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1k denom (#12085)

  • Colnect-3979-510-4e-Conference-OUA-in-Kinshasa.jpg
  • Colnect-1099-737-CD-580-First-Congolese-Games-with-black-overprint-and-new-va.jpg
  • Colnect-1099-745-National-Palace-L-eacute-opoldville-surcharge-1k-on-1964-2f.jpg
  • Colnect-1099-753-CD-619-with-black-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-455-Mobutu.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-473-10e-anniversary-of-the-Independence.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-498-CD-606-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-501-CD-619-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-492-CD-557-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-484-World-day-of-Telecommunication.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-507-The-astronauts-of-Apollo-XI.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-887-Spotted-Flower-Beetle-Stephanorrhina-guttata.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-896-African-Lunar-Moth-Argema-bouvieri.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-903-Battle-against-discrimination.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-908-Hypericum-bequartii.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-912-Telecommunications.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-917-Yellow-Baboon-Papio-cynocephalus.jpg
  • STS-Zaire-1-300dpi.jpg-crop-337x425at939-712.jpg
  • STS-Zaire-2-300dpi.jpg-crop-493x362at109-324.jpg
  • Colnect-1105-788-Boxing-match-George-Foreman-contra-Muhammad-Ali.jpg
  • STS-Zaire-2-300dpi.jpg-crop-337x514at1567-160.jpg
  • Colnect-538-925-Sozacom-apartment-building-vertical.jpg
  • Colnect-1107-073-Okapi-Okapia-johnstoni.jpg
  • Colnect-1107-054-President-Mobutu-overprint-SP.jpg
  • Colnect-538-924-Judge-Lawyers-IWY-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1107-089-CD-693-with-overprint-and-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1107-085-Centenary-of-the-UPU.jpg
  • Colnect-1108-707-Argentina-v-France.jpg
  • Colnect-1974-160-Ntore-dancer.jpg
  • Colnect-538-929-Globe-and-Drummer.jpg
  • Colnect-1113-487-Collared-Butterflyfish-Chaetodon-collare.jpg
  • Colnect-1114-970-Red-Cross-helicopters-and-Morse-code.jpg
Desc: 1k

Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)

Numerical sorting value: 100

Equivalent denoms: 0.01z (2)

Users of this denom: Democratic Republic of the Congo (18 stamps, 1967-1971), Zaire (15 stamps, 1972-1982)

Used by 33 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/11/1967 1k carbrn&blvio issue=OAU conference d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-2fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/8/1967 1k issue=childrens day oc=blk on=10/25/1965-6fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/16/1967 1k issue=1st Congolese Games oc=blk on=4/1965-5fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/1968 1k carbrn&blvio d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-2fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/20/1968 1k issue=Congo at work ovpt oc=blk on=5/1/1966-6fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/22/1969 1k brtbl&multi issue=1969 d=Mobutu
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1970 1k issue=independence 10th
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/24/1970 1k yelorg&dkblgrn issue=1970 provisional oc=blk on=11/17/1965-7fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/24/1970 1k issue=1970 provisional oc=blk on=5/1/1966-12fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/24/1970 1k purbrn&org issue=1970 provisional d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-6fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/24/1970 1k issue=misc
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/24/1970 1k issue=astronaut visit
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/25/1971 1k dt=insects (1971) d=Stephanorrhina guttata ol
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/24/1971 1k dt=butterflies & moths d=Argema bouvieri
Democratic Republic of the Congo 3/21/1971 1k ltgrn&multi issue=International Year Against Racial Discrimination
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5/24/1971 1k dt=flowers (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Hypericum bequaertii
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/25/1971 1k issue=World Telecommunications Day d=symbolic waves
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/1971 1k dt=primates (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Papio cynocephalus (1971)
Zaire 1972 1k ltbl&multi issue=1972 d=Mobutu
Zaire 7/17/1974 1k issue=World Cup 1974
Zaire 11/9/1974 1k issue=Foreman-Ali fight d=boxers in ring
Zaire 1975 1k ltgrn&multi d=waterfall (1975)
Zaire 1975 1k issue=new government 10th d=Sozacom apartment building
Zaire 1975 1k issue=Virunga park 50th d=okapis (1975)
Zaire official 1975 1k ltbl&multi issue=1975 official d=Mobutu ovpt=SP on=issue=1972-1k
Zaire 12/1975 1k d=IWY
Zaire 1977 1k org&blk issue=1977a d=arms of Congo oc=blk on=issuer=Democratic Republic of the Congo-1969-10s
Zaire 4/1977 1k issue=UPU 100th
Zaire 8/7/1978 1k dt=soccer (1978)
Zaire 2/1979 1k issue=Zaire River expedition
Zaire 7/23/1979 1k issue=International Fair
Zaire 10/20/1980 1k dt=tropical fishes (1980 Zaire) d=Chaetodon collaris
Zaire 2/8/1982 1k issue=World Telecommunications Day