Desc: 10k
Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)
Numerical sorting value: 1000
Equivalent denoms: 0.10z (1)
Users of this denom: Democratic Republic of the Congo (16 stamps, 1967-1971), Zaire (26 stamps, 1972-1984)
Used by 42 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/24/1967 10k purbrn&org issue=Tourism Year d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-6fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/1968 10k oc=blk on=5/1/1966-2fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/30/1968 10k issue=Human Rights Year
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/27/1969 10k ovpt=African Unity oc=blk on=12/30/1968-10k
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1969 10k issue=Kinshasa Fair 2
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/22/1969 10k pnk&multi issue=1969 d=Mobutu
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/15/1969 10k issue=ILO 50th
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1970 10k issue=independence 10th
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/24/1970 10k dkgray&orgred issue=1970 provisional d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-100fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/24/1970 10k issue=misc
Democratic Republic of the Congo 11/24/1970 10k issue=new government 5th
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/24/1970 10k issue=astronaut visit
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/25/1971 10k dt=insects (1971) d=Mecosaspis explanata
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/24/1971 10k dt=butterflies & moths d=Salamis temora (1971)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 3/21/1971 10k issue=International Year Against Racial Discrimination
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/1971 10k dt=primates (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Cercopithecus hamlyni
Zaire 1972 10k roselil&multi issue=1972 d=Mobutu
Zaire official 1975 10k roselil&multi issue=1975 official d=Mobutu ovpt=SP on=issue=1972-10k
Zaire 1975 10k issue=new government 10th
Zaire 1977 10k ultra&blk issue=1977b d=arms of Congo oc=blk on=issuer=Democratic Republic of the Congo-1969-15s
Zaire 1977 10k issue=1977a dt=primates (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Cercopithecus aethiops (a) oc=blk on=issuer=Democratic Republic of the Congo-8/1971-10s
Zaire 1/8/1977 10k dt=carvings&masks
Zaire 1/23/1978 10k dt=fishes (1978 Zaire) d=Hemichromis bimaculatus (1978)
Zaire 8/7/1978 10k dt=soccer (1978)
Zaire 2/1979 10k issue=Zaire River expedition
Zaire 3/1979 10k dt=mushrooms (1979 Zaire)
Zaire 7/23/1979 10k issue=International Year of the Child
Zaire 12/24/1979 10k issue=International Bureau of Education 50th
Zaire 1/28/1980 10k dt=Rowland Hill (1980)
Zaire 3/3/1980 10k issue=Salvation Army 100th
Zaire 10/20/1980 10k dt=tropical fishes (1980 Zaire) d=Blue Face Angel Euxiphipops xanthometapon
Zaire 12/13/1980 10k issue=Belgian independence 150th
Zaire 12/13/1980 10k issue=independence 20th
Zaire 12/24/1980 10k issue=Christmas 1980
Zaire 4/27/1981 10k dt=Norman Rockwell covers d=Grandpa’s Ballerina
Zaire 5/2/1981 10k issue=pope visit 1st
Zaire 7/6/1981 10k issue=ESPANA 82
Zaire 11/2/1981 10k issue=International Year of the Disabled
Zaire 4/2/1984 10k dt=animals of Garamba park d=elans de Derby
Zaire 5/14/1984 10k issue=World Communications Year
Zaire 5/28/1984 10k dt=flowers of Zaire d=Hypericum revolutum
Zaire 6/28/1984 10k issue=human flight 200th d=Montgolfiere balloon