Bulgarian art d=Cleaning Lady Stone Figure of Prof I Lazarov perf=10.5
4/17/1964 13s dt=fairy tales (1964) d=The Grain Bun perf=10.5
5/16/1964 13s dt=insects (1964 Bulgaria) d=Anisoplia austriaca
6/8/1964 13s issue=Levski Physical Culture Association 50th d=Volleyball perf=11.5
7/1/1964 13s dt=locomotives (1964) d=Electric Locomotive in tunnel perf=11.5
8/22/1964 13s dt=dogs (1964) d=dachshund (1964) perf=11.5
9/9/1964 13s issue=people's government 25th d=Dimitar Blagoev & Georgi Dimitrov perf=11.5
10/10/1964 13s issue=Olympics 1964 d=volleyball (1964 Bulgaria)
12/28/1964 13s dt=old trees d=Pinus nigra perf=11.5
12/30/1964 13s ltbl&blk issue=8th International Student's Congress d=students holding book aloft perf=11.5
2/15/1965 13s issue=Voskhod 1 flight perf=11.5
4/1/1965 13s och dt=agricultural products (1965) d=tobacco (1965) perf=12.75x13.5
4/16/1965 13s issue=victory over fascism 20th perf=11.5
4/20/1965 13s dt=birds (1965 Bulgaria) d=Pastor roseus (1965) perf=11.5
4/30/1965 13s issue=Conference of Transport, Dock & Fishery Workers perf=11.5
6/1965 13s red&dkbrn issue=6th Conference of Postal Ministers of Communist Countries d=Marx & Lenin perf=10.5
6/10/1965 13s dt=Black Sea fishes d=Rhombus maeoticus perf=11.5
6/30/1965 13s issue=Balkan Film Festival perf=10.5
7/23/1965 13s issue=Balkanphila 1965 d=Space perf=10.5
8/14/1965 13s dt=sports (1965 Bulgaria) perf=11x10.5
9/30/1965 13s dt=equestrians d=Bareer racing perf=10.5
10/24/1965 13s issue=Dimitrov Pioneers d=Child running perf=10.5
11/25/1965 13s issue=civil aviation development d=Ilyushin Il-18 over Varna perf=10.5
12/6/1965 13s yelgrn&blk issue=North & South Bulgaria union 100th d=two figures perf=10.5
12/15/1965 13s issue=International Quiet Sun Year d=Moon eclipse perf=10.5
1966 13s issue=1966 d=Inn in Gabrovsko perf=13
1/10/1966 13s issue=Spring in folklore d=Piper perf=10.5
2/25/1966 13s issue=2500 years of Bulgarian art b d=Birth Church Alexander Nevski perf=11.5
3/3/1966 13s issue=90th Anniversary of the insurrection against the Turks d=Volov Dragostinov perf=10.5
(plus 204 more) (See all uses as list)