Desc: 5p
Currency: Uruguayan peso (1000m=100c=1p=1np=1n$=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 300000
Equivalent denoms: $5 (11), 5.00np (2), 5.00p (5), 5np (19)
Users of this denom: Uruguay (104 stamps, 1929-2018)
Used by 104 stamps of Uruguay: (See all uses as list)
1929 5p lake issue=1928 d=Artigas (1928) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
6/16/1930 5p vio issue=independence 100th d=Artigas monument wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
1932 5p redorg issue=1928 d=Artigas (1928) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
airmail 1935 5p orgred issue=1935 air
airmail 1939 5p graygrn issue=1939 air wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
6/9/1941 5p ver issue=1939 d=Artigas (1939) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
airmail 6/9/1944 5p grn issue=1939 air d=plane over sculptured oxcart wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
airmail 1946 5p carrose issue=1946 air
parcel post 12/23/1946 5p red&brn d=mail coach (1946)
airmail 1947 5p grn&brn issue=1947 air d=National Airport, Montevideo
1/14/1954 5p bl&grn issue=1954 d=Phytolacca dioica wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
5/16/1960 5p red&blk issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor Martin C. Martinez d=Martin Martinez wmk=large sun & ROU
8/14/1961 5p issue=Inter-American Economic and Social Conference d=welfare & justice & education wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 1/13/1967 5p issue=10th Anniversary of the Montevideo Planetarium wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 4/5/1967 5p dt=Uruguayan Sheep wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 6/12/1967 5p issue=World Basketball Championships 1967 wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 6/12/1967 5p issue=World Basketball Championships 1967 wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 6/12/1967 5p issue=World Basketball Championships 1967 wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 6/12/1967 5p issue=World Basketball Championships 1967 wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 6/12/1967 5p issue=World Basketball Championships 1967 wmk=large sun & ROU
airmail 12/29/1967 5p issue=50th Anniversary of the Lions International wmk=large sun & ROU
5/15/1968 5p dt=birds (1968 Uruguay) d=Jacana spinosa (1968) wmk=large sun & ROU
7/8/1970 5p bl d=map&sun&sea wmk=large sun & ROU
10/21/1970 5p issue=Colonia del Sacramento 290th wmk=large sun & ROU
1/13/1971 5p lk&blk issue=125th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfonso Espinola d=Alfonso Espinola wmk=large sun & ROU
5/4/1971 5p brncar issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Domingo Arena d=Domingo Arena wmk=large sun & ROU
5/25/1971 5p blkbrn issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Jose Arias d=Jose Arias wmk=large sun & ROU
6/21/1971 5p issue=21st Anniversary of the Death of Eduardo Fabini d=Eduardo Fabini wmk=large sun & ROU
7/17/1971 5p issue=100th Anniversary of the Montevideo Water Supply wmk=large sun & ROU
8/7/1971 5p issue=Wool Production wmk=large sun & ROU
8/10/1971 5p issue=12th Anniversary of the Death of Jose Elorza d=Jose Elorza wmk=large sun & ROU
8/11/1971 5p issue=Uruguayan Horse-breeding wmk=large sun & ROU
2/28/1972 5p issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of Bartolome Hidalgo wmk=large sun & ROU
10/7/1972 5p dt=Uruguayan Minerals wmk=large sun & ROU
12/30/1972 5p orgyel issue=1972 d=Artigas (1972) wmk=large sun & ROU
7/8/1980 5p issue=Rotary 75th wmk=large sun & ROU
1982 5p issue=1980 d=Artigas (1980) wmk=large sun & ROU
10/22/1993 5p issue=Whitbread Race 1993
6/21/1994 5p issue=50th Anniversary of Carrasco National Airport
2/13/1995 5p issue=20th Anniversary of the World Tourism Organization
2/13/1995 5p issue=20th Anniversary of the World Tourism Organization
2/13/1995 5p issue=20th Anniversary of the World Tourism Organization
2/13/1995 5p issue=20th Anniversary of the World Tourism Organization
2/22/1995 5p issue=90th Anniversary of Rotary International
3/14/1995 5p issue=50th Anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization
3/30/1995 5p issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Piero Mascagni
6/15/1995 5p dt=Butterflies and Moths (1995) d=Phoebis neocypris
6/15/1995 5p dt=Butterflies and Moths (1995) d=Euryades duponcheli (1995)
6/15/1995 5p dt=Butterflies and Moths (1995) d=Diogas erippus
6/15/1995 5p dt=Butterflies and Moths (1995) d=Automeris coresus
(plus 54 more) (See all uses as list)