Desc: 1l
Currency: Sammarinese lira (100c=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 1.00l (1)
Users of this denom: San Marino (62 stamps, 1892-1973)
Used by 62 stamps of San Marino: (See all uses as list)
1892 1l car&yel issue=1877 d=arms of San Marino (1877) wmk=crown (Italy)
9/30/1894 1l issue=new palace & regents wmk=arms of San Marino
1895 1l ltbl issue=1877 d=arms of San Marino (1877) wmk=crown (Italy)
postage due 4/1/1897 1l brnred&brn issue=1897 due d=numeral (1897 San Marino) wmk=crown (Italy)
4/1/1903 1l olgrn issue=1903 d=Mt. Titano wmk=crown (Italy)
semipostal 1918 1l issue=1918 semi d=view perf=14
semipostal 12/12/1918 1l issue=Italian victory d=view ovpt=3 Novembre 1918 oc=blk on=issue=1918 semi-1l perf=14
10/31/1921 1l ultra issue=1903 d=Mt. Titano wmk=crown (Italy)
9/29/1923 1l d=Mt Titano & sword wmk=crown (Italy)
postage due 7/17/1924 1l grn&brn issue=1924 due d=numeral (1897 San Marino) wmk=crown (Italy)
9/25/1924 1l issue=Garibaldi escape 75th wmk=crown (Italy)
10/9/1924 1l d=view oc=blk on=type=semipostal-issue=1918 semi-2l perf=14
postage due 4/2/1925 1l org&brn issue=1925 due d=numeral (1897 San Marino) wmk=crown (Italy)
4/8/1925 1l ltbl issue=1903 d=Mt. Titano wmk=crown (Italy)
7/29/1926 1l org&blk issue=1926 Onofri d=Antonio Onofri perf=11
4/1/1929 1l issue=1929 d=Government Palace wmk=three plumes
airmail 6/11/1931 1l bisbrn d=view perf=14
postage due 10/12/1936 1l issue=1936 due oc=blk on=30c
postage due 9/9/1937 1l issue=1936 due oc=blk on=3c
postage due 5/1/1939 1l issue=1936 due oc=blk on=25c
postage due 11/11/1940 1l issue=1936 due oc=blk on=40c
airmail 3/16/1942 1l issue=Arbe d=plane over Arbe wmk=three plumes
1943 1l vio issue=fascism 20th unissued d=20th Anniversary of Fasci of San Marino - Air Mail - Not Iss wmk=crown (Italy)
airmail 8/27/1943 1l vio issue=provisional government d=Overprint GOVERNOPROVISORIO-Overprint GOVERNOPROVISORIO wmk=crown (Italy)
airmail 8/27/1943 1l vio issue=Luglio d=Overprint LUGLIO 19431642-Overprint LUGLIO 19431642 wmk=crown (Italy)
1945 1l issue=1945 d=arms of Faetano (1946) wmk=winged wheel
airmail 8/8/1946 1l brn issue=1946 air wmk=winged wheel
5/3/1947 1l issue=Roosevelt memorial wmk=winged wheel perf=14
7/18/1947 1l d=St Marinus wmk=three plumes perf=12
1949 1l issue=1949 d=Government Palace wmk=winged wheel perf=14
6/28/1949 1l issue=stamp day 1949 wmk=winged wheel perf=14
7/31/1949 1l issue=Garibaldi escape 100th wmk=winged wheel perf=14
1/28/1952 1l dkgrn&org issue=Columbus 500th d=Columbus at the Council of Salamanca wmk=winged wheel perf=14
6/28/1952 1l issue=Trieste fair wmk=winged wheel perf=14
4/20/1953 1l dt=sports (1953 San Marino) d=discus wmk=winged wheel perf=14
12/28/1953 1l dt=flowers (1953 San Marino) d=narcissus (1953) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
1954 1l issue=sports 1954 wmk=winged wheel perf=14
12/15/1955 1l issue=Winter Olympics 1956 d=ice skating wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
6/8/1956 1l dt=dogs (1956 San Marino) d=Pointer (1956) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
8/31/1957 1l dt=flowers (1957 San Marino) d=Chrysanthemum maximum wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
8/30/1958 1l dt=agricultural products (1958) d=wheat wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
10/16/1959 1l issue=Sicily stamp 100th wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
1/28/1960 1l dt=birds (1960 San Marino) d=golden oriole (1960) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
5/23/1960 1l issue=Olympics 1960 dt=sports (1960 San Marino) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
2/16/1961 1l dt=views (1961) d=San Marino wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
5/4/1961 1l dt=hunting (1961) d=Deer hunting XVI century wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
1/23/1962 1l dt=early automobiles (1962) d=Duryea 1892 wmk=triskelion perf=14
4/4/1962 1l dt=early airplanes d=Wright 1904 wmk=triskelion perf=14
6/14/1962 1l yelbrn&blk dt=alpinism d=climber rappelling wmk=triskelion perf=14
8/25/1962 1l dt=modern hunting d=hunter with dog wmk=triskelion perf=14
(plus 12 more) (See all uses as list)