Desc: 10fr
Currency: Central African CFA franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 60000
Users of this denom: Cameroun (36 stamps, 1927-1986), Central African Republic (59 stamps, 1960-2005), Chad (27 stamps, 1927-1992), Republic of the Congo (29 stamps, 1961-1988), Equatorial Guinea (2 stamps, 1986-1989), Gabon (29 stamps, 1926-2002)
Used by 182 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Gabon 6/14/1926 10fr orgbrn&grn issue=1925 provisional oc=blk on=5fr-orgbrn&grn-unissued
Cameroun 1927 10fr org&vio issue=1925 d=rope suspension bridge
Chad 1927 10fr olgrn&cer issue=1925 provisional oc=blk on=5fr-olgrn&cer-unissued
Gabon 1932 10fr blk pc=red issue=1932 d=Gabonese village
Cameroun 6/12/1939 10fr redvio issue=1939 d=man on river perf=13
Cameroun 1940 10fr redvio issue=1940 d=man on river ovpt=CAMEROUN FRANCAIS//27.8.40 oc=blk on=issue=1939-10fr-man on river perf=13
Cameroun 1940 10fr org&vio issue=1940 d=rope suspension bridge ovpt=CAMEROUN FRANCAIS//27.8.40 oc=blk on=1927-10fr-rope suspension bridge
Cameroun 1941 10fr brn issue=1941 d=Cross of Lorraine on shield perf=14x14.75
Cameroun airmail 1942 10fr blk
Cameroun 1946 10fr dkgrn issue=1946b d=Fulani? cavalry
Cameroun airmail 6/6/1946 10fr dkrosevio issue=Chad to Rhine d=capture of Kufra
Cameroun postage due 1947 10fr pckbl issue=1947 postage due d=numeral in abstract pattern perf=13
Central African Republic 9/30/1960 10fr dt=butterflies (1960 Central Africa) d=Charaxes ameliae
Gabon 7/4/1961 10fr dt=flowers (1961 Gabon) d=combretum perf=13
Chad 8/11/1961 10fr issue=1961 dt=views & animals d=Abtouyour Mountain & ox
Republic of the Congo 11/28/1961 10fr dt=fishes (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=long-tooth
Republic of the Congo postage due 12/4/1961 10fr issue=1961 postage due b dt=modern transportation
Republic of the Congo postage due 12/4/1961 10fr issue=1961 postage due a dt=early transportation (1961)
Chad postage due 4/20/1962 10fr blkbrn issue=1962 due dt=pictographs in the Tibesti Mountains
Chad postage due 4/20/1962 10fr issue=1962 due dt=pictographs in the Tibesti Mountains
Cameroun 8/10/1962 10fr issue=1962 d=Syncerus caffer (1962) perf=12x12.25
Gabon airmail 9/4/1962 10fr graypur&gray issue=1st philatelic exhibition in Gabon dt=Evolution of Air Transport perf=13
Central African Republic postage due 10/15/1962 10fr issue=1962 due dt=beetles d=Phryneta leprosa
Central African Republic postage due 10/15/1962 10fr issue=1962 due dt=beetles d=Taurina longiceps
Gabon postage due 12/10/1962 10fr dt=produce (1962) d=guava (1962)
Gabon postage due 12/10/1962 10fr dt=produce (1962) d=breadfruit (1962)
Cameroun postage due 4/10/1963 10fr issue=1963 postage due d=Delonix regia (1963)
Cameroun postage due 4/10/1963 10fr issue=1963 postage due d=Haemanthus
Republic of the Congo 10/21/1963 10fr d=King Makokus Collar
Chad 2/5/1964 10fr dt=occupations (1964) d=potter (1964)
Cameroun 6/20/1964 10fr d=lion (1964 Cameroun) perf=13
Cameroun 7/11/1964 10fr issue=Tropics Cup Games 1964 d=Football Game in Stadium perf=13
Cameroun 10/10/1964 10fr issue=Olympics 1964 d=runners (1964) perf=13
Chad 1/11/1965 10fr dt=animals (1965 Chad) d=addax (1965)
Central African Republic official 5/1/1965 10fr issue=1965 official
Central African Republic 8/26/1965 10fr d=President David Dacko oc=blk on=1962-20fr-President David Dacko
Cameroun 9/11/1965 10fr red&bl issue=ICY d=ICY emblem perf=13
Chad official 1/1/1966 10fr issue=1966 official d=flag of Chad & map of Chad
Central African Republic 2/15/1966 10fr dt=farming (1965) oc=blk on=4/28/1965-100fr
Gabon 4/18/1966 10fr dt=masks (1966) d=Fang ancestral figure Byeri perf=12.5
Central African Republic 5/16/1966 10fr dt=orchids (1966 Central Africa) d=Tridactyle bicaudata (1966)
Republic of the Congo 7/15/1966 10fr dt=sports (1966 Republic of the Congo)
Central African Republic 9/15/1966 10fr dt=rodents (1966) d=Hybomys univittatus
Republic of the Congo 12/12/1966 10fr dt=masks (1966)
Gabon 1/5/1967 10fr dt=animals (1967 Gabon) d=elephant (1967) perf=13x14
Central African Republic 5/8/1967 10fr dt=orchids (1966 Central Africa) d=Microcelia macrorrhynchium oc=blk on=5/16/1966-25fr
Cameroun 5/10/1967 10fr dt=fruits (1967 Cameroun) d=Ananas sativa perf=12x12.5
Chad 5/23/1967 10fr dt=butterflies (1967 Chad) d=Charaxes jasius epijasius
Republic of the Congo 6/5/1967 10fr dt=Congolese dolls
Cameroun 9/22/1967 10fr dt=Camerounian art d=Coconut harvest
(plus 132 more) (See all uses as list)