Desc: 15c
Currency: Dutch guilder (100c=1gld=1g)
Numerical sorting value: 900
Users of this denom: Netherlands (36 stamps, 1852-1971)
Used by 36 stamps of Netherlands: (See all uses as list)
1/1/1852 15c org d=King William III (1852) wmk=posthorn with cord imperf
5/12/1864 15c org d=King William III (1864 Netherlands) perf=12.5x12
10/1/1867 15c orgbrn d=King William III (1867)
1872 15c brnorg issue=1872 d=King William III (1872)
postage due 1881 15c ltbl&blk issue=1881 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands)
1891 15c yelbrn issue=1891 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1891) perf=12.5
postage due 1896 15c dkbl&blk issue=1896 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands) perf=12.5
1898 15c yelbrn issue=1898 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1898 ct) perf=12.5
postage due 11/1/1907 15c ver issue=1907 due d=Admiral de Ruyter & fleet ovpt=PORTZEGEL//value on=issue=de Ruyter 300th-2 1/2c perf=12x12.5
1908 15c bl&car issue=1898 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1898 ct) perf=12.5
postage due 1912 15c paleultra issue=1912 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands) perf=12.5
marine insurance 2/2/1921 15c dkblgrn perf=11.5
airmail 5/1/1921 15c grn issue=1921 air perf=12.5
9/1924 15c ultra issue=1924 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1924) perf=12.5
9/6/1924 15c grayblk d=Queen Wilhelmina (1924) perf=12.5
1925 15c ultra issue=1924 syncopated d=Queen Wilhelmina (1924) perf=12.5
1926 15c ultra issue=1926 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1924) wmk=circles
1929 15c org issue=1926 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1924) wmk=circles
4/1/1940 15c ltbl issue=1940 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1940) wmk=circles
4/1/1941 15c ltbl d=gull 1941 wmk=circles
5/15/1943 15c blvio issue=symbols & heroes d=Piet Hein 1577-1629 admiral wmk=circles perf=12.5x12
6/15/1944 15c redbrn issue=independence regained d=Queen Wilhelmina (1944) perf=12.5
postage due 1947 15c bl issue=1947 due d=numeral (1947 Netherlands) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.75
1947 15c pur issue=1947 d=Queen Wilhelmina (1947) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.5
1949 15c olbrn issue=1949 d=Queen Juliana (1949) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.5
9/7/1953 15c dpcar issue=1953 d=Queen Juliana (1953) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.5
official 9/16/1953 15c issue=1953 Cour international de Justice d=Queen Juliana wmk=circles perf=12.5x12
7/28/1964 15c issue=Netherlands railroads 125th d=Dwarf signal light perf=14x12.75
8/25/1964 15c redbrn issue=Bible Society 150th d=Dove over Christ monogramm perf=14x12.75
9/14/1964 15c olgrn issue=Europa 1964 d=Europa flower perf=12.75x14
10/12/1964 15c dkvio issue=Benelux 20th d=King Baudouin, Queen Juliana, Grand Duchess Charlotte
12/15/1964 15c dkblgrn issue=Charter of the Kingdom 10th perf=12.75x14
4/6/1965 15c blk&brnol issue=Resistance d=Sculptures Dockers & Fallen perf=12x12.5
1967 15c dpcar issue=1953 d=Queen Juliana (1953) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.5 paper=phosphor
2/16/1971 15c redvio issue=census 1971 d=Punchcard
6/29/1971 15c issue=Prince Bernhard 60th d=carnation perf=14x12.75