Desc: 50c
Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 3000
Users of this denom: Australia (590 stamps, 1966-2016), Australian Antarctic Territory (12 stamps, 1966-2007), Christmas Island (61 stamps, 1968-2020), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (27 stamps, 1969-2008), Gilbert Islands (2 stamps, 1976), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (6 stamps, 1966-1974), Kiribati (88 stamps, 1979-2023), Nauru (71 stamps, 1966-2018), Norfolk Island (118 stamps, 1966-2013), Papua New Guinea (2 stamps, 1966-1967), Tuvalu (135 stamps, 1976-2018), Funafuti (7 stamps, 1984-1988), Nanumaga (9 stamps, 1984-1986), Nanumea (13 stamps, 1984-1986), Niutao (6 stamps, 1984-1985), Nui (11 stamps, 1984-1988), Nukufetau (8 stamps, 1984-1987), Nukulaelae (10 stamps, 1985-1986), Vaitupu (10 stamps, 1984-1985)
Used by 1186 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Australia 2/14/1966 50c redbrn issue=1966 decimal d=William Dampier & ship
Nauru 2/14/1966 50c issue=1966 d=Ducula oceanica perf=Different
Papua New Guinea 2/14/1966 50c issue=1966 dt=butterflies (1966 Papua New Guinea) d=Apaturina erminea papuana
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 2/14/1966 50c issue=decimal overprint dt=dances & customs d=Boys playing Stick Game oc=blk on=issue=1965-5sh wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Norfolk Island 2/14/1966 50c grn&sep issue=1966 d=Bloody Bridge (1961) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issue=1960-5sh
Australian Antarctic Territory 9/28/1966 50c issue=1966
Norfolk Island 4/17/1967 50c dt=ships (1967 Norfolk Island) d=The Resolution 1936
Papua New Guinea 8/30/1967 50c issue=Pacific War 25th d=Battle of the Coral Sea
Nauru 1968 50c issue=1968 d=Ducula oceanica ovpt=REPUBLIC//OF//NAURU oc=blk on=1966-50c perf=Different
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1/1/1968 50c issue=1968 wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Christmas Island 5/6/1968 50c issue=1968 dt=fishes (1968 Christmas Island) d=Acanthurus lineatus (1968)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7/9/1969 50c issue=1969 d=heron
Norfolk Island 2/25/1970 50c issue=1970 dt=birds (1970 Norfolk Island) d=Platycercus elegans (1970) perf=14.75x14
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 5/31/1971 50c issue=1971 d=Local Handicraft wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Christmas Island 2/5/1972 50c issue=1972 dt=ships (1972 Christmas Island) d=HMS Amethyst, 1857
Australia 11/15/1972 50c dt=pioneer life d=coach perf=13.75
Nauru 3/28/1973 50c issue=1973 d=Fregata minor (1973)
Australian Antarctic Territory 8/15/1973 50c issue=1973 d=Ford tri-motor
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 9/24/1973 50c issue=Christmas 1973 d=map of Kiritimati wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Australia 10/17/1973 50c dt=architecture (1973) d=St James Church Sydney
Norfolk Island 11/19/1973 50c issue=historic buildings d=Commissariat Stores perf=14x14.5
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 11/26/1973 50c issue=meteorological cooperation 100th d=Map of the islands wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Nauru 12/20/1973 50c issue=Nauru Cooperative Society 50th d=EIGIGU Logo perf=14
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 3/4/1974 50c issue=Canoe Crests d=Crest & Canoe wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Nauru 5/21/1974 50c issue=175th Anniversary of First Contact d=Locals HMS Hunter on the island perf=13x13.5
Nauru 9/29/1975 50c issue=conference b perf=14.5x14
Tuvalu 1/1/1976 50c issue=1976a d=Local Handicraft ovpt=TUVALU oc=blk on=issuer=Gilbert & Ellice Islands-1971-50c wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert Islands 1/2/1976 50c issue=1976a d=Local Handicraft ovpt=THE GILBERT ISLANDS//bar oc=blk on=issuer=Gilbert & Ellice Islands-issue=1971-50c wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 3/29/1976 50c dt=ships (1976 Cocos (Keeling) Islands) d=Ornotes
Nauru 5/6/1976 50c issue=stamp 60th perf=13.75x14
Gilbert Islands 7/1/1976 50c dt=pictorials d=Hypolimnas bolina (1976)
Tuvalu 7/1/1976 50c issue=1976c d=Canoe pole fishing wmk=crown & CA spiral
Australia 8/25/1976 50c dt=scenic (1976) d=Mt Buffalo
Norfolk Island 11/17/1976 50c issue=1976 dt=Lepidoptera d=Tiracola plagiata
Tuvalu 2/9/1977 50c issue=Queen Elizabeth II accession 25th d=The Queen & attendants wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=15
Nauru 5/17/1978 50c issue=1978 d=frigatebirds perf=14.5
Christmas Island 5/31/1978 50c issue=1977 dt=famous visitors d=Karl Richard Hanitsch
Australia 10/18/1978 50c dt=racehorses (1978) d=Phar Lap perf=13.75x13.25
Nauru 12/1/1978 50c issue=Scouts 70 years d=Rover older Scouts
Kiribati 1979 50c issue=1979 d=Hypolimnas bolina elliciana (1979) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1979 50c issue=1979 dt=fishes (1979 Cocos (Keeling) Islands) d=Coris gaimardi (1979)
Tuvalu 1/24/1979 50c issue=1979 dt=fishes (1979 Tuvalu) d=Sphyrna sp. perf=14
Australia 2/14/1979 50c dt=ferries & steamers d=Murray River Queen
Australia 5/16/1979 50c dt=steam locomotives (1979 Australia) d=Pichi Richi perf=13.25x13.75
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 9/3/1979 50c issue=Council establishment d=council emblem & sailboat
Australia 9/17/1979 50c dt=birds (1979 Australia) d=flame robin
Nauru 10/3/1979 50c issue=International Year of the Child dt=children perf=14.5
Australia 10/24/1979 50c dt=sport fishing (1979) d=Deep Sea perf=13.75x13.25
Norfolk Island 1/25/1980 50c issue=Lions District Convention 1980 d=Lions International emblem perf=15
Australia 2/20/1980 50c dt=canines d=Australian cattle dog (1980) perf=13.25x13
(plus 1136 more) (See all uses as list)