Desc: 10fr
Currency: Congolese franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 60000
Users of this denom: Belgian Congo (16 stamps, 1891-1959), Democratic Republic of the Congo (85 stamps, 1960-2002), Katanga (6 stamps, 1960-1961), RuandaUrundi (6 stamps, 1924-1959)
Used by 113 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Belgian Congo 1/1/1891 10fr buff issue=1887 d=King Leopold II & palms
Belgian Congo 5/4/1898 10fr yelgrn&blk issue=1894 d=river steamer
Belgian Congo 1908 10fr yelgrn&blk issue=1908 d=river steamer ovpt=CONGO BELGE oc=blk on=issue=1894-10fr
Belgian Congo 10/10/1910 10fr grn&blk issue=1910 dt=scenic bilingual d=river steamer on Congo
Belgian Congo 7/1/1921 10fr grn&blk issue=1921 dt=scenic bilingual d=river steamer on Congo ovpt=1921 oc=blk on=1910-10fr
Belgian Congo 1924 10fr dkgray issue=1923 d=Loxodonta africana (1924) perf=12
RuandaUrundi 12/1/1924 10fr dkgray issue=1924 d=Loxodonta africana (1924) ovpt=RUANDA//URUNDi oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-1924-10fr perf=12
Belgian Congo 6/30/1928 10fr d=Henry Morton Stanley (1928) perf=14
RuandaUrundi 8/25/1931 10fr dkpur issue=1931 d=warriors
Belgian Congo 1932 10fr orgred issue=1931c d=Baluba chief perf=11.5
Belgian Congo 2/7/1941 10fr red d=Albert Memorial, Leopoldville perf=11
Belgian Congo 5/23/1942 10fr brn issue=1942 Belge d=askari perf=12.5
Belgian Congo 5/23/1942 10fr brn issue=1942 Belgisch d=askari perf=12.5
RuandaUrundi 5/23/1942 10fr brn issue=pictorial d=guard
Belgian Congo 1947 10fr redorg issue=abolition 50th d=King Leopold II (1947)
RuandaUrundi 1948 10fr lil&redbrn dt=Bantu art
Belgian Congo 4/20/1948 10fr dt=Bantu art perf=12x12.5
Belgian Congo 5/2/1952 10fr issue=1952 dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Silene perf=11.75
RuandaUrundi 3/1/1953 10fr dt=flowers (1953 RuandaUrundi) d=Silene
Belgian Congo 7/1/1958 10fr d=kings of Belgium perf=12.5
Belgian Congo 10/15/1959 10fr dt=mammals (1959) d=Taurotragus oryx & Hippotigris perf=11.75
RuandaUrundi 10/15/1959 10fr issue=animals d=eland & zebras
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/6/1960 10fr issue=1960a flowers dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Silene ovpt=CONGO oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-issue=1952-10fr perf=11.75
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/6/1960 10fr issue=1960b animals ovpt=CONGO oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-10fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/1/1960 10fr redorg issue=independence d=map of Congo
Katanga 9/19/1960 10fr issue=1960 animals ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-10fr
Katanga 9/22/1960 10fr issue=1960 flowers ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-10fr
Katanga 10/25/1960 10fr issue=1960 independence ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-10fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/4/1961 10fr issue=independence agreement 3rd d=flag&people
Katanga 3/1/1961 10fr dt=wood carvings (1961)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 4/1961 10fr redorg issue=Coquilhatville conference d=map of Congo ovpt=CONF... oc=blk on=issue=independence-10fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1961 10fr issue=independence 1st d=Kasavubu in map outline
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/31/1961 10fr issue=parliament reopening d=Kasavubu in map outline ovpt=REOUVERTURE//... oc=blk on=issue=independence 1st-10fr-Kasavubu in map outline
Katanga 8/1/1961 10fr issue=Air Katanga
Katanga 10/1/1961 10fr d=gendarme
Democratic Republic of the Congo 4/20/1963 10fr issue=1963 dt=birds (1963 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Balearica pavonina (1963)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/13/1964 10fr issue=Olympics 1964
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/15/1964 10fr d=National Palace (1964)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 3/1/1965 10fr dkblgrn&red issue=New York World's Fair 1964 d=rocket & Unisphere
Democratic Republic of the Congo 4/23/1966 10fr issue=World Festival of Negro Arts
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5/1/1966 10fr issue=Congo at work
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/25/1966 10fr issue=World Cup 1966
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/8/1966 10fr issue=more army
Democratic Republic of the Congo 11/14/1966 10fr issue=soccer final score
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000 10fr issue=2000 surcharges d=++on=70000nz
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 10fr issue=Flora and Fauna of Africa 2000 d=Taurotragus oryx (2000 Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 10fr issue=Flora and Fauna of Africa 2000 d=Phacochoerus aethiopicus (2000)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 10fr issue=Flora and Fauna of Africa 2000 d=Hippopotamus amphibius (2000)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 10fr issue=Wild Cats 2000 d=Panthera pardus (2000 Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 10fr issue=Wild Dogs 2000 d=Vulpus lagopus (2000)
(plus 63 more) (See all uses as list)