Desc: 75c
Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 4500
Users of this denom: Castellorizo (1 stamp, 1932), Cyrenaica (4 stamps, 1930-1934), Italian occupation of Ethiopia (1 stamp, 1936), Italian occupation of the Ionian Islands (1 stamp, 1941), Italian Colonies (6 stamps, 1932-1934), Italy (22 stamps, 1884-1941), Italian Social Republic (3 stamps, 1944), Aegean Islands (8 stamps, 1930-1940), Calchi (1 stamp, 1932), Calino (1 stamp, 1932), Caso (1 stamp, 1932), Coo (1 stamp, 1932), Lero (1 stamp, 1932), Lisso (1 stamp, 1932), Nisiro (1 stamp, 1932), Patmo (1 stamp, 1932), Piscopi (1 stamp, 1932), Rhodes (2 stamps, 1930-1932), Scarpanto (1 stamp, 1932), Simi (1 stamp, 1932), Stampalia (1 stamp, 1932), Libya (13 stamps, 1931-1942), Italian occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1941), Tripolitania (5 stamps, 1930-1934), Vatican City (10 stamps, 1929-1946), German occupation of Ljubljana (3 stamps, 1944-1945)
Used by 92 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Italy parcel post 1884 75c blgrn d=Umberto I wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy 3/1926 75c dkred&rose issue=1901 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy 7/27/1928 75c red issue=Philibert 400th d=Emmanuel Philibert in battle wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy 4/21/1929 75c rosered issue=Empire d=King Vittorio Emanuele III wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Vatican City 8/1/1929 75c carlake&gray issue=1929 d=papal arms (1929) perf=14
Aegean Islands 1930 75c rosered issue=Virgil 2000th d=The Family ovpt=ISOLE ITALIANE DELL'EGEO oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Virgil 2000th-75c wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Rhodes 8/28/1930 75c red issue=Garibaldi death 50th
Italy 10/21/1930 75c rosered issue=Virgil 2000th d=The Family wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Cyrenaica 12/1/1930 75c issue=Virgil 2000th ovpt=Cirenaica oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Tripolitania 12/4/1930 75c issue=Virgil 2000th ovpt=TRIPOLITANIA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Vatican City parcel post 1931 75c carlake&gray issue=1931 parcel a d=papal arms (1929) ovpt=PER PACCHI oc=blk on=8/1/1929-75c perf=14
Libya 1931 75c vio&red issue=1924 d=Victory (1921) perf=14
Tripolitania airmail 1931 75c issue=1931a d=airplane over Leptis ruins
Italy 3/9/1931 75c car issue=St Anthony death 700th d=Death of St Anthony wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Tripolitania 5/7/1931 75c issue=St Anthony of Padua ovpt=TRIPOLITANIA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Cyrenaica 5/7/1931 75c issue=St Anthony death 700th ovpt=Cirenaica oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Castellorizo 1932 75c red issue=Garibaldi death 50th d=Death of Anita Garibaldi ovpt=CASTELROSSO oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Garibaldi death 50th-75c wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Aegean Islands 1932 75c issue=St Anthony ovpt=ISOLE ITALIANE//DELL'EGEO oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c-unissued
Aegean Islands 1932 75c red issue=Dante Society ovpt=ISOLE ITALIANE//DELL' EGEO oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c-red-unissued
Libya semipostal 3/8/1932 75c carred issue=Tripoli Fair 1932
Italy 3/14/1932 75c carrose issue=Dante d=Giosuè Carducci wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy 4/6/1932 75c red issue=Garibaldi death 50th d=Death of Anita Garibaldi wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 4/19/1932 75c brn issue=1930 air d=Victory wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italian Colonies 7/1/1932 75c carrose issue=Garibaldi death 50th
Italian Colonies 7/11/1932 75c carrose issue=Dante d=Giosuè Carducci ovpt=COLONIE ITALIANE oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Dante-75c wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Cyrenaica airmail 8/8/1932 75c brnrose issue=1932 air c d=Arab on camel wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Caso 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=CASO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Nisiro 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=NISIRO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Calino 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=CALINO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Stampalia 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=STAMPALIA oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Coo 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=COO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Lero 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=LERO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Lisso 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=LISSO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Scarpanto 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=SCARPANTO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Patmo 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=PATMO oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Piscopi 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=PISCOPI oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Simi 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th ovpt=SIMI oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Rhodes 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi 50th oc=bl on=75c-brnred-unissued
Calchi 8/28/1932 75c brnred issue=Garibaldi death 50th ovpt=CALCHI oc=bl on=issuer=Italy-75c-brnred-unissued
Italy airmail 10/27/1932 75c redbrn issue=Fascist government 10th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy 10/27/1932 75c red issue=Fascist government 10th d=works of colonization wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Libya airmail 3/20/1933 75c car issue=1933 air
Italian Colonies 3/27/1933 75c issue=Eritrea annexation 50th
Vatican City 5/31/1933 75c red&brn issue=1933 d=Vatican gardens wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Italian Colonies 10/5/1933 75c car issue=march on Rome 10th d=agricultural implements
Libya 2/17/1934 75c rose issue=8th Tripoli Fair d=garden ruins wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Libya semipostal 2/17/1934 75c car issue=Tripoli Fair 1934
Libya airmail 2/17/1934 75c orgred issue=1934 air
Italy airmail 3/12/1934 75c redbrn issue=Fiume annexation 10th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italian Colonies airmail 4/1934 75c pur issue=march on Rome 10th
(plus 42 more) (See all uses as list)