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75c denom (#12530)

  • Colnect-4375-740-Arms-of-Hounduras.jpg
  • Colnect-4960-276-Country-Arm.jpg
  • Colnect-4375-733-President-Luis-Bogr%C3%A1n-1845-1895.jpg
  • Colnect-1190-525-President-Luis-Bogr%C3%A1n-1845-1895.jpg
  • Colnect-526-230-400-Anniversary-of-the-discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-1190-542-President-Trinidad-Cabanas-1802-1871.jpg
Desc: 75c

Currency: Honduran peso (100c=8r=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 4500

Users of this denom: Honduras (6 stamps, 1890-1893)

Used by 6 stamps of Honduras: (See all uses as list)

official 1890 75c yel issue=1890 official
1/6/1890 75c blgrn d=arms of Honduras (1890) perf=12
official 1891 75c orgyel issue=1891 official
7/31/1891 75c pur d=President Luis Bográn (1891 a) perf=12
7/31/1892 75c lake d=Columbus sighting Honduran coast perf=12
8/1893 75c pur d=General Trinidad Cabanas perf=12