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4p denom (#13146)

  • Colnect-129-972-Postage-Due.jpg
  • Colnect-128-376-Stylised-Dog-7th-Century-Brooch.jpg
  • Colnect-128-385-Europa-CEPT---Chains.jpg
  • Colnect-128-388-J-M-Synge-1871-1909.jpg
  • Colnect-128-393-Racial-Harmony-Symbol.jpg
  • Colnect-128-402-Europa-CEPT---Stars.jpg
  • Colnect-128-405-Dove-and-Moon.jpg
  • Colnect-128-414-Madonna-and-Child-from-the-Book-of-Kells.jpg
  • Colnect-128-423-Europa-CEPT---Posthorn.jpg
  • Colnect-129-978-Postage-Due.jpg
  • Colnect-129-983-Postage-Due.jpg
  • Colnect-128-691-Greenhouse-19th-Cty-Botanic-Gardens-Dublin.jpg
  • Colnect-1767-733-Greenhouse-19th-Cty-Botanic-Gardens-Dublin.jpg
  • Colnect-1767-734-Greenhouse-19th-Cty-Botanic-Gardens-Dublin.jpg
  • Colnect-1767-748-Greenhouse-19th-Cty-Botanic-Gardens-Dublin.jpg
  • Colnect-129-996-Postage-Due.jpg
  • Colnect-129-012-Dunamase-Food-Vessel-Early-Bronze-Age.jpg
  • Colnect-129-420-Corncrake-or-Landrail-Crex-crex.jpg
Desc: 4p

Currency: Irish pound (100p=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 240

Users of this denom: Ireland (18 stamps, 1971-1997)

Used by 18 stamps of Ireland: (See all uses as list)

postage due 2/15/1971 4p org issue=1971 due d=numeral (1925 Ireland) wmk=e perf=14x15
2/15/1971 4p blvio issue=1971 d=stylized dog wmk=e perf=15
5/3/1971 4p issue=Europa 1971 d=Europa links wmk=e perf=15
7/19/1971 4p issue=Synge 100th d=John Millington Synge wmk=e perf=15
10/18/1971 4p issue=International Year Against Racial Discrimination d=racial harmony symbol wmk=e
5/1/1972 4p issue=Europa 1972 dt=Europa stars d=Europa stars wmk=e perf=15
6/1/1972 4p d=abstract dove & moon wmk=e perf=15
10/16/1972 4p d=Madonna&Child from Book of Kells perf=15
4/30/1973 4p bl issue=Europa 1973 d=Europa posthorn perf=15
postage due 1978 4p org d=numeral (1925 Ireland) perf=14x15
postage due 6/11/1980 4p blgrn issue=1980 due d=numeral (1980) perf=15
3/16/1983 4p issue=1982 dt=architecture (1983) d=Curvilinear Range, National Botanic Gardens (Ireland) perf=14x15
7/9/1984 4p issue=1982 d=Curvilinear Range, National Botanic Gardens (Ireland) perf=14x15
7/9/1984 4p issue=1982 d=Curvilinear Range, National Botanic Gardens (Ireland) perf=14x15
9/8/1986 4p issue=1985 d=Curvilinear Range, National Botanic Gardens (Ireland) perf=14x15
postage due 10/6/1988 4p vio issue=1988 due d=numeral (1988) perf=14x15
3/8/1990 4p blvio&blk issue=1990 d=Dunamase Food bowl
8/27/1997 4p issue=1997 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=traonach corncrake Crex crex perf=14x15